do i need to create a new save to atractive works? Cause the mod works correctly but the attractiveness doesn’t work on my old save, just in the new, anyone can help me? “Sorry my broken english, im brazilian”
So, for some reason, I can't do the 'scope the surroundings' option or see gender preferences. For example, "100% male" and "10% female." Do you know how to fix that?
Hey. The option to scope surroundings only shows up if there are other Sims very close around your Sim. There never was an option to see another Sim gender preference, but you can use the debug functions by shift+clicking on Sims.
(Sorry if you get questions about that a lot) Did you ever consider or are there any future plans on adding more possibilites for possible infertility? Like adding a system with Sims having menopause, PCOS or Endometriosis. I know it sounds like a lot but I figured that way fertility treatments could be more useful.
Hey! There is no pronounced menopause feature, but elder women Sims already don't experience the menstrual cycle and are infertile. Additionally, the Hypofertile attribute you can assign is meant to introduce severe fertility issues making it very difficult.
Otherwise, I don't have any plans for introducing these conditions, but there's still plenty to do, so who knows.
Hi! I was looking for the spanish translation but the link to the patreon is empty? idk how to say it aaa It goes to Tytta Marzh's patreon but says "This patron isn’t supporting any creators at the moment." and doesn't show anything else, so... what do i do? (sorry for google traductor english lol)
Hopefully you've already been able to resolve your problem, but if not it could be that you're missing a file just try deleting the mod and re-downloading. Also be sure to have your script mods only one subfoler deep! ex: Documents>Electronic Arts> The Sims 4>Mods>Subfolder
So,I have the legacy edition and everytime I open The Sims 4,it says I have the V12 of Wonderful Whims and should download the V13. Does anyone have the link of the old version?
This is not the place to post problems related to WickedWhims, as this is a WonderfulWhims site. If you have a problem with WickedWhims, there are other ways to go about recieving help!
Why cant I have wicked whims and wonderful whims in my game at the same time? I can only have either or in my game and it works perfectly fine. When I put both of them together I get a text saying that my game is not able to find my wonderful whims mod. I know they both are downloaded perfectly fine in my mods folder cause they work alone perfectly fine... Are they not compatible ?
Yes, they are very much not compatible, because they're basically the same mod.
They have the same functions, the only difference between them is that WickedWhims offers NSFW features, while WonderfulWhims is completely SFW.
If you feel comfortable using WickedWhims you have no need for WonderfulWhims, as it's basically a stripped down version of that mod.
If, however you find that you don't want to see your Sims doing NSFW stuff you download and use WonderfulWhims so that you can use the stuff like Menstrual Cycle, Birth Control etc. without having to bleach your eyes afterwards.
I recently downloaded this mod after seeing it in a YouTube video. Unfortunately I can’t seem to get it working, I don’t see the “Wonderful” tab at all when I click on my sim :(
There might be a bug with pet pregnancy. I tried for an entire sims week every chance I had to breed, no kittens. Set mccc pet pregnancy chance to 100, no kittens. I unticked the native pregnancy override, kittens first try. I'm not sure if this mod is supposed to affect pets, but is does.
Thank you so much for the update! Is this mod compatible with Lumpinou's Open Love mod by any chance? Am thinking of downloading their mod too! (Mod link:
im sorry to bother but .. when i want to download this beautiful modwell it says that it fails .. ??? idk why I have winrar i have a good wifi i have actived pop up just in case but it does not download please help T-T
Hi! I just noticed that every time my sims finish woohoo, their relationship significantly decreases (both friendship and romantic). Do you know why this happens?
i have the same problem, i have MCCC installed but i have the settings for relationships to decrease off but it still happens. here i was thinking it was just me
My sim has accidentally got pregnant a few times so I’ve used the donate baby to science feature ( three times to be exact) and it came up saying I’ve donated the baby successfully ( I even got the money and Moodlet to go along with it) but fast forward to the future and now my sims are both elders , I checked my family tree and it says I actually have three children who I’ve never met and i have never even gave birth too ( all of the fathers match up with the ones who got me pregnant ) I tried looking on sims forums and Reddit for answers and someone said that they also had this problem with WW and having Babys who they donated. I’ve been wondering if there’s is any fix I could do to get rid of them since it doesn’t say that they live anywhere and none of the fathers have any relationship with them either I can’t even get into contact
im not sure if its just me but i was trying to breed my dogs and this mod was stopping them conceive puppies but i have removed it and reinstalled it. it seems to be working fine for now but im curious did anybody else have this issue
hey I've just tried to download it today after the new update, its in my mod file and comes up when i start the game. But its not working and isn't actually in the game. Anyone know how to fix this or help? thank you!
