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Buna! am instalat versiunea de sims 4  Am încercat sa instalez WickedWhimsMod versiunea din Ianuarie, dar nu reusesc, specific faptul ca am respectat toti pasi, dar conform descrierii nu cred ca ma incadrez la versiune.


First off - this is a page dedicated to WonderfulWhims, not WickedWhims. If you have a problem with the latter, there's a plethora of ways to get help.

Second - your game is outdated and it's not supported by either Wicked nor WonderfulWhims.

Ive been having issues with the mod. It is installed and i see its features, but my game keeps crashing/closing my game within mins of opening it.


Does this problem persist if WonderfulWhims is the only mod installed? (that is if you have any other mods/CC of course)

First, follow Husk's advice about other mods installed. if so, disable\delete them.  Do you have the latest version of this app installed? (every time EA updates the game modders have to update their CC as well for it to work, usually) Do you have the resources to run this game with mods. (im talking memory and the power of your pc}. If for example, your running this game on a system from 10 years ago, it might not be enough even though the game itself is a few years newer). The base game resource recommendations are just that, recommendations. Always try to exceed that before any add-ons. Try lowering or turning off some features ( in the game options) of the game itself. Hope this helps but not knowing all the details makes any recommendations a guess.

Deleted 3 years ago
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Try using different browsers and download links as well, maybe one of them will go through.

If it doesn't let me know, we'll figure something else out.

All the text bubbles/interactions on the first time interacting with another Sim gives the "There's a lot of people who need help around Henford-On-Bagley" message. This isn't just WonderfulWhims prompts (got told that by the Romance Guru when asking for advice, and by my Sims child when asking about what hobbies they have) but mostly noticed it happening on WonderfulWhims prompts/ever since installing the new Jan updated version - any ideas of what might be causing that, or is that likely on the Games end? 

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hi! i’ve been trying to use this mod but whatever i do it won’t work, my game type is

i’ve installed correctly im pretty sure. it’s not deep in folders. i have had stuff from the mod pop up in build mode like the pads, condoms and birth control but not of the actual gameplay its self 


Make sure both of these settings are turned on:


(1 edit)

Make sure you have the settings enabled that Husk shows. Also check that "laptop mode" is turned off. Every time that ive downloaded this game it is always on by default. Disable any "gameplay" mod that may be conflicting with this mod. (The last mod in the load order takes precedence over all written before it, but parts of other mods may still be enabled, causing a conflict.  Also, and maybe this isn't allowed to say, use a mod organizer for your external assets (any mod not included from EA). I use Vortex and have never had any problems as long as the mods that i have enabled are up to date. Also, and im not affiliated nor endorsed by Vortex, it makes uninstalling mods easy and through. Any mod you manually install goes into two or more folders. If you delete the mod only from one folder the remnants in any other folder(s) keeps being overwritten and can cause problems within the game, if not just slowing things down. A mod organizer shows any conflicts and gives you options on fixing them. menu2.png

Hey, there! I've been having a frustrating issue with the attractiveness system in my game. Recently, the attractiveness preferences that the sims in my world have disappear after each play session (sometimes after a couple of sessions). I'll generate preferences for all the sims to fix it, but then it will happen again and they'll all get deleted. There are no more selected likes/dislikes in my sim's attractiveness menu and the percentages at the bottom that tell you how many sims like/dislike a specific trait all say -0.0%.

Is there a way I can fix this? I love the attractiveness feature of this mod but nothing seems to be working, including updating the mod and playing around with the settings. Thank you!


Were there any exception files generated?

I’ve had some pop-up “last exception” notifications at random times from MC command Center, but that’s honestly normal at this point. Do you think there’s a mod conflicting with wonderful whims?

Possibly, you'd have to test your game with only WonderfulWhims for a while to make sure!

