Update - WonderfulWhims v54
WonderfulWhims » Devlog
Supported Game Versions:
1.113.277 (February 25)
1.112.519 (January 28)
1.111.102 (December 3)
(Legacy Edition is unsupported)
Make sure to remove old mod files before installation!
- Changelog -
v54 [2024-11-01]
- Compatibility with the Life & Death expansion pack
v53 [2024-09-19]
- Compatibility with 1.109.185 (September 18) game patch
- Fixed Eternally Faithful Sims being able to romance with anyone on the phone
v52 [2024-08-19]
❗The Lovestruck expansion pack is NOT required to play WonderfulWhims.
- General 1.108.349 game patch and Lovestruck expansion pack compatibility
- Added support for Romantic Boundaries
The Polyamorous Wonderful Attribute is now technically unnecessary but you can still use it to adjust Sim's Romantic Boundaries without going into CAS.
- Replaced Relationship Utilities jealousy setting
The "Jealousy Switch" setting has now been replaced with "Emotional Jealousy Switch", "Physical Touch Jealousy Switch", and "WooHoo Jealousy Switch" to reflect the different jealousy types the game now recognizes. If you had jealousy disabled, you need to disable it again for each jealousy type.
- Attractiveness & Lovestruck compatibility
- Added 'Attractiveness Lovestruck Display Switch' setting
Attractiveness is now combined with Lovestruck Attraction if you have the pack installed. Besides CAS Turn-Ons and Turn-Offs synchronizing with Attractiveness, what you select in CAS directly affects Attractiveness scoring. This combined scoring then overrides the Lovestruck Attraction so you get the best from both of the features.
If you don't want to see the Lovestruck Attraction and prefer Attractiveness you can switch the 'Attractiveness Lovestruck Display Switch' setting. And of course if you don't like the idea of combining Attractiveness with Lovestruck Attraction then simply disable Attractiveness and default Lovestruck Attraction will be used.
- Combined Lovestruck 'Scan the Room' with Attractiveness
I was surprised to see that the Scan the Room interaction from Lovestruck Romance skill does... nothing. It doesn't actually show you attractive Sims, just gender preference compatible Sims. So with Attractiveness enabled, scanning the room will instead show you attractive Sims via Attractiveness but with the new flashy effects. Unfortunately, to assure parity of the feature, you can no longer see which Sims are considered unattractive.
- Removed Attractiveness CAS Likes & Dislikes
I didn't want to remove these from CAS but due to changes in how the game handles CAS Likes & Dislikes / Turn-Ons & Turn-Offs, I was forced to remove these. Perhaps I will be able to somehow bring these back in the future but for now you can only adjust Sim Attractiveness preferences in-game, not in CAS. The CAS Turn-Ons and Turn-Offs will still automatically synchronize with Attractiveness.
- Fixed Open Relationship marriages not working
- Shy Sims will no longer die from being embarrassed after flirting
v51 [2024-02-28]
- Compatibility with the 1.105.332 (February 28th) game patch
v50 [2024-02-17]
- Added 'Casual Romantic' Wonderful Attribute (trait)
Serious relationships? That's not for me! The Casual Romantic Wonderful Attribute changes how romance behaves, preventing being able to increase real Romance, but instead advance in Casual Romance.
Casual Romance is just like real Romance, you still get to have fun with all of the romantic social interactions, including having your first kiss, but it cannot lead to a relationship. Imagine being intimate with someone, but you never consider being romantically involved, it's just for fun.
Casual Romantics are still able to have serious relationships by making an exception, but be careful, switching back and forth can lead to unpleasant moments.

- Added 'Shy' Wonderful Attribute (trait)
Do you prefer to keep your intimate moments private? Seems like a reasonable thing to do, but regular Sims aren't like that. Shy Sims will avoid flirting in public and get easily embarrassed when someone flirts with them around others.
