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im currently trying for the 100th time in 2 hours to download this and i cant seem to find it in my game no pop ups no nothing its  just the sims four im very confused. i need help


What's your version of the game?


Hello i have problem with wonderfulwhims and wicked whims i have cracked sims 4 version and when i put folder normaly in mod folder  and i open game everything is fine but when my scenario is loaded when i press on sim or chair or any object my game just close


My pie menu and the WW notifications aren't coming up like theyre supposed to. Is it a bug? A glitch? Or a confliction?


same I think its something they need to fix


Have you tested with only WonderfulWhims installed, no other mods?

Hello! Yes, I have and it's still the same problems.

What's your version of the game?


without the script mod it won't let me use it or it stuff.


I deleted the old mod and updated everything, but my script mod won't show no matter how much allowed it and relaunch game.



What's your version of the game?


it not working.


Do you have more info as to what is happening or what is not working, what your version of the game is, etc?

TY for the quick update

Hi! I'm not sure why, but every time I try to view my sim's attraction preferences, my game pauses and it doesn't work? I've tried deleting it a redownloading it a bunch of times and it's still not working. Any help would be appreciated :)) !!

There's apparently a TS4 bug involving mod menus, TwistedMaxi has a patch for it in the latest hotfix for Better Exceptions, try that

I am having the same exact problem. Did you ever figure out how to get it to come up??


Could be a UI mod of some sort that needs updating, something like UI Cheats or TOOL.


Hi so I have the mod installed and script mods are definitely on but the problem I’m having is I can’t open the wonderful whims mod settings when I click the option it just does nothing. Also I don’t get any wonderful whims notifications. I can take a fertility test or check the period tracker but when I do no notification pops up. I’ve tried reinstalling the mod and repairing my game but nothing has worked. pls help




What are both of yours versions of the game?

Do you have other mods installed? If you do, can you test with only WonderfulWhims, no other mods?

how do i get an older version of this mod? i'm new to using mods but the game version i have is V.198.127 and i downloaded your most recent version and did everything i was supposed to and it doesn't work on my game. nothing happens. thank you!


We don't keep old versions around.

Hello! I've been having problems with the fertility levels, I made sure the sims weren't taking any pills or using any protection and it still would not work. I got the treatment done and ten took a fertility test and it still said 0 I have tried everything, adding points for fertility from the aspiration points, adding higher pregnancy chances during the cycles and yet it does not want to work, so I don't really now if there's anything else I can do or?


I keep having issues with not being able to take a pregnancy test. The only option that shows up is throw up right after woohooing. I've tried deleting and redownloading to make sure it's up to date but still nothing.

Im having this same problem now. Did you find a fix?



I need help with installing the mod. I followed all the steps related to the installation. The mod shows up at the startup of the game but it only shows the script file under the mods section and I can't use it in the game as the wonderful whims option doesn't show up when I click on the sim or when I check the phone and computer.

(1 edit)


Do you have any other mods installed?

If you do, can you test the game with only WonderfulWhims, no other mods?


I don't have any other mods installed

What's your version of the game?


The version of my game is



None of the items of the wonderful shop stuff show up on my sims inventory. What can I do to fix this?


They can be found in your Sims' mailbox, the following day after ordering them.

Hi, I have a question for "Wonderful Whims" if they could make it a bit more real for the players, regarding the pregnancies in the game. Is it possible to make it so that after the sim has given birth, the baby bump does not disappear immediately? Instead, it can take time for the stomach to recover from the pregnancy, gradually. To make Wonderful Whims as real as possible when it comes to pregnancies? 

i would suggest downloading realistic childbirth by pandasama because it has those attributes

So this is wicked whims without the NSFW? Sweet. Maybe I'll use wicked whims after I get used to this.


It says to "please remove old Wonderful Whims mod" every time I try to download the file, but I have searched all over for it and it is not there.  How to fix it?



I take it the message appears in game?

Test the game with only WonderfulWhims installed, no other mods, check if the issue persists then.


Everytime I try playing the Wicked Whims or Wonderful Whims mod, it works for a second then crashes my game - I've tried everything I'm not sure what the problem is.


Make sure not to have both mods installed at the same time.

What's your version of the game? Do you have other mods installed?

