Hi, I have recently come into an issue with this mod. The "try for baby" interaction does not appear. I love this mod (thank you so much for creating it!) and I'd love to continue playing with it. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you :)
That's correct and how the mod works. It replaces the Try for Baby interaction with regular WooHoo. If you want to try for baby you need to not wear protection and your Sim must be able to get pregnant at that time.
You can however bring Try for Baby interaction back by going into Wonderful -> Settings -> WooHoo Settings -> disable Transform WooHoo into TFB Switch.
Thank you so much for clarifying that for me! This is one of my favorite mods, so I'm happy it's working properly. I appreciate your very clear answer.
hey! So I have a slight confusion with the mod. Since the latest update, I no longer get the panel saying how attractive my sim finds other sims in the relationship bar. I have checked my sims preferences and I am checking the right gender. I was wondering if the update changed where I am supposed to look?
I also have the newest update for the sims game and the rest of the mod works perfectly. I still get a notification when my sims finds another sim extremely attractive, but still cant see that in the relationship panel.
I have mc command and slice of life also installed if that affects anything, since they all impact similar aspects of the game
Hey! If I understand right, you didn't attempt to check if the attractiveness level is visible in the Sim Profile? That's where it is now, as the 1.68 game patch forced all of these tooltips to only display in the Sim Profile.
I would like to introduce a more comfortable and quicker way to read attractiveness level, but so far I haven't came up with anything good.
hey! So I had this installed as well as MCC (I know it overrides) but my sims were literally not getting pregnant and had the fertility fixed and everything or I thought I did. I even did the treatments too and checked and none of my sims were getting pregnant. I don’t know how to fix this or what’s going on. I have SOL installed too if that helps.
Hey! Have you tried not using birth control? Are you using the menstrual cycle? Do you understand that Sims aren't always fertile in the Menstrual Cycle? Is by saying "fertility fixed" you mean usage of the simple pregnancy mode? Did you set pregnancy percentages for pregnancy simple mode? Did you set pregnancy percentages for pregnancy simple mode for NPC Sims as well? Are the Sims involved capable of impregnating and getting pregnant? Do you have space in your household, max Sims is 8? Does the WooHoo involve human Sims, as servos or ghosts don't impregnate?
Hey! I'm having the same problem! My sims are not on birth control. I'm using the simple pregnancy mode. The percentage is 30% for both played sims and NPCs, but they've woohooed like 30 times. Both of them are played sims. I triple checked; one can impregnate and the other can be impregnated. There are four sims in the household. Both sims are human.
Other things to note: They were able to get pregnant ONCE and they had twins. Also, none of the other sims in the save have issues getting pregnant. Do you have any idea what this could be? My guess was that one of them had accidentally gotten the hypofertile attribute, but I checked their sim info using your built-in cheat and none of them had the trait.
Also, I tried having them woohoo with other sims and they didn't have a problem impregnating/being impregnated by the other sims; the problem only happens when they woohoo with each other. Please answer soon! I created this account specifically so I could get an answer from you!
Update: I've done some data mining. It seems to have to do with the percentages. When I set it to 40%, the sim gets pregnant 100% of the time, as do all other sims. When I set it to 30%, she gets pregnant 0% of the time while other sims get pregnant as usual.
Things sound about right. An important element to understand, is that even though you set the chance to 30%, it's not truly 30%, as each of the participants has to roll that chance. 30% is still pretty high, but can you roll it twice (one for the impregnator, one for the impergnated) with success? I get that this might not sound ideal, but this is made because using anything above 10% would often feel for majority of the users like using 99%.
With this logic, the probability of 30% is actually 9% (30% * 30%). The one that succeeds in your case, 40%, is actually 16%.
Hi. Maybe that's not the right place to ask, but if this is how the pregnancy chances are calculated, how does the intersex mod work then? If I have the probability at 50%, the chance that one parent gets pregnant will be 25%. Is the chance that both parents get pregnant at 6.25% then? And is the chance to get one child 25% * 75% * 2 = 37.5%?
