Hola. Tengo un problema con el mod y ya lo he instalado y desintalado varias veces y nada. Mi juego esta actualizado, pero aun así me siguen sin aparecer los nombres en el apartado de gustos y etc.
I have a problem with the mod and have already installed and uninstalled it several times and nothing.
My game is updated, but even so, the names still do not appear in the tastes section and etc.
I believe you're refering to the Likes/Dislikes feature?
In which case make sure your game is up to date, and check if the problem persists with no mods installed, as some people have reported that feature not working in the base game itself.
Hello!! First of all, I love this mod❤ But I have some issues with it. First: an notification error appear when a loaded a family, and even when I close it keep appearing. When I click Give Wonderful Attributes on the sims nothing happen, this happen with the Settings too. I downloaded the last version of the mod. I have all the game packs, stuff packs and expansions packs until Island Living (I dont have the other packs after Island Living) Please help!
Hello! I do love to use your mod, but it turns on DEBUG menu, and I don't want it. Can I fix it? I tried to remove my mods folder entirely and one by one added mods to find the one which caused DEBUG menu appear. So I am sure that WW is turning full DEBUG options like "destroy object" or "start fire". I'd lite to play with testingcheats on to reset sims, but full debug is too much
Hi! Can you have this and WickedWhims at the same time? Me and a friend got the same error about the script missing and its not. We did the same thing you would do with wicked, just move the folder into mods folder. What you reckon is wrong?
Thank you already for this mod (WonderfulWhims) which allows us to make the game (Sims 4) more realistic. I would like to know if it is possible to have a version of the mod older than the current version (v165e). Specifically version 161c. Thank you again for all.
Hi! Thank you for making this mod I love it, but I have an error with version 20. I think it happened after I downloaded MC Command Center, I've had a bug to do with Wonderful Whims where every time I try to open my sims sim profile it never comes up and just plays the music or opens but doesn’t show the information about the sim. I've taken out Wonderful Whims and the profiles work. I haven’t tried leaving just this mod yet.
Might be caused by two things - some players report that the Likes/Dislikes are broken in the game itself and are causing issues like the one you're describing.
Or, you have some custom traits that are broken/outdated.
I'd wait for today's patch if I were you, and if you do, please let us know if that fixed it!
I usually don't like asking questions on public forums, but I'm completely stumped about this issue I'm having with Wonderful Whims. Is there something I'm missing or just not getting right?
I downloaded the zip, extracted it to my mods folder, and I get one script and one tuning package. When I play the game, however, I can't choose the attractiveness of any of my sims. I removed all my mods and tried to troubleshoot, but can't pinpoint the problem. When I try to change attractiveness, all I get are preference options as shown in the attachment. Is there something I'm getting wrong?
What you sent are the options to choose what your Sim finds attractive. Unless you're trying to make your Sim appear attractive to other Sims, in which case you'd need to Develop other Sims preferences, click "Develop based on Picked Sim" and pick the Sim you want to be perceived as Attractive.
Tysm! I was confused because everyone else seems to have a "Generate attractiveness" button. Do you know why mine is different? I appreciate your help! :]]
Hi, I have found that this mod is conflicting with mc command centre try for baby percent, the conflict is making the percentage 0% each time I check and I've tried multiple different things but its just not working so all my sims are unable to have children. After removing WonderfullWhims from my game, mc command centre is working again but I'm now missing the attractiveness system from my game and I was just wondering if there is a fix for this as it never used to happen before.
If you want MCCC to work you're gonna need to navigate into Wonderful Settings -> Pregnancy Settings -> Override Game/Mods Pregnancy and you're gonna have to make sure that this setting is unchecked.
Hi I just downloaded the wonderfull whims mod, and it is really cool. but the 'take a pregnancy test' option isnt showing up anymore, so my sims arent able to give birth. Is there anyway to fix this?
Hi there! First off, have to say: Wonderful Whims adds so much to the game and I love using it, so thank you! One thing I have encountered as of today, though, is that the "try for baby" option is missing entirely. I removed each one of my mods and went in game multiple times to try to pinpoint the source and it was only when I took out Wonderful Whims that the try for baby option popped up again. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
WonderfulWhims takes that option out, so now if you want your Sims to have babies, you need them to WooHoo in their fertile days, as well as make sure they're not using birth control.