- Added 'Ask to Join in Bed' interaction for sleeping Sims
Ever got annoyed when a Sim invited to stay the night won't sleep with you in the same bed? Of course you did, why else would I invent this scenario. Now when your Sim is in bed, you can click on a Sim you want to join you and Ask to Join in Bed.
The option to Ask to Join in Bed will appear when your Sim is sleeping in a double bed and the clicked Sim is allowed to sleep with your Sim. Being allowed follows the base game rules which typically require an established relationship or after WooHoo.
- Removed in-game anonymous feedback functionality
After receiving a ton of feedback messages since late 2021, I'm removing this functionality. I appreciate everyone sending their messages, but unfortunately what I typically received wasn't that useful, although very humorous. The more problematic cases were feedback messages from people who needed assistance or clarification, which this system could not provide, and I just found that frustrating. If someone has something to say in private, send me an email that I can respond to.
- Small improvements to Attractiveness consistency and performance
v49 [2023-12-15]
- Added Generous, Cringe, and Wise traits support to Impressions
- Added support for the squat toilet
v48 [2023-12-06]
- Added compatibility for the 1.103.250 (December 5th) game patch
- Added support for a.deep.indigo's Healthcare Redux mods
v47 [2023-09-07]
- Added a diamond symbol (◈) to altered settings
All settings will now display a diamond symbol if the setting is different than its default state. This should allow you to easily review which settings have been altered and verify if that's how you want them to be.
- Made outdated release warning inform about subsequent update releases
- Improved simulation performance
- Added tags to all custom objects for others mods to reference
v45 [2023-06-02] + v46 [2023-06-05]
- Added 'Eternally Faithful' Wonderful Attribute (trait)
Something for married couples! The Eternally Faithful Wonderful Attribute can only be applied to married Sims, which are then only capable of romancing with their True Love.
Additionally, Sims with this trait receive a moodlet when around their True Love that always makes them retain more Fun and Social.
- Added 'Hyperfertile' Wonderful Attribute (trait)
To keep things fair, the Hypofertile attribute now has a counterpart which is the Hyperfertile attribute. As one might expect, it increases the chances of getting pregnant or impregnating by a lot. But that's what the Fertile trait does already too, so Hyperfertility additionally increases the menstrual cycle fertility window chances to be all equally high.
- Added Quick Cycle, Extended Cycle, and Bleeding Control Wonderful Attributes (traits)
If you're looking to adjust menstrual cycle behavior per Sim, these attributes should be useful. The Quick Cycle attribute makes a Sim use the Short cycle, the Extended Cycle makes a Sim use the Long cycle, and Bleeding Control removes the need for pads and tampons.

- Adding Wonderful Attributes now displays reasons for disabled entries
- Fixed Attractiveness preferences not developing on new Sims with CAS Attractiveness Likes & Dislikes
- Fixed Loyal+Polyamorous Sims feeling guilt from multiple relationships
- Fixed Shower WooHoo and Hot Springs WooHoo not washing off sweat
- Added preliminary support for potential Nonbinary CAS selection
- Fixed not being able to open all settings
v41+v42+v43+v44 [2023-03-18]
- Added compatibility for the 1.96.365 (March 14th) game patch
- Added compatibility for the Growing Together expansion pack
- Made all features compatible with the Sim Characteristics Likes & Dislikes
- Updated Impression Personalities to respect Conversation Topics Likes & Dislikes
- Updated all social interactions to fit into the new interaction categories
- Reworked 'Gender Preference Distribution Weights' setting to match the game
- Fixed family relations not being checked
- Fixed Attractiveness and special relations not showing up in Sim Profiles
- Fixed Science Baby pregnancy not working
v40 [2023-02-15]
- Fixed missing text
v39 [2023-02-10]
- Fixed Attractiveness developing preferences for multiple Sims defaulting to Common Developing Method
- Fixed an error when trying to use pose player on NPC Sims
- Fixed not being able to access all pose player poses
- Made last used pose name remain in the input window
v38 [2023-01-19]
- Fixed Attractiveness preferences selector not letting you deselect options
- Added a warning when accessing settings files failed
v37 [2023-01-03]
- Fixed Attractiveness preferences not generating on on-going saves
- Fixed Sims on period leaking even when pad/tampon is being used
v36 [2022-11-16]
- Reworked, Rebalanced, and Simplified Attractiveness
- It's faster, cleaner, prettier, more stable, easier to understand, and ready to make an impact. Many aspects have been altered, simplified, combined with other elements, or simply removed to declutter.