That's right, it would be 6.25% of getting both pregnant at a 50% probability. The number of children that get born is not affected, but if you're asking about just one Sim getting pregnant then that's 25%.
Hi again! I feel bad asking so many question but as of right know there aren't a lot of forums on wonderful whims. As for my question... Is there a way to save my settings to be able to import them to another save game?
Hi! I really love this mod, but I'm a little confused about something. does this mod's pregnancy/woohoo system conflict with mccc's pregnancy/woohoo system ? I want yours for the menstrual system and mccc for teen pregnancy but both include the chance of getting pregnant through woohoo...
It doesn't conflict, WonderfulWhims' pregnancy overrides MCCC's pregnancy by default (unless you specifically turn the override off in the settings). You can't mix both those systems.
One thing I've been wondering though is if mods come with a patch for these systems from the Wicked Whims pack, would that patch also function for this mod too?
For example, Zero's "NEW IR-Cheating - Official Release" has a patch for WW, will it work? Or does it need to be made separately? Thanks.
Hey! Thanks for your amazing mod! I really love to play with it! I have ran into a little bit of a problem and tried to find if anyone else might have had it as well, but I couldn't really find anything, so I'll just ask directly. From what I understand with the "Open relationship switch" turned on I should be able to have one sim be married to more than just one sim, right? I think when I hover over it in the game it also mentions marriage. Or did I misunderstand that? Because I have a sim that is already engaged to another sim and I wanted him to get engaged to a second one but the interaction was still locked and it said that he can't get engaged to that sim because he is already engaged.
Hey! Although I haven't tested it recently to be sure, multiple marriages should work. The requirement is that you do them separately, so only one engagement at the time is available. Once you go through the process of marrying the Sim, then you should be able to get engaged with the other.
Hey, I'm having the problem of my sim being attracted to every male sim so i tried to change her preferences but whenever I click the option to it just says mc caught last exception or something and then the sim resets. How can I fix this? I love this mod and everything you've done with it! Makes the game 10x better and I probably wont play without this mod ever lol.
You don't know how long I've been wishing for this! There were so many WickedWhims features I wanted just... without the wicked part haha.
I'm also just curious about whether or not you have certain features planned for this mod in the future, or what is even POSSIBLE to do in a mod like this... Such as:
-One sided relationships? Attraction without emotional attachment? Could we have someone be in love with someone who despises them, or only thinks of them as a friend? Could we have someone be extremely attracted to a sim, perhaps even have lust/flirty moodlets, but without any corresponding emotional attachment? Could this be achieved with the new Sentiments mechanic...?
-Animations? As mentioned, there was a lot to be enjoyed in the WickedWhims mod, but I personally want something a little less naughty. This mod has a lot of the mechanics of WW, but not the animations! Is it possible to include the animations player in this mod, so creators can start providing more romantic/fluff based animations (i.e. cuddling, kissing, making out, etc-- everything short of doing the do, more SFW) A lot of the existing romantic interactions in the game are lackluster, and it'd be nice to have more.
Hey! New features will be added, some may come as separate mods as well.
"One sided relationships" aren't a thing in the Sims and making them is a huge pain. Redoing the core game relationship system is an even bigger pain and a one that would cause incompatibility with any other mod that exists, so that will never happen.
An animations player is planned, but it's a lot of porting and adapting work, and WonderfulWhims isn't my prioritized project as you could imagine. It will take a while, but it will come.
Your Mod is so amazing I love it so much, but I have a problem the attractiveness alert doesn't show up in my game for some reason even though my sim matches the preferences of the other sims ! Please help
Hey! The Attractiveness Alert notification only shows up for Sims that are Extremely Attracted to each other, that's quire rare, making that occurrence a special moment. If the two Sims are already married, the alerts are replaced by thinking/dreaming about their partner.
All the build and buy stuff shows up, but nothing else. Ive tried taking out all my mods except this mod and it still didnt work, my game version is 1.68.156.
Have you tried using different browsers, or even try different hosts (you can find all hostings here: https://wonderfulwhims.com/download/). If that doesn't help you can contact me at: wonderfulwoohoo@gmail.com and we'll see what we can do!