You can also bring the "Try for Baby" interaction back in Wonderful Settings but where's the fun in that?
Hey, recently I've had a bug to do with Wonderful Whims where every time I try to open my sims sim profile it never comes up and just plays the music? I've taken all mods out and it still doesn't work. Please help!
Hey not really important but is there any guide on how to actually understand the debug function notifications? I'd love to be able to better understand the way the mod itself is working since I find it super interesting. Sorry if this bothers you I'm just super curious
I can't get my game to register the new version of Wonderful Whims that ive downloaded. Ive cleared out my mods folder almost to nothing, delete the old folder, download the new version, but whenever i start my game up, it says im running v10. Help?
Hi, I found a bug in Wonderful Whims. My sims find other sims either attractive or very attractive. And I don't get a notification if my sim finds someone very attractive. Could you please fix it? The storytelling is enabled.
i just downloaded this mod and i want to change a couple of things in settings... but... i'm not sure how to access the settings. if someone could help out that'd be appreciated :
Hi, I'm having a problem with the attractiveness feature. I ignored the option to add preferences in the cas likes and dislikes so I could do it in game but I'm not getting any storytelling notifications/moodlets. I checked the settings to make sure the option was enabled, disabled then re-enabled it and it still didn't work. There's also no option to scope the surroundings when I click on my sim anymore
I only use wicked whims I don't have wonderful whims downloaded, I just encountered this problem today of it just suddenly not working and so I'm just asking around trying to get answers.
Hi, so I'm on my mac and none of the recommend applications will extract the folder I need for it to work. It worked before but with the new update it doesn't anymore. Have any others had this problem, and do any mac users have a solution?
so I just got an alert for my sims first period so I was excited because the menstrual portion of the mod was working and my sims woohooed and my sim had a lot of choice like applying tampons and taking a pregnancy test. Now I don't get those options. To add on to that when all the options popped up on the toilet i also had the choice for my sims to "try for a baby". So i'm not sure whats going on with it.
Hey! These options don't show up for Sims that don't have a menstrual cycle, so Sims that cannot be impregnated. Did you alter that Sim CAS in any way?
No, I had gotten notifications about my sims me stuck cycle and got the options to take a fertility test on the toilet but the period never came and the options went away. I set the my sims menstrual cycle to short so I could see if it was working but it still never came.
Does anyone else have an issue with v19 that the profile panel suddenly stops showing up? It was working fine few days ago, I'm not sure which version exactly broke it :(
I really like your mod but there is a problem. I think since V15 I don't get notifications that I am crushing on someone when I just talk to that sim (not by scooping around) . I have V19, but still I don't get a notification when I found someone who is (extremely) atractive.
Hey! Not seeing a reason for this to not work. Did you perhaps disable the "Attractiveness Memory Storytelling" setting? That would cause this feature to not do anything.
ok, so now im having a problem where i've downloaded the newest version of this mod and im getting an error notification about wonderful whims saying something along the lines of "check mods/files requiring wonderful whims to work" an it pops up anytime i try to make my two sims interact. Please help.
I'm getting constant errors about the attractiveness system. It doesn't really affect my game play, but it's super annoying.
Version: | OS: Windows 10.0.19042 | Created at: 2021-06-02 08:46:03.406986
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\utils.py", line 120, in import_modules_by_path
Cause: Failure: 'wickedwhims/relationships/features/attractiveness/traits/sim' (wickedwhims.relationships.features.attractiveness.traits.sim) name 'get_rsid' is not defined
I don't even have ww, i have wonderful whims :/ is there a fix for this?
There may be a problem with a missing file... you could try deleting and re-downloading the mod. Also be sure to have your script mods only one sub folder deep. and make sure you unzip the package file before dropping it into your mods folder.
So I have a male Sim with the hypofertile trait. He had exactly 2 woohoos with 2 different female Sims and both got pregnant. Their fertility awareness test were at 92% and 100% since they were ovulating. Now how exactly is the chance calculated here? As far as I know male fertility is taken into account, I'd just like to know how exactly and if I should be concerned that this Sim did indeed managed to knock 2 Sims up with this trait.
