hey I'm having this issue where everything is downloaded correctly, its only in the mods file, and ive turned on enable script mods in game, but it says the tuning package is missing? anyone help please, I really want to try this mod out
Hey, yes they are, its in the same place as the script file in the mod like i havent changed anything and its unzipped in my mods folder?...(thank you so much for helping me)
Get rid of the middle folder called "WonderfulWhims v33 -..." and put the !WonderfulWhimsMod folder directly in your Mods directory and you should be good to go!
Hi, I have been having an issue. In CAS, I can decide my sims attractiveness preferences, but then when I go in-game, no sim has any preferences, and there isn't any wonderful whims option in the pie menu. Also, when I go into my mods folder, and I try to re-download wonderful whims, it tells me to remove previous wonderful whims mods, but I don't have any other version of wonderful whims downloaded, so I don't know how to fix the issue. (Hopefully this is clear)
hi so i downloaded wonderful whims and i followed the directions but it’s not working. i have the cas attractiveness likes and dislikes but not the wonderful whims menu when i click on my sim.
Hi I have tried in every single way to download wonderful whims, etc extracting it and even creating a new mods folder, downloading it the way you said to and it shows up on startup but it doesn't show up in my actual game please help
Hiya, I've been using Wonderful Whims for a while now, but today I noticed an issue with the attractiveness setting: I got an alert that my sim found her brother extremely attractive. They're blood-siblings, generated with CAS's genetics feature, and he was even her caregiver when she was still a teen. I went through my mods and it seemed to be an issue with WW itself, because even when it was the only mod left in the folder, "scope the surroundings" still triggered the hearts and the "extremely attractive" relationship bit. I even tried a reinstall of the mod, but it didn't change a thing. No LE's were generated, so I don't know exactly what the issue is. Can you find out what it is and hopefully fix it, or let me know if there's some setting I need to fiddle with? I looked but didn't see anything that could result in incestuous attraction. Until then, I'll be playing with Attractiveness disabled; it's a really disturbing bug, to say the least. I hope you can help!
Unfortunately is is happening :( I've never come across an Incest setting in MCCC, so I definitely didn't turn anything on in there, and I don't have any other mods that have that feature. And like I said, even when I removed all of them, MCCC included, and left nothing but Wonderful Whims in, her brother was still being flagged as Extremely Attractive. Is it possible that the mod simply isn't registering/reading their sibling relationship correctly?
Do the Sims get their preferences assigned automatically by the game when they age up and they don't match up with what's in the Attractiveness Preferences menu?
They can't really sync, because the Attractiveness Preferences allow for a larger selection of likes/dislikes (as opposed to CAS's 20 total), if you however choose your likes/dislikes in CAS, they will transfer over to the Attractiveness panel.
Is the newest version of the mod compatible with the newest versions of The Sims 4? I believe I have installed the mod correctly, and when I open the game it shows up in the start up, but when I enter a save file it does not work.
Hello! I'm currently having a problem where this mod changed the relationships in between my sim and her family. For some reason, she is finding her family members either attractive or unattractive. I have never had this problem until now. Is there a mod that this is incompatible with that I'm unaware of?
Hi, I was wondering if this mod allows teens to woohoo and get pregnant as well. Is it WW, or can this mod do it too? I would install WW, but my teenage daughters play too. Ty
My WW menu in my Sims' phone is no longer showing up. It there when I was playing it last night, but it's not there today. I've tried loading up the game with the mod removed & then added back in, deleted my cache, triple checked all my mods are up to date and WW doesn't conflict with them, re-downloaded the mod, moved it out of a folder and directly into the mod folder but nothing is working. The mod & the script both show up on start-up, and the WW menu appears when clicking on my/other Sims, there's just no option on the phone.