Hey! I've been a long time fan of turbodriver's other mod, don't know if I can say it here, but I tend to just disable all the nsfw content so I was ecstatic to find out this one existed but I am curious if this mod contains sweating when exercising ect or if it will be added in the future since I like the realism of it.
Hi! I was really looking forward to using this mod because it seems super interesting. However, after I already put the mods in my mods folder and started up my game, for some reason I no longer have the option to 'try for baby'. I have the woohoo options though. I thought that maybe it's because this mod conflicts with my other script mods, but when I tried removing everything except WonderfulWhims, it turns out that the problem is WW itself. Do you know how to fix this?
That is correct, there's no "Try for Baby" option anymore with WonderfulWhims installed. If you want a baby you're gonna have to make sure your female Sims are in their fertile days and don't use protection when WooHooing!
So I've been trying to download this mod for a while now but every time I download it, it won't show up in my downloads folder. I tried looking in other folders to see if it was located somewhere differently but it wasn't in any files. When I first downloaded it, it showed up but the attractiveness part wasn't works. Although the cycle was working. I decided to try and redownload the mod to see if it would work but now the downloaded mod won't show up in my files. What do I do? I also read through the comments and saw similar issues. Take your time if needed. I'll wait for a reply
Yes. I've tried different search browsers. The file showed up once but again the attractiveness wasn't working. I tried reinstalling the mod again and it was not showing up again
will not let me download the newer version of this mod when i try open the file it says it was removed, ive tried each download methods and none have worked. This is for wicked and wonderful. I recently had wonderful whims in my game but decided to get the newer version i have tried everything to get them to download but nothing
Hello! I love this mod, however, when I switched between different save files and came back, no sims have any attraction preferences. They're all blank. What do I do to make them come back? Or does it come back on it's own? Thank you!
Yes I can. When I switched from save file 1 to save file 2 and back to save file 1, every sim currently in the world (including sims with partners) had no attraction preferences. This is after every sim in save file 1 already had attraction preferences. Save file 2 is not a newly created save file and this seems to have only happened once.
when i try open the file it says it was removed, ive tried each download methods and none have worked. This is for wicked and wonderful. I recently had wonderful whims in my game but decided to get the newer version i have tried everything to get them to download but nothing
hi! So this mod is just not working for me, the menstrual cycle portion is working fine, BUT THE ATTRACTIVENESS SYSTEM IS NOT WORKING AT ALL! I can edit preferences but the notif for if a sim finds another sim attractive NEVER shows up :/
Hi! My version of the game is I really want to have this mood, but i can`t update my game beacuse i dont have space on my laptop. Do you have any suggestions?
Hey. The new update is affecting some of my hair mods. When I try certain styles it puts a glossy film over my sim. It wasn’t doing this before the update.
I have tried to download wonderful five times since December, and each time, it doesn't work. And yes, my version is updated and is 1.71.86. Can you help me?
When I download Wonderful Whims and restart my sims game, I find the items I use, like menstrual products, but I cannot do anything else. I cannot use the products; there is no reaction with wonderful whims in my sims game. All of my sims act the same, and the things in my game are the same as before. This happens every single time!
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do i need to create a new save to atractive works? Cause the mod works correctly but the attractiveness doesn’t work on my old save, just in the new, anyone can help me? “Sorry my broken english, im brazilian”
I'm not sure if I understand. What does it mean that it's not working? Did you maybe change some settings and turned if off by accident?
So, for some reason, I can't do the 'scope the surroundings' option or see gender preferences. For example, "100% male" and "10% female." Do you know how to fix that?