Hey! There's absolutely no way for fertility awareness to state that these Sims had anything more than 1% of a chance if they had the Hypofertile trait. Sorry, I don't have any explanation for it, that's just not possible.
Hi, i love this mod so much! ...though my only problem with it is that all my npc sims are getting pregnant, and I do want npcs to be able to get pregnant i just wish it wasnt EVERY npc lol...
Hi, I'm looking for the option to adjust 'NPC Sims Birth Control Use Behavior'. For some reason, I do not have this option anywhere in my WW menu, even though I have donwloaded the latest version. Was it removed? Thank you for any help you can provide.
Hey! Yes, these settings were removed because they actually didn't do anything, it was a mistake that they were present in the mod. You have other settings to adjust if and when Sims use birth control and additional options in Sim inventory when clicking on the items.
Hoiii, I love your mods especially the wicked and wonderful whims, Do you ever think about creating a mod that's a in the middle of Wicked and Wonderful Whims( A mod that has nudity and naturalism but isn't that detailed when the sims whoohoo?
if u dont download the animations it just has the nuditity but no detailed wohoo and u can sort it in settings for wtds etc im not sure if thats what you meant but hope this helps>
As ava.elrose said, you can turn individual settings in WickedWhims off. There are no plans to create a mod that you're describing, as WickedWhims itself can function the way you want it.
Also, please note that this is a WonderfulWhims related site, and not a suitable place to discuss NSFW features.
You'd have to go into the Settings and turn off switches for each of these settings that you don't want in the game.
It might seem like a lot, but it'd just take you 2-3 minutes. After you've done that, you can click the Settings Control option, export your settings, and then just import them into every new save, so you don't have to go through every option again every time you start a new game.
Hi there! First, I want to say that I love your mod and thank you for creating it; it is one of my absolute favorite mods for the sims. I am, however, having a recurring issue that I wanted to make you aware of in case there was a possible fix for it later.
The issue I am encountering is with genetically female sims becoming pregnant every time they are abducted by aliens. Before posting here, I did some testing to find the problem because I originally thought it was due to MCCC or the combination of multiple script mods. However, after uninstalling and then testing individually each script mod I use in game (each mod had its own save so there would be no crossover of mods), WonderfulWhims was the only one to result in abduction pregnancies in genetic females. And in my experience so far, the abduction pregnancy rate for these sims is 100%.
Turning off the "Override Game/Mods Pregnancy" option does appear to solve the issue; however, I am concerned that I am missing out on a significant aspect of the mod by having it off. Anyway, I thought I would alert you that this issue exists in case you were not aware, as well as let anyone else who might have been experiencing the same issue know what I discovered.
*Please note that I have not tested if there is any change to the abduction pregnancy for genetic males at this time.
Hello! I have only one reoccuring issue: pregnant sims cannot pregnancy test. I have Try For Baby enabled, so I make my sims test immediately after. What I've found is that if it was unsuccessful, I will have the option on the toilet to use a test. If the attempt worked, there is no such option. I only find out the sim is pregnant through MCC commander. That, Wonderful Whims and Slice of Life are the only script mods I have, and I'm wondering why the option isn't showing up? I have the latest mod version. Thanks!
Hi, I think what they were trying to say was that, if their sims tries for a baby and they're successful than the "take pregnancy test" option willnot appear on the toilet, but when they're unsuccessful in conceiving the option for "take pregnancy test" will appear on the toilet.
I think their problem is that the "take pregnancy test" option is disappearing when they successfully try for a baby...
they also noted that the only other script mods they have installed are MCCC and slice of life
There may be a problem where you are missing a file in the mod. Just delete the mod and re-download. Also be sure you only have script mods one subfolder deep
for some reason the mod won't show up in game?? there's no pie menu or anything :( my game is up to date and i've tried redownloading, idk whats going on
Do you have other mods installed? What's your version of the game? Does the problem persist when WonderfulWhims is the only mod in the game? Are there any exception files generated?
I think the Slice of life mod was conflicting with it i have no clue why though, i removed the period from the SLF mod and it still wouldn't let my sims have a period from the wonderful whims if that makes sense. Anyway i just wanted to say i fixed the problem! sorry about that haha
hey pleasee help me how did you fix it I have the same problem I removed the "cycle" from slice of life but my sims just don't get their period?! pls helpp
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Hola. Tengo un problema con el mod y ya lo he instalado y desintalado varias veces y nada. Mi juego esta actualizado, pero aun así me siguen sin aparecer los nombres en el apartado de gustos y etc.