It's Wonderful Whims, but I managed to get it fixed- I missed an update on one of the other mods I have, got it updated and the phone menu is back again :D
I have 31v in my mods folder, when i open The Sims in menu it normally shows, but when I enter the game it doesnt work. I checked if i had script mods enabled and they were! I don't know what to do :( ver 30 worked perfectly but this one is just not it
Hi, I can't seem to get the interaction working with the pads and tampons. I click on the items, such as a single pad/tampon or a box, but no interaction options come up. And when I click on the toilet the interaction options are present but are grey and cannot click on them. Even when I remove the slice of life mod (which is the only other one I have), nothing works. I much appreciate your time to read this, and thank you in advance :)
Hello! I don't seem to find any solution for my problem and the problem is that mod shows me that the chance to get pregnant is 0% for every sim that I tested no matter what. Menstruation cycle is on and cycle fertility level is boosted, tested sims were on a different stages of menstrual cycle. I also tried fertility treatment two times for two different sims, but the percentage is still zero. Tried changing different settings like ten times, also tested without any other mods or scripts.
I didn't have any problems with this mod before and it has always shown me at least some number of percentage (higher than zero) for the chance to get pregnant. I haven't played the game for quite some time and when started playing again, I started to always get 0% chance for getting pregnant. I keep my mods and scripts always updated.
I really, really like this mod and desperately want to fix this problem. Thanks for any help!
Something happened that has solved this problem. I turned off the menstrual cycle and set woohoo pregnancy chance at 30%. Before my sims woohooing, my sim did a fertility test and the chance of getting pregnant was still zero. After woohooing, I turned menstrual cycle on again and the fertility test showed a 27% chance of getting pregnant.
Try different browsers, maybe other download links (found here: https://wonderfulwhims.com/download/) to download the mod, if it doesn't work still, let me know!
can you make more romantic interactions? I hear whicked has some new pg romantic interactions but I don't want to install whicked because the sex stuff.
Hey I'm sorry for my bad English but I can't set the fertility chance with my sims, and that's why they don't get pregnant. I've really tried everything but it just doesn't work... but everything else about the mod works.
Are you sure that your Sims are in the fertile days of their menstrual when they're trying for a baby? If not, you have to wait for the right time for them to have the highest chance at conception.
Also, make sure that they're not using birth control when WooHoo-ing, or just play around with settings!
I have the solution... First you click on download and then you are going to update patch notes then you click on download here and download once downloaded click on the download to enter the mod where there are three Files one called wonderful whims mod you copy it you go to documents electronic arts the sims 4 and to mods and paste it
hey, I did everyting I had to following the "how to install" but when i turn on the game its nothing diffrent and i have skript mods on. And im really stuck at what I can do to solve the issue. Do you maby know whats wrong?
There are a lot of spaces missing in your comment, could you elaborate as to what's not working again, and maybe more importantly - which parts of the mod are working for you?
this happened to me too make sure script mods is enabled in the game by going to 'other' in settings and also try and make a separate folder in your mods folder for your script mods and make Sure that only 'script' packages go into it
Hi, so I'm not sure if it's just me but I'm trying to download and the file won't go into my mods file, it says "file is not found" and It also just deletes when I go to press "Show in folder" after downloading. I'm not sure if it's on my end or if the mod just won't download.
hi, I recently downloaded the mod, I properly extracted it into my mods folder and it shows up as downloaded when I go into the game. mods are enabled too. I can even see the wonderful whims build mode items in game, but the mod features don't work. there's no wonderful whims menu when I click on sims either... am I doing something wrong or is it a problem because of the recent update? anyone who might know what's going on, feel free to answer! thx
For some reason WiW isn't working, all of my other mods and even cc is working but this mod isn't how do I fix it? I have attempted extracting files, putting in the straight up zip file, deleting it and downloading it again, even restarting sims 4 multiple times. when I go to see what mods I have on to try and figure out what is going on it says that is it cc
I'm having issues with loading my saves since this new patch. I've waited over a week and decided to update all my mods and try to play. I use to have a lot of gameplay mods from LittleMsSam, but I've taken all the unnecessary ones out to see which ones were the issue. All I have is 37 gigs of Compressed CC (tested loading in and out fine no issues), MCCC, Basemental Drugs, Wonderful Whims, and Slice of Life in my mods folder. I isolated each mod to see which one was the issue. SOL, MCCC, Base, and my CC all work perfectly fine isolated and with other gameplay mods. As soon as I put in Whims it started getting stuck at the in-game loading screen(I did a test trial taking SOL out then launching all together and I'm still stuck) . I can get to the main menu and play CAS but I can't get into any of my save files. Its really unfortunate cause these are my favorite mods to play together and I really can't live without any of them. I been stuck on a loading screen for almost 50 mins now. I don't have the most amazing laptop but I can normally load in and out in 20 mins or less. I hope this is an detailed as possible and answer a few questions already, and also wrote it as straight forward as possible. Please and thank you for any help. :)
WonderfulWhims is tested safe, if something is causing issues, it must be another mod/CC that's problematic in combination with WoW.