I've experienced this as well. and although a nuisance, the constant pop-ups, at the start of the game.  It hasn't affected my gameplay as far as I know. I think that it is caused by a "out dated" mod that depends on WonderfulWhims causing it. Like Husk said, test with only WonderfulWhims enabled. If that works add dependent mods until you find the culprit.

hi! I recently downloaded this mod but it won't show up in my game. the script mods option is turned on in my game but I'm not sure why it won't work. (I have the 1.82.99 version)



Make sure you've installed it properly, unarchived it, and that you've put it no more than one folder deep: Documents/Electronic  Arts/The Sims   4/mods/WonderfulWhimsMod/contents  of  the  mod

Did you manually install this mod? Not being smart or anything but just because you downloaded it doesn't mean it is where it's supposed to be. After you download this file place the folder in the game. That path is PC\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods folder. Be aware that some files (dependant of the mod) need installed into the tray folder as well if you do a manual install. ALWAYS, ALWAYS READ the "read me file" before any installation that you do manually. It will specify where the files go. Aways follow the creator's instructions as to any installation.  And as I've said before, make sure laptop mode (in the game settings) is turned OFF.

Deleted 3 years ago

Supported Game Versions: 1.80.69, 1.81.72, 1.82.99

Here ya go!

Deleted 3 years ago
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This is a page dedicated to WonderfulWhims and it's not the right place to discuss WickedWhims related issues.

There are other ways to get help if you're having problems with that mod.

Sorry to be back pestering again, but after updating I realized it reset all my settings. I only realized when my female sim got a bad moodlet for her period (which I have always had turned off) and then I checked settings and saw everything was reset to default. Is there some way to preserve settings still? It used to do that on its own, didn't it? I'm more than happy to manually move settings if I need to, I just need to know how.


Do you mean that the  settings don't transfer between saves, or between gaming sessions?

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Between sessions. The settings were fine, then I updated (and I always delete my localthumb after a mod update) to the newest version, and shortly after that realized my settings had all been reset to default. Also, thank you for helping, I appreciate you replying to me!

Were there any exception files generated?

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I honestly couldn't say, I clean out those files regularly, too. Does WW store its own exceptions elsewhere? My usual exceptions are posture errors, though. I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary enough to make me remember it.

Also, thank you so much for your help, it must be exhausting sometimes with so many of us with questions. Your hard work is definitely appreciated!

Oops, looks like I completely missed your response, sorry about that.

I have no idea why it wouldn't work,  one final thing you could try (if you're still having the issue) would be to go into Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/saves and removing the WonderfulWhimsMod folder.

It will be created again when you start the game up next time, but hopefully this time the settings and everything will save and work as intended.

You will lose any settings you have  saved but they don't work anyway from what you're saying.


hello, I have this issue where all my sims keep seeing each other as unattractive even the ones who were attractive before. I unstalled the mod and reinstalled it and I still have this issue.


Set them up to see each other as attractive again, and see if the problem persists!

How do I do that 



I've been having an issue with installing wonderful whims for a few weeks now. I have extracted the zip file and have both the tuning and script files in the mods folder, but upon opening the game it only recognises the tuning under CC and the script mod isn't there. There is also no sign of the mod in game. I also have MCCC installed (I think that they are compatible) - and this is working perfectly fine. My game version is



Sounds like you've installed the mod too many folders deep.

The mod files should be no deeper than one folder inside of your Mods folder - so, the directory should look something like this:

Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods/1 max folder/mod files.

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I'm having a very similar problem. I haven't installed the file too deep I've looked into the file even and there are only two script files in there. The game picks up only those two files but shows nothing of the mod.

My game version is-

Did you turn on script mods in the Game Options?

I GOT IT WORKING i forgot to transfer the files into the right spot!

hey , Im having problems accessing the mods . I did everything correctly but its not showing up on the game . I can't access whisked whims or wonder whims , can I get some help please 


Make sure you've installed the mod correctly, not too many folders deep and that you've turned on Script Mods in the Game Options.

Also, make sure not to use WonderfulWhims and WickedWhims at the same time, as they will break your game if used together.

Hey, I have the same problem than @princess305, I have installed the mod correctly with not too many folders deep adn I've turned on script mods in the game Options. The game recognize well the mod and the script but when I launch the game, nothing happened. Can we get some help again please ?

What's your game version?

You can see it in the main menu at the bottom of the screen or in Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4 in the GameVersion.txt file.

Hey, I wanted to know if there was a way to only use the attraction system. I love this mod a lot, but really only want to use the personalities and attraction.


Yes, you can turn off basically all of the features in the Wonderful Settings.