Hello, thank you for the mod! Can't wait to use it, but for now I'm having an issue. I get the warning in the main menu, saying that an error has occured. In the report file i've found this: " AttributeError: module 'services' has no attribute 'terrain_service' ". Mod version: v7
I don't think you can get errors in main menu, especially not one having to do with gameplay, such as this is. Check if the problem persists without other mods installed, if you've got them!
Hey Turbo, thanks for this awesome mod :) I am having an issue and wondered if you could help please. I cannot see the Wonderful Whims app on my sims phone anywhere, I also have the 14th Nov Patch and i've been told there was a 16th Nov one but I cannot find it anywhere? Thanks again :)
Hey! You mean the Menstrual Cycle Tracker app on Sim phone? That option should be visible for any Sim that can get pregnant. Could you open your Sim in CAS and check if they are set to be able to get pregnant? And if so, switch it off and on again? I've revived a few odd reports about it, but I don't know of anything that could be causing this.
Hey there, with Woohoo Wellness (the compatible version) and MC Woohoo installed and patched, my female sim now gets pregnant from every woohoo. They have the Woohoo Wellness "used protection" moodlets but she is still pregnant. Any idea why that is? Thank you for your help :)
Hey! I'm not aware of anything that could be causing it at this moment. I would suggest testing it without MC WooHoo installed, as that was the most problematic mod. Perhaps it still can be problematic.
I recently updated my game and have the new EP installed. However, my game crashes on the second loading screen. I took out all my mods and narrowed it down to this mod. Even with JUST this mod in my game, it stops responding at the loading screen. I have tried taking out my saves and tray files. Could this issue be caused by the update itself? The game does load without the mod. But this mod makes the game enjoyable for me so I’d really like to continue using it. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I did make sure to update to the v7 release before loading the new EP.
EDIT: I think I’ve figured out what was causing my game to crash. I had a corrupted file in my actual game folder. Idk why it was triggered by this mod, but after reinstalling the game, everything seems to work. Sorry for the trouble!
Hey turbo, I need your help🙏 I fully updated and cleaned up my game today and I installed Wonderful Whims, everything is working great except the Attractiveness system. I can't find it anywhere, I see the Wonderful option but the Attractiveness never appears. Help? 😅
Is it possible that it has to do with the new Sims Profiles? As I can not see the relationship status either, only when I click on "open sims profile" (don't like that very much tbh)
Hi Turbo! This mod is great and I'm really enjoying it! The only thing is my sims basically will not get pregnant! Even when the chance of pregnancy is at 100% they just won't get pregnant! What should I do?
Hey! Are Sims using birth control? Maybe birth control pills are still active and you need to give them a little bit more time for them to be removed from the system? Sounds like you're using the Simple Mode, if WooHoo is between NPC Sims, did you increase the NPC Pregnancy Chance as well? Are both Sims configured appropriately in CAS, so one can get pregnant and another impregnate? Is there space in your household, as the max is 8 Sims? Are the Sims ghosts or servos?
I love this mod <3 But I have a big wish ^^ ° Would it be possible to activate the attractiveness for teenagers too? So that, for example, teenagers can find adults attractive and vice versa ...? :)
Hey. Maybe in the future, as some kind of external mod. For the most part, I'm following the core game behavior, so this isn't something to be included with WonderfulWhims.
Hey. Sounds like you either didn't enable Script Mods or you didn't install the mod correctly. Please follow this instruction EXACTLY how it is showed. It's very important the 'WonderfulWhimsMod' folder is placed directly into the 'Mods' folder, you cannot do it any other way.
You need the Script file to be visible as loaded on the list of loaded mods in the game. Loaded scripts are displayed at the bottom of that list. If you're missing the WonderfulWhims script file on that list, look at my previous comment, you didn't install the mod correctly.
Hii! So, I'm having trouble buying and borrowing pads and tampons. I don't have the choice to buy them or ask for them with my female friends. And I was wondering is it because i need to update my version or download a different type.. I am using the newest version so It was confusing.