What you can do to test it is take out everything from your mods folder for a moment (I know it's probably not what you want to hear) and leave only WonderfulWhims, test it then. If it works (and it probably will) you'll have to narrow down what is causing the issue, 50/50 method will surely come in handy then!
Somehow putting in WW first then putting in all my other mods/cc made things work. I have no idea how but now its magically working lol. Thank you for your help and all the hard work you modders go through to make Sims 4 fun(ctional) <3
Ive been having issues getting this mod to work. I have both files in my mods folder but I keep getting an image of both files in the folder with .package darkened
I’m not sure how to explain it without repeating what the first person said, but when I download it and put it into my game (I don’t remember if this was a zipped file but if it was I unzipped it) and when I go into the game a notification shows with one file shown as missing and one present even though both are in my game.
I'm still on Version 30 (because I haven't updated my game due to buggy patches) and I've run into some world sims without faces or appearing as the floating WW heart.
This guy's face was invisible in game, but showed me this in CAS. Has this happened to anyone else? Not entirely sure why it's tied to the hat chop of the hair, but it's really wild to see it in game.
I realize since it's not the newest version, it probably isn't relevant , but I'm wondering if it's tied to having WW in game over long periods of time? Because this has just started happening and I've made no changes or updates to my game for a few patches now.
No need to worry about them, but they should not appear if you've got the mod installed. So either something is broken (maybe by other mods) or WonderfulWhims isn't installed.
Thank you for your reply! I only have this and MCCC in my game. If I remove the mod as well as the folder in the saves folder, will it stop maybe? I'm not sure how to safely take care of it. Thank you for all your help!
Okay, thank you. I'm not sure what went wrong then, it was installed and it worked just fine right up until it did this. I removed it completely and the issue stopped. Maybe once it's safe to update my game without the patches breaking it completely, I can try the latest version and get back on track. I appreciate your help.
i've been having an issue with the menstrual cycle- my sim is 'soaked with blood' but can't replace their pad/tampon, and auto-use doesn't seem to be working either. edit: i must have had an older version because i redownloaded and the problem seems fixed
Hey! I was playing the game yesterday and everything was running smoothly until I got on today. I played for a couple of hours and tried to save but a pop up error occurred. I turned off mods and the error didn't pop up again so I am pretty sure it has to do with the update. I only have two mods: this and woohoo wellness and I figured the issue was with this one since it was updated yesterday. Just wondering if you had any idea on how to fix, thanks!
I just downloaded WonderfulWhims. For some reason every time I try to have the sims Woohoo (whether in bed or the shower) it won’t let me. I click it and it never goes to my sim as an action. Did I install incorrectly?
Hi! This is easily one of my all time fav mods but recently I’m having an issue with the attraction settings of sims consistently resetting. Sometimes it sticks while switching between households, sometimes it doesn’t. I am using V30. I can’t pinpoint if it was this version or a prior version where I started having the issue.
thanks! I appreciate all the work that goes into this mod :). The settings seem to be sticking I think. Although now when I try to change preferences like hair color it just resets itself back and doesn’t stick.
Firstly, thankyou so much for this mod. I am wondering if you could help me work out why all my sims perceive each other as very attractive/extremely attractive.
