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I've tried to download and use this mod a few times and it always tells me I'm missing the script file. I've tried deleting the files and re-downloading them a few times but nothing seems to be working. 


Are you sure the mod isn't installed too many folders deep?

Are both of these settings on?


I have the exact same problem as AmyVee and it isn't installed in too many folders deep and both of the settings are on!

Deleted 288 days ago


If you wanna send a file, do it through email, as it doesn't look right on the site!

Hello, I'm having problems, at first the mod worked very well but on the same day it appeared that I was missing a file, but everything is well installed and I checked it several times


What's your version of both the game and of WonderfulWhims?

Why do all my sims find each other very unattractive even though I never set attractiveness preferences for them? :(


It might be just because of that - you didn't set any attractiveness preferences so they have no preferences!



Goof afternoon, i'm having an issue with the mod after the new update, I am trying to get my sims pregnant with aliens and everytime they(he or she) are abducted, when they return i am getting an error wonderfulwhims\main\game_handlers\

What can be the problem, any idea?

I mention i play the game on mac, through Origin.


Do you have any other mods installed, or does this happen with only WonderfulWhims?

I have other mods installed and yes it happens only with wonderful whims...ive deleted wonderful whims and installed wicked whims and i got my alien babies straight away! 

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anyone know why my sims boyfriend keeps saying "well well well.. if it isnt the rejected "gangsta" to her? he's being so mean to her and idk how to stop it lol


I think this is from another mod, WonderfulWhims doesn't feature that dialogue.

THANK YOU TURBODRIVER!! My game just isn't the same without this mod. 

hello,  I need help ever since the update I have had issues with mods they will no longer show up on my game


Are both of these settings on?


Salut j’ai un probleme avec le mods il ne fonctionne plus avec mon jeux apres la mise a jour j’ai telecharger la mise a jour du mod mais sa ne fonctionne toujours pas comment je peux resoudre le probleme ?

Merci d’avance


What's your version of both the mod and the game?

Do you have any exception files you could share?

Do you use other mods alongside WonderfulWhims?

New since I updated the mod...I keep letting last exception error saying whims_tracker.  I load the full report and it doesn't explain anything else.  And it saying it's a 10% chance.  This is the only mod I've updated, and it didn't start happening until after I updated it.


Can you test the game with only WonderfulWhims installed, no other mods?

I’m having issue (no surprise because this is my first big update with mods!) I’m having the exception error message even after I downloaded the new version. After that message the green box appears saying im still using the v40 even though in my downloads it’s showing the new version.. so im a bit lost. Im thinking I didn’t delete the old one right or it’s lingering somewhere. I do have one drive but I’ve tried to quit it (I think I did that correctly?) Im not tech savvy so whatever the best advice is Im good with it. (Like if I need to delete and try again etc) I would greatly appreciate help or to be directed somewhere else for help!


Yeah if there's an outdated version of WonderfulWhims anywhere in your mods folder, then issues will arise.

Only keep one copy of WoW, try to locate any files that aren't meant to be there.

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Hey, all my sims are suddenly listed as very unattractive and they were not before the update. Also all the NPC's are very unattractive. Is this a bug?

For anyone with the same problem: I had to develop the preferences of all sims in my game. (I think that this for some reason didn't happen when I started the game)

when you start new game... do you face problem with completely new save and a new character?

The same thing also happens to me that the sims that are generated new in my game do not have attractiveness preferences developed and I have to force it.

I just want to make sure.. I am not able to use this if I use WickedWhims, correct?


Yeah, it's one, or the other.


Just for visibility - WonderfulWhims is currently broken if you use the latest game patch for The Sims 4.

TURBO is working hard on repairing his mods, but you have to be patient for now, and take out your mods from your  Mods folder until all of the creators update their mods to work with the 1.96 release of The Sims 4.


All working now!

(2 edits) (+1)

I don't know why but everytime I open the game it said "WonderfulWhims error". The first time I understood it because I didn't have the last version of the mod but even after I downloaded it the message still appeared so for now I just erased it from my mods but i don't know why it happened. I have the last version of everything (game as mod) and yes I erased the version of the mod I had before download the new one


hi! just letting you know that wonderfulwhims is currently broken - along with a ton of other things, you can find a list here

hope that helps!

For some reason whenever I download it and put it into my files it doesn't work into the game



What's your version of the game?

Are you installing the mod correctly?


So this might be a just me thing, and it's honestly really funny. So all my sims think each other is absolutely hideous. Like they get the uncomfortable moodlet there's so disgusted. At first I thought it was just a single sim being weird, so I made a household of 8 sims, all very differently looking and all with limited attraction prefrences. Like 1 preference of like likes brown hair. And as soon as I put them in the world they all got the uncomfortable moodlet...yeah, i'm not sure if I'm just like doing something wrong or my sims just have impossibly high standards but if you can think of anyway to fix this that'd be greatly appreciated!


I have just downloaded WonderfulWhims but it countinues to crash my game everytime I click on a sim (playable or NPC). I have tried removing any other mods and this still happens, as well as when I remove WonderfulWhims this glitch does not happen. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled the mod and it keeps on happening. 

Any idea why this keeps on happening? :) 


What's your version of the game and the mod?

Hello, I have better exceptions installed and it says with 100% confidence that the tuning part of the wonderful whims mod is causing problems in my game.


If you have other mods installed, test if the issue persists with only WonderfulWhims installed!

Hello, I have better exceptions installed and it says with 100% confidence that the tuning part of the wonderful whims mod is causing problems in my game. Does it need to be updated? (I've got the most recent version installed)


What seems to be the problem exactly?