Hey! What do you mean you don't have the choice to buy them? You can either purchase them on a computer via the 'Wondeful' category or by using Build/Buy. And if you're using the v5 release, you can ask other Sims that have an active Menstrual Cycle for a pad/tampon if your Sim has an active Menstrual Cycle as well.
My sims will have a menstrual cycle. I go to my computer, and I look for the category, it doesn't have the category. I updated it to v5 multiple times. And I'm still having the difficulties..
Is it a base game computer you're clicking on or a CC computer? What's the version of your game? There's no known reason for the option not to show up.
hi! I’m currently having a problem with this mod, when my female sim gets pregnant, my male sim also gets pregnant at the same time. Is this a common glitch? Or do I need to change something in my game settings?
Hi, I got the same thing happening. I first tought it might be aliens, but it says it's from whoohoo and he had no alien buffs while pregnant. If got the oct 19h download.
Hello ! everytime i downloade this mod, it doesn't work because there it says that the folder does not exist ,I already checked my virus program but there is nothing to be found.
hello! i was wondering what command i need to use to change one sim's personality to a different one (e.g. sage to artist, everyman to greedy, etc.). i was also wondering how exactly setting attractiveness works? the menus get a bit confusing for me. thanks for the help, love the mod!
Hey! Once you turn the game on, you can go to Game Settings and in the Other tab you can look at the list of loaded mods. Do you see the PACKAGE file in Mods section and TS4SCRIPT file in Scripts section?
and when I went in my game it says that it’s outdated version? But, I downloaded the one on the site that said October 19th the latest update unless there’s another update??
I was wondering if there is a way to remove babies donated to science from the family tree? I know there is a setting to allow/disallow family tree additions from miscarriage but this doesn't seem to apply to donated babies. Thanks! Great Work!
Hey Turbo! I love this mod! Is it possible to disable the period-system of wonderful whims so that I can usw the SOL period-system and don't have both? I didn't find anything in the settings. Hope you can help me. :-)
Hey! Yeah, you can either disable individual elements in Menstrual Cycle settings or switch 'Pregnancy Mode' to 'Simple'. Once you do that, you must disable the 'Native Pregnancy Override' setting, this will let other mods take control. All of this is under 'Pregnancy Settings' category.
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Hi, I have recently come into an issue with this mod. The "try for baby" interaction does not appear. I love this mod (thank you so much for creating it!) and I'd love to continue playing with it. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you :)
That's correct and how the mod works. It replaces the Try for Baby interaction with regular WooHoo. If you want to try for baby you need to not wear protection and your Sim must be able to get pregnant at that time.
You can however bring Try for Baby interaction back by going into Wonderful -> Settings -> WooHoo Settings -> disable Transform WooHoo into TFB Switch.
Thank you so much for clarifying that for me! This is one of my favorite mods, so I'm happy it's working properly. I appreciate your very clear answer.
Hiya! I love your mods. I was wondering whether if there's sweating available in this version, like it was in Wicked Whims?
There's no sweating in WonderfulWhims, as of now!
Okay, thanks for telling me. I hope its added in the future.
hey! So I have a slight confusion with the mod. Since the latest update, I no longer get the panel saying how attractive my sim finds other sims in the relationship bar. I have checked my sims preferences and I am checking the right gender. I was wondering if the update changed where I am supposed to look?
I also have the newest update for the sims game and the rest of the mod works perfectly. I still get a notification when my sims finds another sim extremely attractive, but still cant see that in the relationship panel.
I have mc command and slice of life also installed if that affects anything, since they all impact similar aspects of the game
Hey! If I understand right, you didn't attempt to check if the attractiveness level is visible in the Sim Profile? That's where it is now, as the 1.68 game patch forced all of these tooltips to only display in the Sim Profile.
I would like to introduce a more comfortable and quicker way to read attractiveness level, but so far I haven't came up with anything good.
thank you, I didn’t check in there. I think I have a mod that is stopping me from having a sim profile so I’ll have to find out which one that is!