I use the 'develope random' traits or 'base on partner' to develop attraction traits for my sims and it works until I reload into the game then it seems the settings reset to those I mentioned.
Updated to v31, redid my sims attraction preferences and unfortunately I am still having problems with them changing back to attrative/very attractive whenever restart the game .
Just wanted to let you know that choosing attractiveness atributes in likes/dislikes in cas doesn't apply them to the sim in game. While making a sim I chose likes women, dislikes men. But when I placed her, her attraction was set to likes men.
I used the likes and dislikes system in CAS when I first made the sim. On her simology panel it showed the like/dislikes I chose in CAS, but when I checked in the attractiveness menu they were different.
on cas usually when you remove a sims pants you can see his or hers privates but i downloaded the new wickedwhims update today and when i took off my sims pants and i see his pants instead of his privates did you remove that cas feature or is it a glitch?
hello the mod installed well but I'm having problems having babies the mc has 0% chance of pregnancy and more than changing it the problem continues and it's only with the wonderful whims
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hey I'm having this issue where everything is downloaded correctly, its only in the mods file, and ive turned on enable script mods in game, but it says the tuning package is missing? anyone help please, I really want to try this mod out
Are you sure that both Scripts and Tuning files are present in your Mods folder?
Hi so Im new to downloading how do I find tuning files
You check if both mod files are in the folder that you've downloaded.
Hey, yes they are, its in the same place as the script file in the mod like i havent changed anything and its unzipped in my mods folder?...(thank you so much for helping me)
Send a screenshot of the mod folder, where you installed it, I'll check to see if it's installed correctly, and if anything is missing.
are these okay?

Looks like your mod is too many folders deep.
Get rid of the middle folder called "WonderfulWhims v33 -..." and put the !WonderfulWhimsMod folder directly in your Mods directory and you should be good to go!
I tried installing it, but it only installed the preferences in cas. . .
Make sure you've installed the mod correctly, that it's not too many folders deep inside your Mods directory!
for some weird reason Script Mods was turned off and It fixed it! My Bad
Hello working it game versions????
you can see the supported Game Versions at the very top of this page!
Hi, I have been having an issue. In CAS, I can decide my sims attractiveness preferences, but then when I go in-game, no sim has any preferences, and there isn't any wonderful whims option in the pie menu. Also, when I go into my mods folder, and I try to re-download wonderful whims, it tells me to remove previous wonderful whims mods, but I don't have any other version of wonderful whims downloaded, so I don't know how to fix the issue. (Hopefully this is clear)
this is happening to me too
Are both the Tuning and the Script files showing up in your Mod List when you boot the game up?
Hi! Yeah, in my mods folder, both files are showing up, are there any other files that are supposed to show up?
They're too many folders deep.
I don't know why you have another Mods folder inside your Mods folder but this is what's causing the game to not see WonderfulWhims correctly.
A correct install path would be Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods/!WonderfulWhimsMod, any deeper than that and the game won't detect the mod!
this is happening to me too
Script files don't work
1.89.214 version
I managed to solve, my game was not enabled for script modifications
same thing happened to me
hi so i downloaded wonderful whims and i followed the directions but it’s not working. i have the cas attractiveness likes and dislikes but not the wonderful whims menu when i click on my sim.
Make sure you've installed the mod correctly, not too many folders deep, otherwise the game will only detect the Tuning file, but not the Script file!
Hi I have tried in every single way to download wonderful whims, etc extracting it and even creating a new mods folder, downloading it the way you said to and it shows up on startup but it doesn't show up in my actual game please help
yea same im so confused
Yes, the same thing is happening to me
What are you guys' versions of the game?
I just update the game today
Are both the Script and Package files showing up in the mod list?
I updted it like 2 days ago how do you see what version it is?
You can see it at the bottom of the screen in the Main Menu!
I take it your game is up to date, so - same question - are both files showing up in the mod list when you boot the game up?
yes both the script and package file show up in the game
The preferences are showing up in CAS, but when I click on my sim the WonderfulwWhims menu isn't showing up
So... the mod works, but partly? I'm getting confused.