That's what it says but I've noticed that my sims can't woohoo at all, which they kinda need to do for my next gen to start in the not so berry challenge. Thanks for trying to help :)

Do you have other mods installed?

If you do, can you test the  game with only WonderfulWhims, no other mods?

I'll try it now

I didn't want to mess with my main save file so I tested it on the goths instead and it seemed okay with them, so I guess it's okay now? Thanks for your help.

Hey... I also have issues trying to download content. It will download and when send t the zip file opener, it stops halfway through. It will not finish the process... How can I fix this?


What program are you using to unzip the files?

It's just called "Zip Opener"

Have you tried using another program to unzip the archive?

What OS are you using?


Heeeyyy, i have a little problem, i cant download the mods, can someone help me?



Can you describe what your issue is more precisely?

помогите пожалуйста! скачала этот мод  и добавила в папку, а когда захожу в игру то этот мод вообще не отображается, скачивала несколько раз


What's your version of the game?

im confused because it says this when you download, "The WonderfulWhims mod consists only out of 2 files:
TURBODRIVER_WonderfulWhims_Tuning.package and TURBODRIVER_WonderfulWhims_Scripts.ts4script
If you have more, you’re doing it wrong.
" but I have many other like tutorial video and other stuff. How do I fix it


Yes, these files are meant to be in the archive, but there's only 2 files that are an actual part of the mod. These are the ones that should be in your Mods folder for the game to detect the mod and for the mod to work.


hi I’m wondering how you can change the settings for pregnancy and periods off on every sim in the world without going on each and every sim. I honestly just want the attraction and impressions/personalities 


You can turn off periods globally by going into Wonderful Settings.

what about pregnancy? I want the normal in game way 


Will just writte a thank for husk and his good work on this page =)


Hi! Is there any way to turn this feature off?

Impressions / Personalities

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under the selected sim

disable personality something for this sim

edit as alway right click


Thank you.

hi, I hope you see my question! I have been trying to get my sim pregnant for sim-years and years, and it isn’t working. She’s gotten pregnant before, and I had wonderful whims then. The difference now is that her husband died and she brought him back as a ghost. I added a mod to make it so they could still try for baby but I am highly suspicious that it is conflicting and resulting in her not getting pregnant. She even had the fertility treatment and didn’t get pregnant on her ovulation day. Can you help? Do you know if this is a real conflict that I can resolve or just bad luck? 


Well ghost aren't fertile, so your Sim cannot get pregnant with them.

So the mod I got to make it so ghosts can impregnate sims doesn't work with it?

if the way it was working was from try for baby yep most likely

Hii i tried to download and it says its missing a file im not sure whats wrong://


Where does it say that you're missing a file?

mine is also saying the same. its saying that the script is missing but its showing up at startup

Send a screenshot of your Mods and WonderfulWhimsMod folder!

If you don't want to do it on here, you can send it here:

Just let me know you're coming from here!

Hii, im sorry I havn't seen your reply. I must have did something wrong, it all works now. Sorry for the trouble

Hi! It says im missing a file, ive tried reinstalling it but it doesnt work?


Can you show a screenshot of your WonderfulWhimsMod folder and where it's installed?

Hey! Since the newest update of wonderful whims I'm not getting the ability to use the pose feature. Was this removed?



Where did you download the mod from?

Hello, when developing preferences sims in the world, basically all, as far as I could see, get a strong preference for body hair. This has been tested with only WW installed, and to recreate it you could for example "Auto" then "Moderate" or "Heavy". The Light one works, but I don't want that setting where no sims find another unattractive or very unattractive. I want the balance of "Moderate" but it makes everyone crazy mad about body hair and I don't want that either.



TURBO's aware of the fact that the attractiveness needs to be expanded upon, and it will be in the future!

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I am not sure if it sonly me but the part of that they can see who they find attractive does not work for me in CAS i can put there preference but when meeting a person it does not say if they like them or not


You need to use the "Sim Profile" interaction that was introduced in the game several updates ago.

Is this how you check the attractiveness?

Sorry i think i wasn't explaining enough but what i meant was i cant scope the surroundings and even in the profile of a sim it doesn't say if i find them attractive, do you think it could be my mc commands mod or my preteen mod?

Hi! My sim keeps getting pregnant, although she's on birthcontrol and using a condom. Is it because I also use the woohoo Wellness mod?


If another mod is in control of how pregnancy works in the game then there's nothing TURBO can do on his own unfortunately, although WooHoo Wellness should be compatible with WonderfulWhims.

When I try to use this, it keeps saying "Fatal Error" (a script error). My Scripts are turned on in settings and the folder for the mod is directly in /Mods, no subfolders. I re-downloaded the file but it didn't seem to work.


Test the game with only WonderfulWhims installed, see if it works then.

If it does, another mod might be causing issues/be conflicting with it.

which one do I download? 


What do you mean? There's only one file to download.

Hi! With the latest update the attraction settings don’t seem to be sticking when I load a save. 


They're sticking for me, are you sure this isn't an issue stemming from other mods, or perhaps by saving the game in the Manage Worlds screen?

Hello, every sim thinks that everyone is unatractive. I know why! Because they only have a gender preference, but all the other preferences are empty such as eye colour or outfit. So not litteraly empty but there are no preferences enabled. That why everyone thinks sims are unatractive.


Yep, you can use the Develop Other Sims Preferences function to give them more preferences, which should hopefully fix the issue!

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