I have a very silly question, and I apologize, I just haven't been able to find the answer anywhere in the details or comments: How do you just see what your active sims attraction preferences are? I don't want to change them, I just want to see what was generated so I can look for someone that suits them. I've opened several dialogues, but they want me to choose for him, but I just want to see what he already likes. Thank you, and sorry again for the silly question.


Just go into the attractiveness preferences menu but don't change any of the options. That's how you can check them.

Thank you. I think I don't understand, tho. When click "attractiveness" and "choose [sim's] preferences, it shows things in the like column and things in the dislike column and nothing is highlighted? Shouldn't they be developing this stuff on their own? It also says all genders are liked by -0.0% of the population and that sounds really not right.

No, they don't develop it by themselves, you choose it for them, only new Sims have some preferences by default (or when you create a new save file).

Don't worry about the -0.0% thing. it's just how the number is displayed.

you can go into CAS into the likes and dislikes section and there you should be able to see what your sims preferences are. hope this helps

hey! i've been using the mod for a while and I had a question! it seems like every time I load up the game to the main menu, the wonderfulwhims info log gets deleted, which deletes all my sims preferences and settings. i wanted to know if this is a bug with the mod, a known conflict, or something I have to work out with my mods!


I'm not sure how these two are releated, WonderfulWhimsInfoLog doesn't store any save information.

that's my bad, then, sorry! i noticed that it was deleting and that all of my sims preferences and wonderfulwhims settings would clear every time I loaded my game and correlated them. otherwise though, is there a recommended way to fix the issue? thank you for the answer!

Sounds like the mod has trouble saving new info over the old ones for some reason.

Go into Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/saves and delete the WonderfulWhimsMod folder.

It'll be created again after you boot the game up next time and hopefully it'll work correctly then!

Je  crois qu'il y a un problème avec la nouvelle version du mod car je l'installe, il figure parmi la liste des mods du jeu, mais en plein jeu le mod n'apparait pas. J'ai  eu beau réinstaller le mod des centaines de fois, il y a rien qui fonctionne. 


Do both .ts4script and .package files show up in the mod list?

What's your version of the game?

Salut , j'ai téléchargé la nouvelle version et j'installer tout comme il devrait , mais je ne peux pas jouer avec le mod , même si je l' ai fait tout comme il se doit


Are you sure the mod is installed correctly?
Do you use other mods? Have you tested the game without them?

What's your version of the game?

it's good thank you I found I love your mod it is^^

Hello! I have a question: is there a way of removing the likes and dislikes options for attractiveness? I don't want to use them and I usually disable attractiveness in settings, but the CAS options are still there and they clutter the page for me, making it slightly harder to navigate. 

Other than that, I actually really love this mod! I used to have the NSFW version purely for the menstrual cycle and persistent boredom options, with Streamer Mode and no animations installed, so I'm thrilled that you created this and continue to maintain it! Makes life a lot easier for me when I choose to actually play the game instead of build. Thank you :)


Sounds like you're looking for this:

Thank you!

Hi! I am having problems with your updates. When i download it and check in files i have the tuning and script mod. But when i go into your game the script mod is not there. I´ve redownloaded it like twenty times and the script mod just doesn´t come up in my game. And i don´t even get that message that says FATAL ERROR.


Make sure you've followed the install instructions carefully:

If it still doesn't work, let me know what's your version of the game.

my version is Also may i ask when extracting you extract files. And  not the option that says " Extract here ". Also i want to add, i have tampons and the stuff but i cannot use it. 

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Send a screenshot of your WondefulWhimsMod folder, I'll check if you've installed it properly!

You can send it here, or through email:

Yeah you need to extract the files from the archive which really is as simple as step 3 GIF makes it out to be:

You simply drag the folder named WonderfulWhimsMod from one window to the one with your Mods folder opened. It's that easy!

hey! Just wanted to say it´s working for me now. But if i´m having problems with the next update i´ll come back and tell you more details and how i fixed it.

Deleted 32 days ago


What's the fatal error say exactly?

Deleted 32 days ago

Yeah, what does it say exactly?

Deleted 32 days ago

how did you fix it? I'm having the same issue.

Hi I am trying to download but it simply wont open, it keeps saying download error or removed, how can I possibly fix it?


Try using different browsers.