Only the CAS preferences are showing up - nothing else is
rather than wonderful whims showing up in the game some of the traits show up in the actions debug option
Can you send a screenshot of what do you mean exactly?
Hiya, I've been using Wonderful Whims for a while now, but today I noticed an issue with the attractiveness setting: I got an alert that my sim found her brother extremely attractive. They're blood-siblings, generated with CAS's genetics feature, and he was even her caregiver when she was still a teen. I went through my mods and it seemed to be an issue with WW itself, because even when it was the only mod left in the folder, "scope the surroundings" still triggered the hearts and the "extremely attractive" relationship bit. I even tried a reinstall of the mod, but it didn't change a thing. No LE's were generated, so I don't know exactly what the issue is. Can you find out what it is and hopefully fix it, or let me know if there's some setting I need to fiddle with? I looked but didn't see anything that could result in incestuous attraction. Until then, I'll be playing with Attractiveness disabled; it's a really disturbing bug, to say the least. I hope you can help!
(Edited to clarify WW = Wonderful Whims)
If they're blood-related then it's not possible for that to happen, unless you've incest turned on in another mod (e.g. MCCC).
Unfortunately is is happening :( I've never come across an Incest setting in MCCC, so I definitely didn't turn anything on in there, and I don't have any other mods that have that feature. And like I said, even when I removed all of them, MCCC included, and left nothing but Wonderful Whims in, her brother was still being flagged as Extremely Attractive. Is it possible that the mod simply isn't registering/reading their sibling relationship correctly?
Do the Sims get their preferences assigned automatically by the game when they age up and they don't match up with what's in the Attractiveness Preferences menu?
I'm not sure I understand the issue!
They can't really sync, because the Attractiveness Preferences allow for a larger selection of likes/dislikes (as opposed to CAS's 20 total), if you however choose your likes/dislikes in CAS, they will transfer over to the Attractiveness panel.
Hope that makes sense!
Aw ok, no worries i understand. Thanks for replying(:
Is the newest version of the mod compatible with the newest versions of The Sims 4? I believe I have installed the mod correctly, and when I open the game it shows up in the start up, but when I enter a save file it does not work.
You can see the supported game versions at the top of the page!
Hello! I'm currently having a problem where this mod changed the relationships in between my sim and her family. For some reason, she is finding her family members either attractive or unattractive. I have never had this problem until now. Is there a mod that this is incompatible with that I'm unaware of?
Have you tested the game with no other mods installed?
Were there any exception files generated? If so, learn how to report them here: https://wonderfulwhims.com/contact/
Hi, I was wondering if this mod allows teens to woohoo and get pregnant as well. Is it WW, or can this mod do it too? I would install WW, but my teenage daughters play too. Ty
No, this mod doesn't have these features.
My WW menu in my Sims' phone is no longer showing up. It there when I was playing it last night, but it's not there today. I've tried loading up the game with the mod removed & then added back in, deleted my cache, triple checked all my mods are up to date and WW doesn't conflict with them, re-downloaded the mod, moved it out of a folder and directly into the mod folder but nothing is working. The mod & the script both show up on start-up, and the WW menu appears when clicking on my/other Sims, there's just no option on the phone.
Which mod are you referring to when you say "WW"?
It's Wonderful Whims, but I managed to get it fixed- I missed an update on one of the other mods I have, got it updated and the phone menu is back again :D
Weird, but cool that you managed to get it working!
Have fun!
I have 31v in my mods folder, when i open The Sims in menu it normally shows, but when I enter the game it doesnt work. I checked if i had script mods enabled and they were! I don't know what to do :( ver 30 worked perfectly but this one is just not it
Have you installed the mod correctly?
What's your version of the game?
Do both the tuning and scripts file appear on the mod list in the game?
Hi, I can't seem to get the interaction working with the pads and tampons. I click on the items, such as a single pad/tampon or a box, but no interaction options come up. And when I click on the toilet the interaction options are present but are grey and cannot click on them. Even when I remove the slice of life mod (which is the only other one I have), nothing works. I much appreciate your time to read this, and thank you in advance :)
You need to keep your Sims' tampons/pads in their inventory and click on them there if you wanna use them!