I believe you're refering to the Likes/Dislikes feature?
In which case make sure your game is up to date, and check if the problem persists with no mods installed, as some people have reported that feature not working in the base game itself.
Hello!! First of all, I love this mod❤ But I have some issues with it. First: an notification error appear when a loaded a family, and even when I close it keep appearing. When I click Give Wonderful Attributes on the sims nothing happen, this happen with the Settings too. I downloaded the last version of the mod. I have all the game packs, stuff packs and expansions packs until Island Living (I dont have the other packs after Island Living) Please help!
What's your version of the game?
IDK what do you mean. Do you refer to this?: Game Version
Yeah, your game is outdated.
Ohh, what a shame😔
Hello! I do love to use your mod, but it turns on DEBUG menu, and I don't want it. Can I fix it? I tried to remove my mods folder entirely and one by one added mods to find the one which caused DEBUG menu appear. So I am sure that WW is turning full DEBUG options like "destroy object" or "start fire". I'd lite to play with testingcheats on to reset sims, but full debug is too much
No, sorry, unfortunately there's no way to change that!
Hi! Can you have this and WickedWhims at the same time? Me and a friend got the same error about the script missing and its not. We did the same thing you would do with wicked, just move the folder into mods folder. What you reckon is wrong?
Nope, having both will break your game. Choose one and stick with that.
Hi !!!
Thank you already for this mod (WonderfulWhims) which allows us to make the game (Sims 4) more realistic. I would like to know if it is possible to have a version of the mod older than the current version (v165e). Specifically version 161c. Thank you again for all.
I think you're talking about WickedWhims, since there never was a WonderfulWhims version named 161c, and probably won't be for a couple of years.
In which case this is not the right place to ask, and no, there is no way to download older versions.
Hi! Thank you for making this mod I love it, but I have an error with version 20. I think it happened after I downloaded MC Command Center, I've had a bug to do with Wonderful Whims where every time I try to open my sims sim profile it never comes up and just plays the music or opens but doesn’t show the information about the sim. I've taken out Wonderful Whims and the profiles work. I haven’t tried leaving just this mod yet.
Might be caused by two things - some players report that the Likes/Dislikes are broken in the game itself and are causing issues like the one you're describing.
Or, you have some custom traits that are broken/outdated.
I'd wait for today's patch if I were you, and if you do, please let us know if that fixed it!
Merci pour votre réponse.
J'ai essayé de le télécharger depuis Microsoft Edge & Google Chrome ça fait la même chose sur les 2.
Reach out through here, we'll try to figure it out!
I usually don't like asking questions on public forums, but I'm completely stumped about this issue I'm having with Wonderful Whims. Is there something I'm missing or just not getting right?
I downloaded the zip, extracted it to my mods folder, and I get one script and one tuning package. When I play the game, however, I can't choose the attractiveness of any of my sims. I removed all my mods and tried to troubleshoot, but can't pinpoint the problem. When I try to change attractiveness, all I get are preference options as shown in the attachment. Is there something I'm getting wrong?
Thanks in advance :)
What you sent are the options to choose what your Sim finds attractive. Unless you're trying to make your Sim appear attractive to other Sims, in which case you'd need to Develop other Sims preferences, click "Develop based on Picked Sim" and pick the Sim you want to be perceived as Attractive.
Tysm! I was confused because everyone else seems to have a "Generate attractiveness" button. Do you know why mine is different? I appreciate your help! :]]
Hi, I have found that this mod is conflicting with mc command centre try for baby percent, the conflict is making the percentage 0% each time I check and I've tried multiple different things but its just not working so all my sims are unable to have children. After removing WonderfullWhims from my game, mc command centre is working again but I'm now missing the attractiveness system from my game and I was just wondering if there is a fix for this as it never used to happen before.
If you want MCCC to work you're gonna need to navigate into Wonderful Settings -> Pregnancy Settings -> Override Game/Mods Pregnancy and you're gonna have to make sure that this setting is unchecked.