Hey. The option to scope surroundings only shows up if there are other Sims very close around your Sim. There never was an option to see another Sim gender preference, but you can use the debug functions by shift+clicking on Sims.
(Sorry if you get questions about that a lot) Did you ever consider or are there any future plans on adding more possibilites for possible infertility? Like adding a system with Sims having menopause, PCOS or Endometriosis. I know it sounds like a lot but I figured that way fertility treatments could be more useful.
Hey! There is no pronounced menopause feature, but elder women Sims already don't experience the menstrual cycle and are infertile. Additionally, the Hypofertile attribute you can assign is meant to introduce severe fertility issues making it very difficult.
Otherwise, I don't have any plans for introducing these conditions, but there's still plenty to do, so who knows.
Hi! I was looking for the spanish translation but the link to the patreon is empty? idk how to say it aaa
It goes to Tytta Marzh's patreon but says "This patron isn’t supporting any creators at the moment." and doesn't show anything else, so... what do i do? (sorry for google traductor english lol)
Well it does appear to be gone unfortunately. Not much to be done, unless someone makes a new translation.
I cant get the WonderfulWhims to work it said it had a error it was the first thing that popped on my screen when I was in the game.
What did the error say?
Was there an exception file generated?
I cant get into the sims 4 right now because my computer is glitchy but I will let you know when I can.
Hopefully you've already been able to resolve your problem, but if not it could be that you're missing a file just try deleting the mod and re-downloading. Also be sure to have your script mods only one subfoler deep! ex: Documents>Electronic Arts> The Sims 4>Mods>Subfolder
Hopefully this helps! :)
So,I have the legacy edition and everytime I open The Sims 4,it says I have the V12 of Wonderful Whims and should download the V13. Does anyone have the link of the old version?
WonderfulWhims doesn't even support Legacy Edition of The Sims 4, so I'm not sure that'd help!
does anybody have older version that works with
No, just update your game!
I hope so that would be so sick
That's very unlikely to happen.
Also, please keep in mind that this is a page about WonderfulWhims, and things related to WickedWhims shouldn't be discussed on here!
This is not the place to post problems related to WickedWhims, as this is a WonderfulWhims site.
If you have a problem with WickedWhims, there are other ways to go about recieving help!
Why cant I have wicked whims and wonderful whims in my game at the same time? I can only have either or in my game and it works perfectly fine. When I put both of them together I get a text saying that my game is not able to find my wonderful whims mod. I know they both are downloaded perfectly fine in my mods folder cause they work alone perfectly fine... Are they not compatible ?
Yes, they are very much not compatible, because they're basically the same mod.
They have the same functions, the only difference between them is that WickedWhims offers NSFW features, while WonderfulWhims is completely SFW.
If you feel comfortable using WickedWhims you have no need for WonderfulWhims, as it's basically a stripped down version of that mod.
If, however you find that you don't want to see your Sims doing NSFW stuff you download and use WonderfulWhims so that you can use the stuff like Menstrual Cycle, Birth Control etc. without having to bleach your eyes afterwards.
Oh okay thank you!
Hi! Is there a way for me to keep my settings when I update the mod?
The settings don't get deleted when you update your WonderfulWhims, so there's nothing to be done there.
Unless you mean when making a new game, in which case the answer would be "no".
Okay, thank you!
can i still use wonderful whims if i have legacy edition?
Unfortuately WonderfulWhims doesn't support Legacy Edition!
I recently downloaded this mod after seeing it in a YouTube video. Unfortunately I can’t seem to get it working, I don’t see the “Wonderful” tab at all when I click on my sim :(
Did you install it correctly?
What's your version of the game?
I can't do the scope surroundings feature. It never comes up. I'm confused as to how I do this?
Are you clicking on the Sims you're controlling to make them scope the surroundings?
There might be a bug with pet pregnancy. I tried for an entire sims week every chance I had to breed, no kittens. Set mccc pet pregnancy chance to 100, no kittens. I unticked the native pregnancy override, kittens first try. I'm not sure if this mod is supposed to affect pets, but is does.