Thank you, that's helped a lot. I will try again later :)
Hello! I don't seem to find any solution for my problem and the problem is that mod shows me that the chance to get pregnant is 0% for every sim that I tested no matter what. Menstruation cycle is on and cycle fertility level is boosted, tested sims were on a different stages of menstrual cycle. I also tried fertility treatment two times for two different sims, but the percentage is still zero. Tried changing different settings like ten times, also tested without any other mods or scripts.
I didn't have any problems with this mod before and it has always shown me at least some number of percentage (higher than zero) for the chance to get pregnant. I haven't played the game for quite some time and when started playing again, I started to always get 0% chance for getting pregnant. I keep my mods and scripts always updated.
I really, really like this mod and desperately want to fix this problem. Thanks for any help!
Something happened that has solved this problem. I turned off the menstrual cycle and set woohoo pregnancy chance at 30%. Before my sims woohooing, my sim did a fertility test and the chance of getting pregnant was still zero. After woohooing, I turned menstrual cycle on again and the fertility test showed a 27% chance of getting pregnant.
Hi I have a problem with the mod wonderfulwhims, I don’t know how to explain it so I send you a screenshoot
it's in french so I translate for you.it's written "failure error while downloading". Thank you
Try different browsers, maybe other download links (found here: https://wonderfulwhims.com/download/) to download the mod, if it doesn't work still, let me know!
can you make more romantic interactions? I hear whicked has some new pg romantic interactions but I don't want to install whicked because the sex stuff.
Hey I'm sorry for my bad English but I can't set the fertility chance with my sims, and that's why they don't get pregnant. I've really tried everything but it just doesn't work... but everything else about the mod works.
Are you sure that your Sims are in the fertile days of their menstrual when they're trying for a baby? If not, you have to wait for the right time for them to have the highest chance at conception.
Also, make sure that they're not using birth control when WooHoo-ing, or just play around with settings!
I have the solution... First you click on download and then you are going to update patch notes then you click on download here and download once downloaded click on the download to enter the mod where there are three Files one called wonderful whims mod you copy it you go to documents electronic arts the sims 4 and to mods and paste it
hey, I did everyting I had to following the "how to install" but when i turn on the game its nothing diffrent and i have skript mods on. And im really stuck at what I can do to solve the issue. Do you maby know whats wrong?
Are you sure you installed the mod correctly? In a correct directory and not buried in too many subfolders?
What's your exact version of the game? You can check it in the Main Menu at the bottom of the screen!
Hi... I got a problem with that mod. Menstrual Cycle, pregnancy and woohoo are working but I miss attractiveness and
the impressions. Can someone please help?
There are a lot of spaces missing in your comment, could you elaborate as to what's not working again, and maybe more importantly - which parts of the mod are working for you?
The mod is not working, this keeps showing up. Can you help plz :)
this happened to me too make sure script mods is enabled in the game by going to 'other' in settings and also try and make a separate folder in your mods folder for your script mods and make Sure that only 'script' packages go into it
it still didn’t work
never mind it worked
Hi, so I'm not sure if it's just me but I'm trying to download and the file won't go into my mods file, it says "file is not found" and It also just deletes when I go to press "Show in folder" after downloading. I'm not sure if it's on my end or if the mod just won't download.
Could you attach a screenshot of both the message and of what happens when you try to press the "Show in folder" button?
A screenshot please, not a picture of the screen taken with a phone!
hi, I recently downloaded the mod, I properly extracted it into my mods folder and it shows up as downloaded when I go into the game. mods are enabled too. I can even see the wonderful whims build mode items in game, but the mod features don't work. there's no wonderful whims menu when I click on sims either... am I doing something wrong or is it a problem because of the recent update? anyone who might know what's going on, feel free to answer! thx
Did you turn script mods back on after the update?