Thanks again, it’s a great mod
That would be traits you have in CAS. Any old CAS trait that uses the 64-bit ID will prevent the Sim Profile from opening.
hey! So I had this installed as well as MCC (I know it overrides) but my sims were literally not getting pregnant and had the fertility fixed and everything or I thought I did. I even did the treatments too and checked and none of my sims were getting pregnant. I don’t know how to fix this or what’s going on. I have SOL installed too if that helps.
Hey! Have you tried not using birth control? Are you using the menstrual cycle? Do you understand that Sims aren't always fertile in the Menstrual Cycle? Is by saying "fertility fixed" you mean usage of the simple pregnancy mode? Did you set pregnancy percentages for pregnancy simple mode? Did you set pregnancy percentages for pregnancy simple mode for NPC Sims as well? Are the Sims involved capable of impregnating and getting pregnant? Do you have space in your household, max Sims is 8? Does the WooHoo involve human Sims, as servos or ghosts don't impregnate?
Hey! I'm having the same problem! My sims are not on birth control. I'm using the simple pregnancy mode. The percentage is 30% for both played sims and NPCs, but they've woohooed like 30 times. Both of them are played sims. I triple checked; one can impregnate and the other can be impregnated. There are four sims in the household. Both sims are human.
Other things to note: They were able to get pregnant ONCE and they had twins. Also, none of the other sims in the save have issues getting pregnant. Do you have any idea what this could be? My guess was that one of them had accidentally gotten the hypofertile attribute, but I checked their sim info using your built-in cheat and none of them had the trait.
Also, I tried having them woohoo with other sims and they didn't have a problem impregnating/being impregnated by the other sims; the problem only happens when they woohoo with each other. Please answer soon! I created this account specifically so I could get an answer from you!
Update: I've done some data mining. It seems to have to do with the percentages. When I set it to 40%, the sim gets pregnant 100% of the time, as do all other sims. When I set it to 30%, she gets pregnant 0% of the time while other sims get pregnant as usual.
Things sound about right. An important element to understand, is that even though you set the chance to 30%, it's not truly 30%, as each of the participants has to roll that chance. 30% is still pretty high, but can you roll it twice (one for the impregnator, one for the impergnated) with success? I get that this might not sound ideal, but this is made because using anything above 10% would often feel for majority of the users like using 99%.
With this logic, the probability of 30% is actually 9% (30% * 30%). The one that succeeds in your case, 40%, is actually 16%.
Thank you! I had no idea! I'll change the chance to a higher percent.
Hi. Maybe that's not the right place to ask, but if this is how the pregnancy chances are calculated, how does the intersex mod work then? If I have the probability at 50%, the chance that one parent gets pregnant will be 25%. Is the chance that both parents get pregnant at 6.25% then? And is the chance to get one child 25% * 75% * 2 = 37.5%?
That's right, it would be 6.25% of getting both pregnant at a 50% probability. The number of children that get born is not affected, but if you're asking about just one Sim getting pregnant then that's 25%.
Hi again! I feel bad asking so many question but as of right know there aren't a lot of forums on wonderful whims. As for my question... Is there a way to save my settings to be able to import them to another save game?
No, right now there isn't.
Hi! I really love this mod, but I'm a little confused about something. does this mod's pregnancy/woohoo system conflict with mccc's pregnancy/woohoo system ? I want yours for the menstrual system and mccc for teen pregnancy but both include the chance of getting pregnant through woohoo...
It doesn't conflict, WonderfulWhims' pregnancy overrides MCCC's pregnancy by default (unless you specifically turn the override off in the settings). You can't mix both those systems.
hi! why this mod can't be supported on older versions? I really would like to use this :(
That's how mods work, just update your game, it's easy.
I think they meant legacy edition, I have legacy edition and I don’t think it works with it. Legacy edition isn’t something you can just “update”
I am aware. There are no plans to release a Legacy version of WonderfulWhims as of right now.
hola, cunado instalo el mod y abro el juego me sale error y he separado las carpetas
You can send the error file that is generated to: WonderfulWoohoo@gmail.com
so that I can look into it!
Great mod I love it!
One thing I've been wondering though is if mods come with a patch for these systems from the Wicked Whims pack, would that patch also function for this mod too?