Hello turbodriver,

 I downloaded this mod because of it´s wonderful pose feature. But I have the same problem as somebody before. The pose button doesn´t appear. I am playing the game for a very long time, no installation error through me. I deleted every other mod, I just let the poses, your mod and andrews Pose player in the Mods folder. I used a complete new game file with mods enabled. But  the button for the pose doesn´t appear, the rest of your mod works fine.

I don´t know if only certain poses are compatible with your mod, but I guess not. To be sure I installed poses from katverse, who is refering to wonderful whims pose option. Now I really don´t know what is wrong. Before the update your mod worked for me. My Pc has windows, is fully updated and works pretty fine.

I would love to hear from you. Have a nice day.


Where did you download WonderfulWhims from?

On Curseforge and Modthesims.

hello, thank you for this amazing mod! i have a question: if i dont merge woohoo and try for baby, but use the mod to set a pregnancy chance for woohoo, what is the pregnancy percentage for try for baby? bc for me they seem to be the same (or i was really unlucky)

Hi! I downloaded this yesterday and when i downloaded it, it wouldn't let me play with my sims. It keeps saying error code 111:6a137a9:caf5e74 and i don't know how to fix it without deleting the mod. Please give me advice on how to fix this because i really wanna play this mod, it seems really fun.


Do you have any other mods installed?

If you do, can you test with only WonderfulWhims and see if the issue persists?

Hi! In the version of mod 46 there is no "poses" button. Will you return this feature to the mod?


Where did you download the mod from?

I downloaded from this site.

Did you also download poses to use with the mod?

Hi! I'm getting LastException

  • Last Module Called:
  • Last Function Called: _generate_whim_buckets_for_type_and_whimset
  • Error message: Exception in Sim Timeline: Exception resuming Element (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'guid64'), CategoryID: whims_tracker:1365

on load in. Is there a way to fix this? Mod was working til yesterday - lovely mod!

I am having the same LE... also suddenly struck after many hours of play over several days.  


If you have any mods that add custom traits/whims to the game, make sure to update/remove them.

I think the Age Up (in Cheat Sim Info) is broken... I tried playing with only Wonderful Whim Mod. Thank you!


Heyy husk! 

I've been receiving tuning LEs from my BE Exception Report caused by this mod. Is this something you're aware of and is there a fix?




Can't say much about what the issue is without the exception files themselves. You can either use a service like a pastebin to post them here or find out how to report exception files here:

(3 edits) (+1)

hey, husk! I've installed the mod multiple times and made sure it has been placed into the right folders, but it hasn't been installed into the game. The script mods option in enabled as well yet when I get the list of my mods on the loading screen wonderful whims doesn't appear :( please help as I love this mod and want to play with it in my game!


Can you send me a screenshot of your Mods and WonderfulWhimsMod folders?



hope that helps!

For some reason you have another Mods folder inside your Mods folder, so WonderfulWhims ends up being installed too many folders deep for the game to be able to see it.

Simply move the WonderfulWhimsMod folder straight into the first Mods folder and you should be good to go.

I'd also advise for removing the middle Mods folder as that's an issue waiting to happen!  😆

can you make a version of this but without censor? i prefer this mod over wicked whims cause im not interested in the nsfw stuff except that the sims have actual genitals 

or is there a way to turn all nsfw features of wicked whims off?


You can turn off most everything in WickedWhims through its settings, and ever since Master Settings have been added to Wicked, it's easier than ever.

WonderfulWhims is not meant for people who want actual nudity for Sims (anatomically correct) so this is something that you can either achieve by combining WoW with other mods or using WiW and turning most of the stuff off.

the settings are still extremely overwhelming, i'm not sure if i actually turned everything off

Hey husk:) 

So everything in the mod works just fine but i have trouble purchasing Pads, tampons etc...

I have deleted the mod multiple times and removed the wicked mod ( and only keept one of the two in it) since ive seen you menssion it in a comment once...

The game also works just fine with evrything else removed and only wicked or wonderfulM installed. It really is only purchasing the wonderfullItems 

(sorry for the gramer, english is not my first lenguage, my autocorrect is not on and i am simply too lazy to change my keyboard to english haha) 

thank you for your time


Can you tell me exactly what the issue with purchasing it?