Keep in mind that updates turn the setting off, so you have to make sure to turn it back on.
yeah, script mods are on. but I realized that a few of my other mods aren't working so it's not a problem with wonderful whims
I'm having the exact same issue. Are you on Mac?
no, I'm on windows... maybe it's a problem with sims because it's been so glitchy for me lately
Make sure all of your mods are up to date!
Other than that, I'm afraid I can only wish you good luck!
Hi, when I go on Sims 4 it comes up with this notification and the mod won't work?
Are both of the files mentioned in the notification there in the Mods folder or is the Tuning file for some reason, in fact, missing?
This is a page dedicated to WonderfulWhims and it's not the right place to discuss WickedWhims related issues.
There are other ways to get help if you're having problems with that mod.
Hello, I see that your Dutch translation is outdated. I can speak Dutch, may I update it please?
Sure, if it's outdated, go ahead!
Yes but how do I do it?
Contact us through e-mail for instructions!
For some reason WiW isn't working, all of my other mods and even cc is working but this mod isn't how do I fix it? I have attempted extracting files, putting in the straight up zip file, deleting it and downloading it again, even restarting sims 4 multiple times. when I go to see what mods I have on to try and figure out what is going on it says that is it cc
What mod are you referring to by "WiW"?
wonderful whims sorry must have been a typo
Send a screenshot of your Mods and WonderfulWhimsMods folders please, I'll see if the mod is installed correctly!
What's inside the WonderfulWhims folder?
I'm having issues with loading my saves since this new patch. I've waited over a week and decided to update all my mods and try to play. I use to have a lot of gameplay mods from LittleMsSam, but I've taken all the unnecessary ones out to see which ones were the issue. All I have is 37 gigs of Compressed CC (tested loading in and out fine no issues), MCCC, Basemental Drugs, Wonderful Whims, and Slice of Life in my mods folder. I isolated each mod to see which one was the issue. SOL, MCCC, Base, and my CC all work perfectly fine isolated and with other gameplay mods. As soon as I put in Whims it started getting stuck at the in-game loading screen(I did a test trial taking SOL out then launching all together and I'm still stuck) . I can get to the main menu and play CAS but I can't get into any of my save files. Its really unfortunate cause these are my favorite mods to play together and I really can't live without any of them. I been stuck on a loading screen for almost 50 mins now. I don't have the most amazing laptop but I can normally load in and out in 20 mins or less. I hope this is an detailed as possible and answer a few questions already, and also wrote it as straight forward as possible. Please and thank you for any help. :)
WonderfulWhims is tested safe, if something is causing issues, it must be another mod/CC that's problematic in combination with WoW.
What you can do to test it is take out everything from your mods folder for a moment (I know it's probably not what you want to hear) and leave only WonderfulWhims, test it then. If it works (and it probably will) you'll have to narrow down what is causing the issue, 50/50 method will surely come in handy then!
Somehow putting in WW first then putting in all my other mods/cc made things work. I have no idea how but now its magically working lol. Thank you for your help and all the hard work you modders go through to make Sims 4 fun(ctional) <3
Ive been having issues getting this mod to work. I have both files in my mods folder but I keep getting an image of both files in the folder with .package darkened
I'm not sure I understand, could you elaborate?
this is happening to me too! I deleted the old version files and downloaded the new one, but the same thing is happening! i am not sure what to do ;;
But what is the thing that's happening, I don't get it.
I’m not sure how to explain it without repeating what the first person said, but when I download it and put it into my game (I don’t remember if this was a zipped file but if it was I unzipped it) and when I go into the game a notification shows with one file shown as missing and one present even though both are in my game.
I think I understand, send a screenshot (https://www.take-a-screenshot.org/) of the message, just to be sure!
I've had the same issue with this mod and the wickedwhims mods please help I've been working on fixing it for hours
Refer to my previous message please!
Also, as a side note - Wicked and WonderfulWhims do not work together, so only use one of them at the same time.
I'm still on Version 30 (because I haven't updated my game due to buggy patches) and I've run into some world sims without faces or appearing as the floating WW heart.