⚠️ Warning! Yes, this means that existing Sims Attractiveness preferences will be altered and their view of other Sims will change. There is no way to avoid it, progressing forward while sticking with the old system was simply not possible.
Oh, and icons now fit the style 🎉
- It's faster, cleaner, prettier, more stable, easier to understand, and ready to make an impact. Many aspects have been altered, simplified, combined with other elements, or simply removed to declutter.
- Added Strong Attractiveness
- Selecting or developing preferences can feel like it doesn't matter, making you think that the individual selected likes and dislikes just don't change much. That's where Strong Attractiveness can make your selections impactful.
- With Strong Attractiveness you can select up to three likes and dislikes that are the most important and these will have the biggest influence on how others are perceived. If there's something specific you care about the most, make it a Strong Preference and it will have a strong impact.
- Selecting or developing preferences can feel like it doesn't matter, making you think that the individual selected likes and dislikes just don't change much. That's where Strong Attractiveness can make your selections impactful.
- Added the ability to 'Split Preferences Per Male & Female'
- Sims that are open to relationships with everybody can now split their preferences into Male Sims and Female Sims. You can still select Universal preferences that will apply to everybody but are adjusted with Male/Female specific preferences depending on the perceived Sim.
- Splitting Sims preferences is a manual action and requires manually selecting preferences. Developing preferences will only be done to Universal preferences.
- Sims that are open to relationships with everybody can now split their preferences into Male Sims and Female Sims. You can still select Universal preferences that will apply to everybody but are adjusted with Male/Female specific preferences depending on the perceived Sim.
- Added 'Attractiveness Blacklisted' Wonderful Attribute (trait)
- Although Attractiveness Ambivalent Sims would ignore the looks of other Sims, that would not exclude them from the world of superficial refinement appraisal. Sims that are Attractiveness Blacklisted will not see or be seen by other Sims through the attractiveness feature.
- Added support for personality traits made by Chingyu, Kuttoe, and Kiara to Impressions
- Improved detection and handling of jealousy
- Sims can now autonomously apply both a Tampon and a Pad at the same time
- If you have Sims that keep both tampons and pads in their inventory and allow them to auto use both, that process is now faster and won't require two separate interactions.
- Made overused pads/tampons only affect Sims with low hygiene
- Added ability to manually apply condoms to other WooHoo participants
- Improved consistency of autonomous birth control usage
- Added support for the ChippedSim's School Tweaks Locker Overhaul mod
- Added 'Socially Avoidant' Wonderful Attribute (Trait)
- Sims with the 'Socially Avoidant' trait will simply never want to talk to anybody and other Sims will never try to talk to them. This works great with the Loner trait if you want to create a Sim that doesn't seek conversations. Otherwise, you can use it for Sims that you don't want to see being social in public.
- Added ability to add/remove Wonderful Attributes via Relationship Panel
- Improved random distribution of Wonderful Attributes
- Added Pose functionality
- If you're not aware, the Pose Player by Andrew available on the Sims4Studio forum is a widely used mod for anybody taking pictures in the game. I was often suggested to add an easy to use instant positioning interface... so I asked Andrew if this would be okay and here it is! Adult Sims can be posed with access to an instant positioning feature.