If that fails, also try using other download links:

I downloaded v28 and it keeps stating that I have too many script mods but that's the only one I own and it also said that its missing from my file when I put it in the mod folder and when I open the game to the main menu it shows all my cc/mods and it doesn't show up as a script mod it just shows as a normal mod/cc I turned on both settings but it still won't work I can only set up there attractiveness in cas please help.


I don't believe there's a "Too Many Script Mods" error in WonderfulWhims. What does it say exactly?

Downloaded v28 but it never showed up in game. There were condoms in my Sim's inventory, but no other sign of the mod anywhere else. I have the right version of the game. Removed every WW file from my Mods folder. Found a folder in saves and a WW info log. Could those be the issue? 


Also I have mods enabled. Help :(

Found a folder in saves and a WW info log. Could those be the issue?

Nope, these are meant to be there.

What's your version of the game?
Are you sure you've installed the mod correctly?

Deleted 3 years ago


What's your version of The Sims 4?

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

Redownloading the mod should probably fix that.

The .ts4script file is included in the download.

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago
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So, I've noticed a little issue with the mod. Unless you are going into all your households (even non-active ones) and buying the female sims pads and tampons, issues happen. I feel like any households that you're not playing as should auto-buy tampons and pads for the female sims. I encountered this issue because a female sim I'm trying to get closer to is constantly angry, and that results in her being exclusively mean. I clicked the play button on her household (which is not one of the active ones), and found out it's because she has no pads or tampons and she's on her period.

There needs to be a mechanic where the female sims that you are not playing as have infinite tampons and pads or something because this is a huge flaw with the mod.

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NPC Sims do not bleed during their periods, but they do get PMS and Period hormonal buffs that might cause them to be angry.

The moment you start playing as the NPC Sim it no longer is an NPC, since you're playing as them. It does go away after you switch households though, and they again won't need tampons/pads.

Oh, I see. Sorry about that. So there is already a system for unplayed sims to buy tampons and pads?

No, because they don't need to use them.

NPCs don't bleed during periods.

Hey there! Ive spent over an hour trying to download Wonderful Whims and absolutely everything that i have tried, the download tells me im missing a turbo driver file but ive been checking. Ive downloaded winrar, made sure my mod is only one folder deep, and have done all that i can. I need some help :(


What's the exact file that is being reported as missing?

Hey there! So it says " FATAL ERROR!" TURBODRIVER_wonderfulwhims_scripts.ts4script" is missing. I was going to upload the photo but for some reason this place wont allow me to, either on my pc or my phone. I have wicked whims installed, do you think it has something to do with this? Its also not really a huge deal since most of what I see that Wonderful would have is essentially the same in Wicked. Thank you!

It's actually a huge deal because of what you've just mentioned.

Both of the Whims mods are basically the same mod, Wonderful just doesn't have NSFW features. If you have both installed, then issues will arise.

If you're comfortable using WickedWhims you don't need WonderfulWhims.

I’m curious if there is a way for a sim to ask who the father of the baby is? 


Sorry, there's no such feature!

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Hello. Always when they do a fertility test, only % is shown. Without any numbers. And it feels like sims can't get pregnant. What to do? :((


Make sure you're using the latest release of WonderfulWhims and that there's no more than one copy of it.

If you're using translations for the mod, make sure that they're up to date/working correctly.

It didn't help :'(

I'm out of ideas then, sorry.


Hi, I get an error "Script File Missing" even though the two of them are in the mods folder. Yes, I downloaded the LATEST wonderful whims mod. What seems to be the cause of this problem?


Exception Date: 2021-11-07 14:33:12 Game Version: Category ID:
Recommended Action You have a bad script mod. It may be out of date or broken. Check with the creator for an update or remove the mod listed.
Possible Cause (Confidence: 100%) TURBODRIVER_WonderfulWhims_Scripts.ts4script
Reason The listed script mod failed to load and should be removed or updated. Failure: 'wickedwhims/main/_stbl_main' (wickedwhims.main._stbl_main) No module named 'wickedwhims.main._stbl_main' (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'wickedwhims.main._stbl_main')
MCCC Version 2021.3.2
WickedWhims Version v166c
Package Mod Count 768


You're using WickedWhims alongside WonderfulWhims which is a big no no and will break your game.