Thank you for helping, although I did already have this setting unchecked it is now working again after checking it and unchecking it
Hi I just downloaded the wonderfull whims mod, and it is really cool. but the 'take a pregnancy test' option isnt showing up anymore, so my sims arent able to give birth. Is there anyway to fix this?
Did you change any settings?
Do you have other mods that might affect how pregnancy works?
Did you run the game with only WonderfulWhims?
How and What do I change in setting? and i dont think i have any other mods installed the would conflict with this, unless mccc affects it
So I take it you didn't change settings at all?
Did you try taking the test with a different Sim to see if it works?
I THINK I have wonderful whims installed correctly and the game settings are on however the whims aren’t working. HELP please!
What do you mean the whims aren't working?
Do you refer to the base game mechanic of Sims' whims or to the mod?
Bonjour, Je ne peux pas télécharger Wonderful Whims ni Wicked Whims.
A chaque fois que je veux le télécharger, le téléchargement s'ouvre, se fait et une fois finis et que je cliques dessus, ca ce supprime...
Did you try all of the available links, as well as different browsers?
Hi there! First off, have to say: Wonderful Whims adds so much to the game and I love using it, so thank you! One thing I have encountered as of today, though, is that the "try for baby" option is missing entirely. I removed each one of my mods and went in game multiple times to try to pinpoint the source and it was only when I took out Wonderful Whims that the try for baby option popped up again. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
That is the correct behavior.
WonderfulWhims takes that option out, so now if you want your Sims to have babies, you need them to WooHoo in their fertile days, as well as make sure they're not using birth control.
You can also bring the "Try for Baby" interaction back in Wonderful Settings
but where's the fun in that?Ah, ok! Must've missed that in the notes. Thank you so much!
love it
Hey, recently I've had a bug to do with Wonderful Whims where every time I try to open my sims sim profile it never comes up and just plays the music? I've taken all mods out and it still doesn't work. Please help!
By "taken all the mods out" do you also mean WonderfulWhims?
Hey not really important but is there any guide on how to actually understand the debug function notifications? I'd love to be able to better understand the way the mod itself is working since I find it super interesting. Sorry if this bothers you I'm just super curious
There is no guide really, these informations are mainly for TURBO.
Hi, I found a bug in Wonderful Whims. My sims find other sims either attractive or very attractive. And I don't get a notification if my sim finds someone very attractive. Could you please fix it? The storytelling is enabled.
Thank you
For the notification to show up, a Sim needs to be Extremely attractive, so it is quite rare.
i just downloaded this mod and i want to change a couple of things in settings... but... i'm not sure how to access the settings.
if someone could help out that'd be appreciated :
Click basically anywhere, select Wonderful -> Settings... and voila.
Hi, I'm having a problem with the attractiveness feature. I ignored the option to add preferences in the cas likes and dislikes so I could do it in game but I'm not getting any storytelling notifications/moodlets. I checked the settings to make sure the option was enabled, disabled then re-enabled it and it still didn't work. There's also no option to scope the surroundings when I click on my sim anymore
This is NOT a place for questions about WickedWhims.
If you have questions about that mod there are other ways of recieving help.
Hi! I downloaded the newest update and now the wicked whims mod doesn't work at all. I have installed it properly yes, is it the new pack?
Don't use WickedWhims along with WonderfulWhims, it will break your game.
Choose Wicked or WonderfulWhims and stick with that.
I only use wicked whims I don't have wonderful whims downloaded, I just encountered this problem today of it just suddenly not working and so I'm just asking around trying to get answers.
Well then this isn't really the place to discuss WickedWhims. There are other channels of communication if you have problem with that mod.
Hi, so I'm on my mac and none of the recommend applications will extract the folder I need for it to work. It worked before but with the new update it doesn't anymore. Have any others had this problem, and do any mac users have a solution?
Hi so I use a mac and I use Keka to extract zip folders and it still works for me. I hope this helps!
so I just got an alert for my sims first period so I was excited because the menstrual portion of the mod was working and my sims woohooed and my sim had a lot of choice like applying tampons and taking a pregnancy test. Now I don't get those options. To add on to that when all the options popped up on the toilet i also had the choice for my sims to "try for a baby". So i'm not sure whats going on with it.
Hey! These options don't show up for Sims that don't have a menstrual cycle, so Sims that cannot be impregnated. Did you alter that Sim CAS in any way?