- You should still keep the Pose Player by Andrew for your regular usage as this posing functionality doesn't support all Sims and doesn't work the same way.
- Thanks Andrew 💜
- Added Settings Profiles system
- To keep settings reliable, they are no longer directly saved within the game save. Settings are now saved as independent external files called "profiles". Profiles can be used by any game save and altered at any time across all game saves that use the same profile. A new profile is created for every new game and subsequent game save slots will continue to use the same profile. You can make a profile with your favorite settings and use it in every game save, altering any settings will apply to every other existing game save or new game saves that use this profile.
- Reworked save system
- The save system is now completely integrated with the base game format, following standard conventions and solutions which assures stability and reliability.
⚠️ Warning! Saving the game with this new save system will prevent you from downgrading so make sure to save on a new save slot just in case.
- The save system is now completely integrated with the base game format, following standard conventions and solutions which assures stability and reliability.
- Improved overall stability
- Improved 'ww.fix' command effectiveness
v35 [2022-07-30]
- Added 'Post-Puberty' teen-specific Wonderful Attribute (trait)
- After installing the High School Years expansion pack, you might notice that all teen Sims are constantly dealing with puberty and acne. Besides it being annoying for the teen Sims, it can be pretty annoying for the player too, so you can now disable puberty and acne on individual teen Sims with the 'Post-Puberty' Wonderful Attribute.
- Made 'Crush' sentiment require at least Attractive level of Attractiveness
- Updated Impressions to support new traits and social interactions
- Added support for the Haunted House, Ferris Wheel, Tunnel Love, and Photo Booth WooHoo
v34 [2022-07-27]
- Compatibility with the 1.90.358 game patch
- Updated the phone icons to match the new style
- Added support for the new CAS Sexual Orientation functionality
v33 [2022-06-16]
- Compatibility with the 1.89.214 game patch
- Support for the Werewolves Game Pack
- Added support for the Lumpinou’s LGBTQIA+ mod
v32 [2022-06-06]
- Added 'Ovulation' status moodlet
- To balance the menstrual cycle experience, Sims now know when they are the most fertile, instead of you having to check phone apps or debug info.
- Simplified and rebalanced the Impressions feature
- The simplification changes make this feature a lot more straightforward, simply offering additional personality traits that come with social interactions and personality compatibility.
- Additional social interactions are only available between Sims that discover each other personality and their personalities are compatible. Having conversations that fit Sims compatible personalities grows their positive impression which improves their relationship.
- The simplification changes make this feature a lot more straightforward, simply offering additional personality traits that come with social interactions and personality compatibility.
- Removed the ability to fake personality
- Replaced the 'Greedy' personality with the 'Sinister' personality
- The 'Greedy' personality archetype has been replaced due to being very limited and narrow-minded. The 'Sinister' personality archetype is all about doing bad things and making Sims feel bad.
- The 'Greedy' personality archetype has been replaced due to being very limited and narrow-minded. The 'Sinister' personality archetype is all about doing bad things and making Sims feel bad.
- Added 'Romance Gender Preference Outcome' setting
- Normally in the game, Sims don't care about their gender preference and will be alright flirting with anybody, as their preference is meant to be fluid and adapt to the player's actions. With Attractiveness allowing you to select gender preference, this can be problematic as all Sims will respond positively to flirting. The 'Romance Gender Preference Outcome' setting will alter all romance responses to respect gender preference so you will not be confused anymore.
- Updated text to support custom pronouns
- Decreased save data size on disk
v31 [2022-03-15]
- Assured compatibility with the 1.85.203 (March 15th) game patch
- Fixed Sim-specific save data reverting on travel
- Fixed Attractiveness CAS Likes & Dislikes not updating Sim's gender preferences
- Fixed some menstrual cycle moodlets not disappearing after Sim's period ends
v30 [2022-01-26]
- Added 'Ask to Stop Using Birth Control' social interaction
- Sims with developed friendship and romance can now decide together to stop using Birth Control. Sims that agree to stop using Birth Control will stop automatically taking birth control pills and using condoms during WooHoo.