If you're comfortable using WickedWhims, stick with that, you don't need WonderfulWhims. If you're not comfortable using WickedWhims, WonderfulWhims exists as a SFW alternative.

I've been trying to play this but it doesn't work. When looking at the cc page (when you open sims 4) and it's there but when I start playing it isn't there. Script mods are enabled, and I have downloaded other mods before yet this just doesn't work. Any ideas on what's going on?


What's your version of the game?

Im sorry but I'm unsure how to check?

Either in the Main Menu at the bottom of the screen, or in Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4 - check for the GameVersion.txt file.

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i am having the exact same issue, and my game version is one of the game versions supported by this mod. i’ve been trying to get this mod to work for weeks, can you tell me what the problem is?? everything i’m doing is right, it just won’t show up in game, but it does in my mods on the opening screen. i also made sure that the mod is no more than ONE folder deep in the mods folder, i put the “wonderfulwhimsmod” folder directly into my mods folder. like i said i’m doing everything right and it still doesn’t work. can you please help me with whatever else i can do to fix this?

I'm gonna need an exact number of your game version.

I wanted to try out the wonderful whims and I loved it, however I missed having wicked whims. So I added wicked whims back into my game and took wonderful whims out. But every time I try to open the sims I get an error telling me there is broken CC/Mods in my game. What can I do to fix that error ? 

Thanks <3


If you're looking for help concerning WickedWhims you need to use another channel of communication.

This is a page dedicated to WonderfulWhims only.

Hello, 2 questions: How come that there are so little sims are homosexual/bisexual? I've played a lot of sims, but only 1 of them all was bisexual.

Next question, when will the Dutch translation be updatet? If you are in need, I would like to do some translations. 


The game by itself does not generate homo/bisexual Sims, unless you add them to the game yourself.

You can however change the sexuality distribution settings in Wonderful Settings.

hey I was wondering what files will mess with my wonderful wims mod I need to worry about

also what do u prefer winked whims or wonderful whims 

hello! not sure if there is a way for this, but my my sim has a 0% chance of getting pregnant no matter what i do. i have fertility set to high, and i try to woohoo on her most fertile days. and ive done the fertility treatment and still everytime i take a fertility awareness test or woohoo it’s a 0% chance. is there any maybe cheat or something so that i could get her pregnant? or anything else i can alter in setting to make her chance higher? any help is appreciated, thank you!



The only reason I can see this happening is if you've changed some settings in the mod options.

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Hi, could somebody or the creator of the mod tell me the command for miscarriage? I have basemental drugs mod installed but I don't want my sim to use drugs in order to have a miscarriage. I often use the command sims.add_buff and I was trying to figure out the command for that but unsuccessfully. It would be amazing if in the settings menu we could set miscarriage chance by percent just like for pregnancies. I know I can terminate the pregnancy, I want miscarriage for the plot tho :p


This should help:


(1 edit)

It didn't work :(

*never mind it works, but only for first pregnancy trimester, I tried it on other sim*

Hey, I tried using this in my game cause I've been having the same issue but it's not working; I tried the cheat when my sim was in first trimester and not showing.

I have downloaded wonderful whims, but I am having the most difficult time with installation. I have a Mac. I've put the package and script files in my mods folder, mods are turned on, but nothing is showing up in my game.


What's your version of the game?



Are you sure the files are not more than one folder deep?

yes only one folder. I figured it out. I had to received my sims 4 folder and general a new save. Week I did that I saw that there were old mods still in my game.

the same thing with me to get it all to work u extract the files here on the tu something package

I Recently changed from wicked whims to wonderful whims. My sims wont get pregnant and I've notice that my MCC setting of risky and try for baby percentage is set to 0 when using this mod. I really want to use it but I don't know I am to fix this.


Don't use birth control measures, and make sure your Sims are at their fertile days when they WooHoo. Unless you've got some other mods' settings change how pregnancy works it should work!

okay thank you I will try that, I do have woohoo wellness but in their mod description  it says that is compatible.

i cant seem to find the script for the mod where is it??? pls help


It's included with the download, what seems to be the problem?

I put the new version in my mods folder but the sims 4 keeps saying I have the outdated version, I have re-downloaded it multipole times and still the same thing pops up.


Make sure there's no old WonderfulWhims files anywhere in your Mods folder. There should only be the newest two files.

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