No, I had gotten notifications about my sims me stuck cycle and got the options to take a fertility test on the toilet but the period never came and the options went away. I set the my sims menstrual cycle to short so I could see if it was working but it still never came.
Does anyone else have an issue with v19 that the profile panel suddenly stops showing up? It was working fine few days ago, I'm not sure which version exactly broke it :(
Hey! So far this issue is related to the game itself so not much can be done to resolve it. We have to wait for the next game patch to address it.
I really like your mod but there is a problem. I think since V15 I don't get notifications that I am crushing on someone when I just talk to that sim (not by scooping around) . I have V19, but still I don't get a notification when I found someone who is (extremely) atractive.
What should I do? Because it affects my gameplay.
Thank you
Hey! Not seeing a reason for this to not work. Did you perhaps disable the "Attractiveness Memory Storytelling" setting? That would cause this feature to not do anything.
Hi! It is enabled but I still don't get notifications. Would you please fix it? Thank you!
the mod conflicts with the new career, the game doesn't identify the customer and can't know their preferences
Are you using the v19 release?
yes, I fixed removing the mod and reentering in career
ok, so now im having a problem where i've downloaded the newest version of this mod and im getting an error notification about wonderful whims saying something along the lines of "check mods/files requiring wonderful whims to work" an it pops up anytime i try to make my two sims interact. Please help.
Make sure to download the v19 version which was just released, see if that helps.
I'm getting constant errors about the attractiveness system. It doesn't really affect my game play, but it's super annoying.
Version: | OS: Windows 10.0.19042 | Created at: 2021-06-02 08:46:03.406986
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\utils.py", line 120, in import_modules_by_path
Cause: Failure: 'wickedwhims/relationships/features/attractiveness/traits/sim' (wickedwhims.relationships.features.attractiveness.traits.sim)
name 'get_rsid' is not defined
I don't even have ww, i have wonderful whims :/ is there a fix for this?
Update WonderfulWhims to the v19 version which just released, see if that helps!
Hi! I need help with this mod. A message pops up all the time with text that the game doesnt find the script file. Everything is done corectlly :(
There may be a problem with a missing file... you could try deleting and re-downloading the mod. Also be sure to have your script mods only one sub folder deep. and make sure you unzip the package file before dropping it into your mods folder.
ex: Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4>Mods>Subfolder
Should look something like this:

Yes i did that but still is saying about missing file :(
Make sure to turn on Script Mods in your Game Options as well.
So I have a male Sim with the hypofertile trait. He had exactly 2 woohoos with 2 different female Sims and both got pregnant. Their fertility awareness test were at 92% and 100% since they were ovulating. Now how exactly is the chance calculated here? As far as I know male fertility is taken into account, I'd just like to know how exactly and if I should be concerned that this Sim did indeed managed to knock 2 Sims up with this trait.
Hey! There's absolutely no way for fertility awareness to state that these Sims had anything more than 1% of a chance if they had the Hypofertile trait. Sorry, I don't have any explanation for it, that's just not possible.
Hi, i love this mod so much! ...though my only problem with it is that all my npc sims are getting pregnant, and I do want npcs to be able to get pregnant i just wish it wasnt EVERY npc lol...
Hi, I'm looking for the option to adjust 'NPC Sims Birth Control Use Behavior'. For some reason, I do not have this option anywhere in my WW menu, even though I have donwloaded the latest version. Was it removed? Thank you for any help you can provide.
I have the same issue I think it got removed in the update :( hopefully it gets added back!
Hey! Yes, these settings were removed because they actually didn't do anything, it was a mistake that they were present in the mod. You have other settings to adjust if and when Sims use birth control and additional options in Sim inventory when clicking on the items.
Hoiii, I love your mods especially the wicked and wonderful whims, Do you ever think about creating a mod that's a in the middle of Wicked and Wonderful Whims( A mod that has nudity and naturalism but isn't that detailed when the sims whoohoo?
if u dont download the animations it just has the nuditity but no detailed wohoo and u can sort it in settings for wtds etc im not sure if thats what you meant but hope this helps>
As ava.elrose said, you can turn individual settings in WickedWhims off. There are no plans to create a mod that you're describing, as WickedWhims itself can function the way you want it.