Hey! It took me a while, but I've looked into it and see the issue. This should be solved with the next (v13) release. Thanks.
Am I able to turn off that "awkward encounter" thing when i have multiple poly sims flirt together in the same conversation?
Not much can be done, seeing as it's a thing that is in the game by default.
I downloaded , installed it . But it not working
Error In my notification wall says:
An error related to WonderfulWhims has occured!
A report file
(WonderfulWhims_Exception.txt) has been created!
If you're using any mods that require
WonderfulWhims to work, check if they are up-to-date with WonderfulWhims and with the game
Exception file location:
C:\Users\DELL\Documents\Electronic Arts\The sims 4\
Go to to learn how to report this error
(please help)
Read the last line of the text you copied here.
Thank you so much for the update! Is this mod compatible with Lumpinou's Open Love mod by any chance? Am thinking of downloading their mod too! (Mod link:
No idea, check it out, let us know if it is!
I use both mods and they work well together.
for me its not working in the game at first my game said that a folder was missing .i reinstaled it and now the mod is not working ,waht can i do?
Need more info. What's not working exactly?
Did you install the mod correctly? What's your version of the game?
I have seen that v12 is out but every time i download it gives me v10
Does the game say you're using v10? If so, you might not have deleted the old version from your Mods folder, thus the confusion.
thank you but i found out what was wrong I had two mod files for sims 4
im sorry to bother but .. when i want to download this beautiful modwell it says that it fails .. ??? idk why I have winrar i have a good wifi i have actived pop up just in case but it does not download please help T-T
Did you try using different browsers?
yep , google , firefox , EVEN explorer but its okay i found another way someone downloaded it and gave me what i need
Hi! I just noticed that every time my sims finish woohoo, their relationship significantly decreases (both friendship and romantic). Do you know why this happens?
Do you have other mods installed?
i have the same problem, i have MCCC installed but i have the settings for relationships to decrease off but it still happens. here i was thinking it was just me
My sim has accidentally got pregnant a few times so I’ve used the donate baby to science feature ( three times to be exact) and it came up saying I’ve donated the baby successfully ( I even got the money and Moodlet to go along with it) but fast forward to the future and now my sims are both elders , I checked my family tree and it says I actually have three children who I’ve never met and i have never even gave birth too ( all of the fathers match up with the ones who got me pregnant ) I tried looking on sims forums and Reddit for answers and someone said that they also had this problem with WW and having Babys who they donated. I’ve been wondering if there’s is any fix I could do to get rid of them since it doesn’t say that they live anywhere and none of the fathers have any relationship with them either I can’t even get into contact
The babies are alive and well, so you can't remove them from the family tree!
im not sure if its just me but i was trying to breed my dogs and this mod was stopping them conceive puppies but i have removed it and reinstalled it. it seems to be working fine for now but im curious did anybody else have this issue
nevermind it still isnt letting me breed my dogs with it in my game. im not sure why
Did you try unticking "Native Pregnancy Override" under Wonderful > Settings > Pregnancy > Other Settings?
Wonderful Whims should only affect human and supernatural pregnancies, but there might be a bug.
Also, double check your pet pregnancy settings in MCCC
tysm! it definitely isnt my MCCC settings as the pregnancy percentage chance is at 100%.
hey I've just tried to download it today after the new update, its in my mod file and comes up when i start the game. But its not working and isn't actually in the game. Anyone know how to fix this or help? thank you!
Did you turn on Script Mods in the Game Options?
Yeah i had everything on, i think i just didn’t download it right! i’ve got it all fixed now, thank you anyway!
Hey! I've been a long time fan of turbodriver's other mod, don't know if I can say it here, but I tend to just disable all the nsfw content so I was ecstatic to find out this one existed but I am curious if this mod contains sweating when exercising ect or if it will be added in the future since I like the realism of it.
No, WonderfulWhims does not have the sweat feature.
Hi! I was really looking forward to using this mod because it seems super interesting. However, after I already put the mods in my mods folder and started up my game, for some reason I no longer have the option to 'try for baby'. I have the woohoo options though. I thought that maybe it's because this mod conflicts with my other script mods, but when I tried removing everything except WonderfulWhims, it turns out that the problem is WW itself. Do you know how to fix this?