Do the items not arrive, or you can't purchase them?

Bonjour, je ne trouve nul part la traduction française c'est normal ? Merci de votre réponse, bonne journée.


No one seems to have come forward and said that they've made a French translation, so unfortunately there's no French translation available :(

(1 edit)

Do I need to delete WickedWhims to use this? Is that what the conflicts part means when it says it conflicts with WickedWhims?


Yep, you need to choose which Whims mod you wanna use.

If you feel ok with the NSFW features of Wicked, you have no need for WonderfulWhims, as they're basically the same mod otherwise.


Does this mod have a "postmenopausal" feature for elders or late stage adults?



No, there's no such feature, Elder Sims do not menstruate by default.

Please add it

By "postmenopausal" I am talking about the hormonal changes that are experienced when periods stop for the last time. Menopause is when you get too old to have periods anymore. 

hi! So I went into my game after I downloaded the mod and it only says wonderful whims tuning, So I am not sure what to do.I hope you can help!


Make sure the mod isn't installed any deeper than one folder deep, otherwise the game won't detect the mod files correctly!


the same thing happened to me. in the game you have to go to settings>game options>other> script mods allowed

hope this helps


Hello, I have this issue with this mod. I dont know why but I cant play with sim bc its saying: error code 102:4809cndd1:364d7a4a. My game only works without WonderfulWhims. So where could be the issue? 


I tried downloading the wonderfulwhims mod and it says the same exact thing, when i open my game all of my mods pop up and when i went to check for the wonderfulwhims mod , it only says the tuning. Hopefully they start fixing this mod because i could have alot of potential. 


Test the game with only WonderfulWhims installed, no other mods, see if the issue persists!

I downloaded this mod today and it also gave me this error, I tried everything to fix my game but it only worked when I deleted the mod.

can you fix the problem please? the mod seemed really fun when I saw people on YouTube playing with it

But did you try running the game with only WonderfulWhims, no other mods?

i will try doing that, but if it will work with only this mod, what am i supposed to do after

Maybe another mod is outdated, or broken, in which case you can try the 50/50 method to find the culprit, and try to reach out to the creator of the mod.

I am currently having a problem where the turn woohoo into tfb option isn’t working. can anyone help? thanks!


Do you have other mods installed?

If you do, can you test with only WonderfulWhims?

i do have other mods 😭 time to remove them all again i guess 🥲

No need to remove them, just taking them out of the Mods folder will do!

(2 edits)

hey so whenever i chose an option from the mod one sim  dissapears permanetnly after ive checked for things that mightve caused this and was unable to find anything out of order is there anything to do to prevent that? ive tried deleting and redownloading the mod and now all the options are gone and only the objekt are there but without any way of interacting


Which interactions seem to be causing your issue?

Hi, i haven’t played in awhile, so I downloaded the most recent version of WW, and everything works fine, except I cant seem to see what my sim thinks when it comes to attraction on other sims profiles. Like nowhere does it say “perceived at attractive” on a sims profile, so I’m not sure if maybe that was moved somewhere else since the sims profiles are so large now with growing together???

you have to go into your WW settings to turn attractiveness on :)

is that by clicking “develop/choose attraction” ?? Because I had done that

(1 edit)

Hello, I have an issue where I can take a pregnancy test when my sim is NOT pregnant but when my sim IS pregnant, the option disappears no matter how quickly I go to check. When I searched, I saw that WonderfulWhims and MCC are conflicting and causing this issue but they gave no solution. Do you happen to know how to fix this?


WonderfulWhims doesn't affect pregnancy tests in any way, it's probably something else.

Thanks for getting back to me. I tested it myself and when I take JUST Wonderful Whims out of my game, I can take the pregnancy test whether or not my Sim is pregnant. When I put it back, the issue appears again. Are you positive that Wonderful Whims does not have any conflicts?

Im having this problem now.  The only other gameplay mod i have is Slice of life. Did u find a fix?

hi, do menstrual products get delivered to apartments? im trying to order menstrual products for my sims, but everytime i check the mail, theres nothing there.



It sometimes takes a few days for the products to arrive, so check if they get there after a couple of days!


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