No need to worry about them, but they should not appear if you've got the mod installed. So either something is broken (maybe by other mods) or WonderfulWhims isn't installed.
Thank you for your reply! I only have this and MCCC in my game. If I remove the mod as well as the folder in the saves folder, will it stop maybe? I'm not sure how to safely take care of it. Thank you for all your help!
As I said, these don't appear if WonderfulWhims is installed, the code in the mod makes sure of it.
I don't see a reason why they'd appear.
Okay, thank you. I'm not sure what went wrong then, it was installed and it worked just fine right up until it did this. I removed it completely and the issue stopped. Maybe once it's safe to update my game without the patches breaking it completely, I can try the latest version and get back on track. I appreciate your help.
Wish I could do more, but I can't, sorry!
i've been having an issue with the menstrual cycle- my sim is 'soaked with blood' but can't replace their pad/tampon, and auto-use doesn't seem to be working either. edit: i must have had an older version because i redownloaded and the problem seems fixed
Hey! I was playing the game yesterday and everything was running smoothly until I got on today. I played for a couple of hours and tried to save but a pop up error occurred. I turned off mods and the error didn't pop up again so I am pretty sure it has to do with the update. I only have two mods: this and woohoo wellness and I figured the issue was with this one since it was updated yesterday. Just wondering if you had any idea on how to fix, thanks!
We'd need to either know what the error said, or see the lastException file that got generated!
the error said error code 0,. If that isn’t an indicator I’ll look for that exception file
Sounds like other broken/outdated mods.
Check for that.
I just downloaded WonderfulWhims. For some reason every time I try to have the sims Woohoo (whether in bed or the shower) it won’t let me. I click it and it never goes to my sim as an action. Did I install incorrectly?
actually I turned the game on and off and switched sims and it’s working now.
Hi! This is easily one of my all time fav mods but recently I’m having an issue with the attraction settings of sims consistently resetting. Sometimes it sticks while switching between households, sometimes it doesn’t. I am using V30. I can’t pinpoint if it was this version or a prior version where I started having the issue.
This will be addressed in the v31 release which is coming very soon!
thanks! I appreciate all the work that goes into this mod :). The settings seem to be sticking I think. Although now when I try to change preferences like hair color it just resets itself back and doesn’t stick.
Firstly, thankyou so much for this mod. I am wondering if you could help me work out why all my sims perceive each other as very attractive/extremely attractive.
I use the 'develope random' traits or 'base on partner' to develop attraction traits for my sims and it works until I reload into the game then it seems the settings reset to those I mentioned.
Are you using the latest release of the mod?
Using V30
Should be fixed in the next release, which should come out really soon.
Updated to v31, redid my sims attraction preferences and unfortunately I am still having problems with them changing back to attrative/very attractive whenever restart the game .
Do I need to make sure the percentages for the ww.preference command set equal out to 100% and configure each one?
No, you don't need to worry about math!
Just wanted to let you know that choosing attractiveness atributes in likes/dislikes in cas doesn't apply them to the sim in game. While making a sim I chose likes women, dislikes men. But when I placed her, her attraction was set to likes men.
Just tested it in my game, it works fine.
Are you checking the attractiveness in the Simology menu or in the Attractiveness menu?
I used the likes and dislikes system in CAS when I first made the sim. On her simology panel it showed the like/dislikes I chose in CAS, but when I checked in the attractiveness menu they were different.
Thanks for the info, looks like it's broken. I will have that fixed in the next update.
cece53714@gmail.com when is the new wickedwhims coming out.
on cas usually when you remove a sims pants you can see his or hers privates but i downloaded the new wickedwhims update today and when i took off my sims pants and i see his pants instead of his privates did you remove that cas feature or is it a glitch?
hello the mod installed well but I'm having problems having babies the mc has 0% chance of pregnancy and more than changing it the problem continues and it's only with the wonderful whims
Maybe it's because you Sim isn't in their fertile days of the menstrual cycle?
Check to see if the sim has the "hates children" attribute. I have found (so far) that any sim with this attribute cannot get pregnant.