- Sims with developed friendship and romance can now decide together to stop using Birth Control. Sims that agree to stop using Birth Control will stop automatically taking birth control pills and using condoms during WooHoo.
- Added 'Take Away All Sims Wonderful Attributes' interaction
- Fixed 'Ask about Health' not working correctly
- Purchasing the 'Crabs Immune' reward trait will now clear crabs from the Sim
v29 [2021-12-19]
- Stability fixes and improvements
v28 [2021-12-05]
- Fixed a minor issue with the reworked save system
v27 [2021-12-03]
- Assured compatibility with the 1.82.99 game patch
- Fixed and reworked the integrated save system for improved stability
- Fixed Sims gender preference not updating on game load
v26 [2021-11-02]
- Added 'NPC Sims Birth Control Use Behavior' Birth Control setting
- With this setting you can control how likely NPC Sims are to use birth control during WooHoo/Try for Baby.
v25 [2021-10-14]
- Fixed Sims using a condom twice during WooHoo/TFB
- Fixed not being able to change pads or tampons using public bathrooms
- Improved compatibility with the 'CAS Preferences Disabler' mod
- Fixed compatibility issues with Lumpinou's mods
v24 [2021-09-16]
- Added an ability to Export & Import settings between saves
- You can now easily select all Sims or specific groups of Sims you want to give Wonderful Attributes
- Added icons to flirty social interactions when clicked Sim is considered at least Very Attractive
- Tired of opening the Sim Profile panel to see if your Sim finds another attractive? The Attractiveness icons will now show up on flirty interactions when your Sim finds the clicked Sim very attractive.
- After reaching 25% of the romance bar the icons will disappear to keep things looking cleaner.

- Added 'Birth Control Effect on Period' Menstrual Cycle setting
- For those who want Sims to experience periods, but still prevent pregnancy with Birth Control Pills, disable this setting to make Birth Control Pills not affect the menstrual cycle PMS/period.
- Added 'Decreased (Very Low)' Menstrual Cycle Fertility Level
- If you need an even lower chance of Sims getting pregnant using the Menstrual Cycle, you can now use the 'Decreased' level.
- 0%-3% (Window I)
- 6%-10% (Window II)
- 15%-20% (Window III/Ovulation)
- Manual non-instant usage of tampons/pads no longer displays a notification
- Added Sweating
- Added 'Sweating Overlay Switch' setting
- Everybody sweats, even Sims, although that wasn't very visible until now. Giving your Sims a workout will result in a gradually increasing layer of sweat on their body. With that, you can easily tell how much effort they put into trying to stay healthy and fit.
- Added 'No Sweat' reward trait
- Sims with the ‘Gym Rat’ trait sweat a lot less, and purchasing the 'No Sweat’ reward trait completely prevents sweating. Obviously, the entire feature can be disabled with 'Sweating Overlay Switch’ setting.
v23 [2021-08-10]
- Fixed Sims custom save data failing to load
v22 [2021-07-24]
- Added support for the Cottage Living Expansion Pack
v21 [2021-07-22]
- Assured compatibility with the 1.77.131 game patch
- Fixed Sims not being able to use condoms when not standing to use toilet
- Fixed the Hypofertile trait not working correctly for male Sims
- Fixed Sims not removing their tampon/pad after their period ends
- Made save data of dead Sims be automatically purged after each update
v20 [2021-06-07]
- Fixed Attractiveness not updating Sims gender preference
v19 [2021-06-02]
- Fixed errors after loading the game
v18 [2021-06-02]
- Fixed Attractiveness causing the Decorator Career to not work correctly
- Fixed Attractiveness Likes and Dislikes inconsistency
v17 [2021-06-01]
- Added "Simple Attractiveness" to CAS Likes & Dislikes
- Added new hair colors to Attractiveness

You can now adjust Sims Attractiveness Preferences in CAS using the Likes & Dislikes interface! As you might notice, not everything that's possible to configure in regular Attractiveness is available in Simple Attractiveness... that's because it's simple!