For example, Zero's "NEW IR-Cheating - Official Release" has a patch for WW, will it work? Or does it need to be made separately? Thanks.
Hey. I don't know, I'm not the one to ask about this. There's a possibility that it will work, but I don't know what these mods do and how.
Hey! Thanks for your amazing mod! I really love to play with it!
I have ran into a little bit of a problem and tried to find if anyone else might have had it as well, but I couldn't really find anything, so I'll just ask directly.
From what I understand with the "Open relationship switch" turned on I should be able to have one sim be married to more than just one sim, right? I think when I hover over it in the game it also mentions marriage. Or did I misunderstand that?
Because I have a sim that is already engaged to another sim and I wanted him to get engaged to a second one but the interaction was still locked and it said that he can't get engaged to that sim because he is already engaged.
Hey! Although I haven't tested it recently to be sure, multiple marriages should work. The requirement is that you do them separately, so only one engagement at the time is available. Once you go through the process of marrying the Sim, then you should be able to get engaged with the other.
Ahhh okay, I had figured that it might be like that, but I wasn't sure. Thanks for the answer! ^-^
Hey, I'm having the problem of my sim being attracted to every male sim so i tried to change her preferences but whenever I click the option to it just says mc caught last exception or something and then the sim resets. How can I fix this? I love this mod and everything you've done with it! Makes the game 10x better and I probably wont play without this mod ever lol.
What's your version of both the game and WonderfulWhims?
You don't know how long I've been wishing for this! There were so many WickedWhims features I wanted just... without the wicked part haha.
I'm also just curious about whether or not you have certain features planned for this mod in the future, or what is even POSSIBLE to do in a mod like this... Such as:
-One sided relationships? Attraction without emotional attachment? Could we have someone be in love with someone who despises them, or only thinks of them as a friend? Could we have someone be extremely attracted to a sim, perhaps even have lust/flirty moodlets, but without any corresponding emotional attachment? Could this be achieved with the new Sentiments mechanic...?
-Animations? As mentioned, there was a lot to be enjoyed in the WickedWhims mod, but I personally want something a little less naughty. This mod has a lot of the mechanics of WW, but not the animations! Is it possible to include the animations player in this mod, so creators can start providing more romantic/fluff based animations (i.e. cuddling, kissing, making out, etc-- everything short of doing the do, more SFW) A lot of the existing romantic interactions in the game are lackluster, and it'd be nice to have more.
Thanks for all your hard work, have a nice day!
Hey! New features will be added, some may come as separate mods as well.
"One sided relationships" aren't a thing in the Sims and making them is a huge pain. Redoing the core game relationship system is an even bigger pain and a one that would cause incompatibility with any other mod that exists, so that will never happen.
An animations player is planned, but it's a lot of porting and adapting work, and WonderfulWhims isn't my prioritized project as you could imagine. It will take a while, but it will come.
Your Mod is so amazing I love it so much, but I have a problem the attractiveness alert doesn't show up in my game for some reason even though my sim matches the preferences of the other sims ! Please help
Hey! The Attractiveness Alert notification only shows up for Sims that are Extremely Attracted to each other, that's quire rare, making that occurrence a special moment. If the two Sims are already married, the alerts are replaced by thinking/dreaming about their partner.
All the build and buy stuff shows up, but nothing else. Ive tried taking out all my mods except this mod and it still didnt work, my game version is 1.68.156.
Are you sure the mod is installed correctly? Both files in there and not too deep?
I love your mod but I keep getting a failed download error.
Have you tried using different browsers, or even try different hosts (you can find all hostings here: https://wonderfulwhims.com/download/). If that doesn't help you can contact me at: wonderfulwoohoo@gmail.com and we'll see what we can do!
Thank you for the response I got it work. Thank you
Hello, thank you for the mod! Can't wait to use it, but for now I'm having an issue. I get the warning in the main menu, saying that an error has occured. In the report file i've found this: " AttributeError: module 'services' has no attribute 'terrain_service' ". Mod version: v7
Hope for your help and sorry for my English
I don't think you can get errors in main menu, especially not one having to do with gameplay, such as this is. Check if the problem persists without other mods installed, if you've got them!