That is correct, there's no "Try for Baby" option anymore with WonderfulWhims installed. If you want a baby you're gonna have to make sure your female Sims are in their fertile days and don't use protection when WooHooing!
So I've been trying to download this mod for a while now but every time I download it, it won't show up in my downloads folder. I tried looking in other folders to see if it was located somewhere differently but it wasn't in any files. When I first downloaded it, it showed up but the attractiveness part wasn't works. Although the cycle was working. I decided to try and redownload the mod to see if it would work but now the downloaded mod won't show up in my files. What do I do? I also read through the comments and saw similar issues. Take your time if needed. I'll wait for a reply
Did you try to use different browsers for the download?
Yes. I've tried different search browsers. The file showed up once but again the attractiveness wasn't working. I tried reinstalling the mod again and it was not showing up again
will not let me download the newer version of this mod when i try open the file it says it was removed, ive tried each download methods and none have worked. This is for wicked and wonderful. I recently had wonderful whims in my game but decided to get the newer version i have tried everything to get them to download but nothing
Did you also try using different browsers?
no, but ill try another thanks
it didnt work its saying a download error
please reply i really want this mod in my game help
Get in touch here, we'll see what we can do:
Hello! I love this mod, however, when I switched between different save files and came back, no sims have any attraction preferences. They're all blank. What do I do to make them come back? Or does it come back on it's own? Thank you!
Could you elaborate as to what exactly do you mean?
Does this happen every time or did it only happen once?
Does this happen only when you create a new save and then switch back or if you switch between saves as well?
Yes I can. When I switched from save file 1 to save file 2 and back to save file 1, every sim currently in the world (including sims with partners) had no attraction preferences. This is after every sim in save file 1 already had attraction preferences. Save file 2 is not a newly created save file and this seems to have only happened once.
will not let me download the newer version of this mod
What do you mean exactly?
when i try open the file it says it was removed, ive tried each download methods and none have worked. This is for wicked and wonderful. I recently had wonderful whims in my game but decided to get the newer version i have tried everything to get them to download but nothing
please reply
I'm also having the same problem stated above. Is there any other way to download or a fix for this?
hi! So this mod is just not working for me, the menstrual cycle portion is working fine, BUT THE ATTRACTIVENESS SYSTEM IS NOT WORKING AT ALL! I can edit preferences but the notif for if a sim finds another sim attractive NEVER shows up :/
The notification only appears if a Sim is extremely attractive, so it's quite rare.
Ty for this! I actually I already figured it out. I just played with my sim more and she found someone! But I’m sure this will be helpful to others!
Hi! for some reason none of my sims are getting pregnant, any ideas?
Is there space in your household?
Are your Sims in their fertile days?
Can they be pregnant?
Hi! My version of the game is I really want to have this mood, but i can`t update my game beacuse i dont have space on my laptop. Do you have any suggestions?
No other suggestion other than updating your game!
Sad.. But thank you soo much!
Hey. The new update is affecting some of my hair mods. When I try certain styles it puts a glossy film over my sim. It wasn’t doing this before the update.
I have tried to download wonderful five times since December, and each time, it doesn't work. And yes, my version is updated and is 1.71.86. Can you help me?
I also realized that on my MacBook, I can't archive anything so... I also just redid it for the sixth time and it still didnt work. :(
What's not working exactly?
When I download Wonderful Whims and restart my sims game, I find the items I use, like menstrual products, but I cannot do anything else. I cannot use the products; there is no reaction with wonderful whims in my sims game. All of my sims act the same, and the things in my game are the same as before. This happens every single time!
Hey, so i downloaded the mod but it isn't working at all. How do i get this sorted?
I think is because i have the version:c but i don't know
Yeah your game is outdated.
Oh, well damn... good to know
Thank you so much!
i cant scope sronding
I downloaded the mod but my game keeps saying its missing the script file how do I fix it?
Did you turn on Script Mods in the Game Options?