Certain preference options have been simplified to correspond to multiple preferences in regular Attractiveness. For example, liking "Brown Hair Color" will simultaneously like all 5 different types of Brown Hair Color. This should help with the limited number of likes/dislikes and make selecting things more efficient.
Your selections in CAS Attractiveness will automatically synchronize with in-game Attractiveness choices. This does not work the other way around, meaning that your choices of Attractiveness in-game won't synchronize with choices in CAS. That's because of the process of simplification and because of the limit of likes and dislikes. CAS choices take priority and will always take precedence over your in-game choices.
You can still adjust preferences of Sims in-game along with CAS Likes & Dislikes or even completely ignore the ability to adjust preferences in CAS. Note that because choices in CAS take precedence, changing a preference of something in-game that is an established choice in CAS will not work and that change will be overridden by the CAS selection. Not selecting anything in CAS will not remove your choices in-game.
v16 [2021-05-28]
- Added compatibility for the CAS Likes & Dislikes
Changing Sim color preference in CAS will automatically sync the choices in Attractiveness. Sims existing preferences won't be removed. A better implementation for Likes & Dislikes is in works.
v15 [2021-05-20]
- Simplified Birth Control settings
- Fixed Sims using birth control when not allowed
v14 [2021-05-02]
- Fixed issues with Lumpinou's mods compatibility
v13 [2021-04-30]
- Fixed pets pregnancy not working in certain circumstances
- Fixed Sims using fireplaces when going to custom rabbit holes
- Improved compatibility with Lumpinou's mods
- Improved overall compatibility with mods
- Renamed the "Native Pregnancy Override" setting to "Override Game/Mods Pregnancy"
v12 [2021-03-12]
- Made it more obvious when Sims can't menstruate
- Fixed pads effects not being removed when replacing the used pad
- Fixed Tanning Salon not working correctly
- Fixed Hot Springs WooHoo not being supported
v11 [2021-02-26]
- Added 'Wonderful Store' rabbit hole for a convenient way of purchasing items
You're not longer required to order items and wait for them or buy them through Build/Buy. Just send a Sim to the Wonderful Store rabbit hole and bring anything you need, the trip only takes 25 minutes. How convenient, almost like it's a convenience store!
- Introduced 'Attractiveness Frozen World View' as the new default behavior
- Added 'Attractiveness Dynamic World View Switch' setting
Frozen? World View? What does this mean? 😱 In short, Sims perspective on how attractive something is depended on how commonly it appears in the world. As new Sims are generated in your world, they affect how common certain clothing, body shapes, and other attractive elements are, by introducing more of them to the world. Because something is very common, it becomes less special and loses its attractiveness appeal. This is why some Sims change their opinion on how attractive another Sim is because the world is shaping them this way.
So what happens when the World View is Frozen? Your current world view gets frozen and persists to the end of time, preventing Sims attractiveness opinion of others to change because of the continuously growing world population. Still, Sims attractiveness views will change if their clothing, body or other details change, or their preferences change. Attractiveness still works exactly the same as before except it doesn't unpredictably alter things behind your back.
Don't like that change? Want to keep the dynamic World View? Easy, go to Wonderful Settings -> Relationship Settings -> Attractiveness Settings and enable the Attractiveness Dynamic World View setting.
- Asking about preferences is no longer unavailable when Sims are incompatible
- Asking about preferences will now inform about Sims lack of interest due to gender preference
- Improved writing of Attractiveness functions and interactions
To hopefully encourage more people to experiment, certain words have been altered to appear less technical. This comes with a simplification of certain functionalities to make them easier to understand.