Hey Turbo, thanks for this awesome mod :) I am having an issue and wondered if you could help please. I cannot see the Wonderful Whims app on my sims phone anywhere, I also have the 14th Nov Patch and i've been told there was a 16th Nov one but I cannot find it anywhere? Thanks again :)
Hey! You mean the Menstrual Cycle Tracker app on Sim phone? That option should be visible for any Sim that can get pregnant. Could you open your Sim in CAS and check if they are set to be able to get pregnant? And if so, switch it off and on again? I've revived a few odd reports about it, but I don't know of anything that could be causing this.
And the 14th update is the latest version.
Im having an issue with not being able to see who my sims are attracted to in game after the update.
You have to enter Sim Profiles to see that information now!
yeah, i can’t see the profiles. They dont pop up for me unfortunately
You got custom traits installed?
Yes i do
That's most likely the reason for that issue then! Custom Traits need to be updated after the latest patch.
I'm having an issue with it not showing in my game
Is your game up to date? Is WonderfulWhims? Did you turn on Script Mods? Did you make sure you've installed it correctly?
it’s working now but, for the phone there a heart to check period tracker but, it doesn’t show up in the game I think that’s apart of it right?
Same problem here!
Do you have other mods installed?
es posible descargar versiones anteriores?
Sorry, we don't keep older versions around.
Hey there, with Woohoo Wellness (the compatible version) and MC Woohoo installed and patched, my female sim now gets pregnant from every woohoo. They have the Woohoo Wellness "used protection" moodlets but she is still pregnant. Any idea why that is? Thank you for your help :)
Hey! I'm not aware of anything that could be causing it at this moment. I would suggest testing it without MC WooHoo installed, as that was the most problematic mod. Perhaps it still can be problematic.
I recently updated my game and have the new EP installed. However, my game crashes on the second loading screen. I took out all my mods and narrowed it down to this mod. Even with JUST this mod in my game, it stops responding at the loading screen. I have tried taking out my saves and tray files. Could this issue be caused by the update itself? The game does load without the mod. But this mod makes the game enjoyable for me so I’d really like to continue using it. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Are you using the v7 release?
I did make sure to update to the v7 release before loading the new EP.
EDIT: I think I’ve figured out what was causing my game to crash. I had a corrupted file in my actual game folder. Idk why it was triggered by this mod, but after reinstalling the game, everything seems to work. Sorry for the trouble!
i downloaded updated version. My male sim is pregnant. I tried to donate the unborn baby but the wonderful whims doesnt show up in his phone
That should be fixed in the v7 release!
Hey turbo, I need your help🙏 I fully updated and cleaned up my game today and I installed Wonderful Whims, everything is working great except the Attractiveness system. I can't find it anywhere, I see the Wonderful option but the Attractiveness never appears. Help? 😅
I have the same issue :-(
Got the 11/11 Update and since then no more attractiveness in sight. The script file does appear in the custom content list.
Is it possible that it has to do with the new Sims Profiles? As I can not see the relationship status either, only when I click on "open sims profile" (don't like that very much tbh)
I found out my issue. I played with teens and before the attractions showed for teens as well, they don't anymore *sadface*
@RebekahKats you have to click on "open sims profile" now to see the attraction thingie.
after downloading the updated version my game won’t allow me to place furniture and continues to say “Script Call Failed” what do I do?
Hey. Sounds like you need to find the mod that's causing your issues.
Hi Turbo! This mod is great and I'm really enjoying it! The only thing is my sims basically will not get pregnant! Even when the chance of pregnancy is at 100% they just won't get pregnant! What should I do?
Hey! Are Sims using birth control? Maybe birth control pills are still active and you need to give them a little bit more time for them to be removed from the system? Sounds like you're using the Simple Mode, if WooHoo is between NPC Sims, did you increase the NPC Pregnancy Chance as well? Are both Sims configured appropriately in CAS, so one can get pregnant and another impregnate? Is there space in your household, as the max is 8 Sims? Are the Sims ghosts or servos?