Also, please note that this is a WonderfulWhims related site, and not a suitable place to discuss NSFW features.
Oh I didn't know that I apologize for posting NSFW features here. How do you turn it off? If it optional I can give you my discord.
You'd have to go into the Settings and turn off switches for each of these settings that you don't want in the game.
It might seem like a lot, but it'd just take you 2-3 minutes. After you've done that, you can click the Settings Control option, export your settings, and then just import them into every new save, so you don't have to go through every option again every time you start a new game.
Okay, thank you very much!! ^-^
Hi there! First, I want to say that I love your mod and thank you for creating it; it is one of my absolute favorite mods for the sims. I am, however, having a recurring issue that I wanted to make you aware of in case there was a possible fix for it later.
The issue I am encountering is with genetically female sims becoming pregnant every time they are abducted by aliens. Before posting here, I did some testing to find the problem because I originally thought it was due to MCCC or the combination of multiple script mods. However, after uninstalling and then testing individually each script mod I use in game (each mod had its own save so there would be no crossover of mods), WonderfulWhims was the only one to result in abduction pregnancies in genetic females. And in my experience so far, the abduction pregnancy rate for these sims is 100%.
Turning off the "Override Game/Mods Pregnancy" option does appear to solve the issue; however, I am concerned that I am missing out on a significant aspect of the mod by having it off. Anyway, I thought I would alert you that this issue exists in case you were not aware, as well as let anyone else who might have been experiencing the same issue know what I discovered.
*Please note that I have not tested if there is any change to the abduction pregnancy for genetic males at this time.
Hello! I have only one reoccuring issue: pregnant sims cannot pregnancy test. I have Try For Baby enabled, so I make my sims test immediately after. What I've found is that if it was unsuccessful, I will have the option on the toilet to use a test. If the attempt worked, there is no such option. I only find out the sim is pregnant through MCC commander. That, Wonderful Whims and Slice of Life are the only script mods I have, and I'm wondering why the option isn't showing up? I have the latest mod version. Thanks!
The way you worded your issue is a little bit confusing for me.
What exactly is the issue?
Hi, I think what they were trying to say was that, if their sims tries for a baby and they're successful than the "take pregnancy test" option will not appear on the toilet, but when they're unsuccessful in conceiving the option for "take pregnancy test" will appear on the toilet.
I think their problem is that the "take pregnancy test" option is disappearing when they successfully try for a baby...
they also noted that the only other script mods they have installed are MCCC and slice of life
*hopefully that made sense :)*
Please help. My game is saying fatal error for this mod. Ive tried everything it wont work
What does the Fatal Error message say exactly?
There may be a problem where you are missing a file in the mod. Just delete the mod and re-download. Also be sure you only have script mods one subfolder deep
ex: Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4>Mods>Subfolder
for some reason the mod won't show up in game?? there's no pie menu or anything :(
my game is up to date and i've tried redownloading, idk whats going on
What's your version of the game? Did you check if you've made an error during installation: https://wonderfulwhims.com/installation/
So my error says FATAL ERROR
TURBODRIVER_WonderfulWhims_Scrip.ts4scripyfile is missing.
Oh never mind I fixed it :I
PLEEEAAASSEEEE ME TOO! HOW DID YOU FIX IT!?!!?!?!? I can't figure it out :(
Sounds like you either put the mod files too deep and the game doesn't see them or you didn't turn on the Script Mods in the game's options.
I do have script mods on, i double checked that. what do you mean i put them too deep :(
The mod shouldn't be located any "deeper" than Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods/WonderfulWhimsMod path.
It can be directly in the Mods folder or one folder deep, but any deeper than that and the game won't see the mod correctly.
Hi! my female sims aren't getting their periods at all no clue why even when i update the mod any help?
Do you have other mods installed? What's your version of the game? Does the problem persist when WonderfulWhims is the only mod in the game? Are there any exception files generated?
I think the Slice of life mod was conflicting with it i have no clue why though, i removed the period from the SLF mod and it still wouldn't let my sims have a period from the wonderful whims if that makes sense. Anyway i just wanted to say i fixed the problem! sorry about that haha
hey pleasee help me how did you fix it I have the same problem I removed the "cycle" from slice of life but my sims just don't get their period?! pls helpp