"Generating" is now "Developing" to indicate it's about creating rather than some kind of raw technical process that requires more brainpower.
"Generator Mode" is now "Strength" as that is its purpose, to make the developed attractiveness matter more or less.
- Made Developing Attractiveness based on Romantic Partners available for Promised pairs.
- Added 'Gender Preference Distribution Weights' setting to Relationship Cheats

This menu is for adjusting newly generated Sims gender preference distribution weights. To simplify, when a new Sim is added to your world, they randomly choose which sex they are attracted to, and these values decide about it.
This is a base game mechanic, and the values you see below are the default distribution weight values. Attractiveness uses this mechanic to figure out Sim's preference for a particular gender. Normally there's no way to affect this, but altering the distribution weights is safe to do and will be compatible with other mods you have.
The menu below has a field in which you specify the probability of a given gender preference being selected for a newly generated Sim. These values are limitless, but it's best to see them as percentages, ranging from 0 to 100.
Making the first value higher will cause Sims to generate more often with no preference at all. The second and third value manipulates the probability of heterosexual and homosexual Sims appearing in your world. And the last value is simply for bisexual Sims appearing more or less commonly in your world.
- Simplified Pregnancy Settings mode changing
- Added 'Normal-To-Long' Menstrual Cycle Duration
For players with a custom life duration that's between 61 and 244 days of adult life, the Normal-To-Long duration should provide a better experience.
- Made tampon/pad use interactions on toilets not visible for Sims without a menstrual cycle
Or when the Menstrual Cycle mode is disabled.
- Made changing tampon/pad on toilets relieve Sim bladder
- Added 'Go to Tanning Salon' rabbit hole interaction
Requires the 'Island Living' expansion pack.
- Fixed Bats WooHoo not working with Transforming WooHoo into TFB enabled
v10 [2020-12-29]
- Fixed the 'Random' Attractiveness Generator Type not being completely random
- Made 'Ask about Attractiveness Preferences' interaction unavailable when the Sim gender preference is not compatible with your Sim
v9 [2020-12-25]
- Significantly improved simulation performance
v8 [2020-12-08]
- Added 'Randomize Wonderful Attributes' interaction
- Added support for the LGBT Mod by PimpMySims4
- Made Attractiveness support all of the new skin tones
- Fixed inconsistency of displayed attractiveness level after game loading
- Fixed Attractiveness Sims selectors showing incorrect Sims
- Fixed Wonderful objects displaying description twice in some dialogs
v7 [2020-11-14]
- Attractiveness and WooHoo compatibility with the Snowy Escape Expansion Pack
- Made pregnancy behavior override even more strict to avoid potential issues
v6 [2020-11-11]
- Added compatibility for the 1.68.156 (November 17th) game patch
- Fixed Wonderful items disappearing from Sims inventory when flagging household as unplayed
- Made pregnancy behavior override more strict to avoid potential issues
- Fixed some commands causing errors when provided with unnecessary arguments
- Updated support for WooHoo Wellness and Pregnancy Overhaul mod
- Improved Sims-related operations reliability
v5 [2020-10-19]
- Fixed abnormal male pregnancy occurrences
v4 [2020-10-16]
- Reworked pregnancy initiation to avoid conflicts with other mods
- Fixed replacing Pads/Tampons not properly resetting usage timer
- Simple Mode Player and NPC Sims Pregnancy Chance settings are now set to 80% by default
- Fixed an error with Attractiveness generation
- Added online version checking for new updates
v3 [2020-10-08]
- Sims can now use their Period Tracker even if they didn't experience their first period yet
- Fixed a conflict with MC WooHoo causing pregnancies to ignore the Menstrual Cycle and Birth Control
v2 [2020-10-03]
- Fixed an issue with condoms not having an effect
- Fixed an issue with Attractiveness not generating preferences for Sims
WonderfulWhims v54 - 1 November 2024 23 MB
Nov 01, 2024