It was a problem with birth control! Thank you!
I love this mod <3 But I have a big wish ^^ ° Would it be possible to activate the attractiveness for teenagers too? So that, for example, teenagers can find adults attractive and vice versa ...? :)
Hey. Maybe in the future, as some kind of external mod. For the most part, I'm following the core game behavior, so this isn't something to be included with WonderfulWhims.
it says i have the tuning package when i get into my game but nothing else how do i fix that the get the full mod
Hey. Sounds like you either didn't enable Script Mods or you didn't install the mod correctly. Please follow this instruction EXACTLY how it is showed. It's very important the 'WonderfulWhimsMod' folder is placed directly into the 'Mods' folder, you cannot do it any other way.
i did both and i'v loads of things but it wont work
You need the Script file to be visible as loaded on the list of loaded mods in the game. Loaded scripts are displayed at the bottom of that list. If you're missing the WonderfulWhims script file on that list, look at my previous comment, you didn't install the mod correctly.
this mod is still not working for me I downloaded it correctly.
What's your version of the game? Did you also install the mod correctly?
Hii! So, I'm having trouble buying and borrowing pads and tampons. I don't have the choice to buy them or ask for them with my female friends. And I was wondering is it because i need to update my version or download a different type.. I am using the newest version so It was confusing.
Hey! What do you mean you don't have the choice to buy them? You can either purchase them on a computer via the 'Wondeful' category or by using Build/Buy. And if you're using the v5 release, you can ask other Sims that have an active Menstrual Cycle for a pad/tampon if your Sim has an active Menstrual Cycle as well.
My sims will have a menstrual cycle. I go to my computer, and I look for the category, it doesn't have the category. I updated it to v5 multiple times. And I'm still having the difficulties..
Is it a base game computer you're clicking on or a CC computer? What's the version of your game? There's no known reason for the option not to show up.
hi! I’m currently having a problem with this mod, when my female sim gets pregnant, my male sim also gets pregnant at the same time. Is this a common glitch? Or do I need to change something in my game settings?
Are you using the v5 release?
Hi, I got the same thing happening. I first tought it might be aliens, but it says it's from whoohoo and he had no alien buffs while pregnant. If got the oct 19h download.
Hello ! everytime i downloade this mod, it doesn't work because there it says that the folder does not exist ,I already checked my virus program but there is nothing to be found.
hello! i was wondering what command i need to use to change one sim's personality to a different one (e.g. sage to artist, everyman to greedy, etc.). i was also wondering how exactly setting attractiveness works? the menus get a bit confusing for me. thanks for the help, love the mod!
You can use these commands to change them:
ww.set_major_personality_archetype <archetype>
ww.set_minor_personality_archetype <archetype>
everytime I download this mod, it doesn't work and it's in my mods folder..
Hey! Once you turn the game on, you can go to Game Settings and in the Other tab you can look at the list of loaded mods. Do you see the PACKAGE file in Mods section and TS4SCRIPT file in Scripts section?
it says the turbodriver_wonderfulwhims _scrips
and when I went in my game it says that it’s outdated version? But, I downloaded the one on the site that said October 19th the latest update unless there’s another update??
I was wondering if there is a way to remove babies donated to science from the family tree? I know there is a setting to allow/disallow family tree additions from miscarriage but this doesn't seem to apply to donated babies. Thanks! Great Work!
Hey. Maybe in the future, currently you cannot.
Hey Turbo! I love this mod! Is it possible to disable the period-system of wonderful whims so that I can usw the SOL period-system and don't have both? I didn't find anything in the settings. Hope you can help me. :-)
Hey! Yeah, you can either disable individual elements in Menstrual Cycle settings or switch 'Pregnancy Mode' to 'Simple'. Once you do that, you must disable the 'Native Pregnancy Override' setting, this will let other mods take control. All of this is under 'Pregnancy Settings' category.
the mod doesn't work for me, I did everything correct :( help
my game version is 1.65.70
Please open the mod page and right at the top read the "Supported Game Versions" section.