Update - WickedWhims v174h
Supported Game Versions:
1.93.146 (Nov 22), 1.94.147 (Jan 17), 1.95.207 (Jan 31)
Make sure to remove old mod files before installation!
❗❗❗ Due to a game bug, make sure to not save on the Manage Worlds screen. Saving the game on the Manage Worlds screen creates faulty save slots and cannot be properly recognized by mods, so you could encounter issues.
❗ If the tongue or penis is appearing floating/stretched/distorted (even when Sim is not having sex) then you need to delete incompatible/outdated mods affecting tongues and/or penises. Here's a list of known PACKAGE files causing issues:
- Azmodan22_UpdatedRig.package
- Denton47_Rigs.package
- NANDONG_yfHeadDefault.package
- NANDONG_ymHeadDefault.package
- NANDONG_yfHead Default Replacement without EA Eyelash.package
- NANDONG_ymHead Default Replacement without EA Eyelash.package
- NANDONG_OverideSliderHeadJawMouthForTongueCompability.package
- TongueDefaultFurryRerigLV.package

⚠️ New save system, better get familiar with what that means.
- All of your current WickedWhims save data will be automatically converted to the new system. You can just continue playing.
- The new save system is not compatible with previous releases, so once you install this release and save your game, you cannot go back to the previous releases without loss of WickedWhims save data.
- Make sure to save during gameplay, due to a game bug, avoid saving on the Manage Worlds screen to have the best game consistency.
- Changelog -
v174h (March 13th / Before Growing Together)
❗ NOT COMPATIBLE with the Growing Together (1.96.365 / March 14th) game patch.
- Changed Sexual Orientation behavior to better match the game
By default, for Sims to perceive others as sexually compatible, they must match their Romantic and WooHoo preference when Exploring Romantically (or only have WooHoo preference but no Romantic preference).
For Sims that are not Exploring Romantically, only matching WooHoo preference is needed, as that Sim was made specifically to use WooHoo preference. Which lets you define things exactly the way you want it.
This change assures that existing Sims are backward compatible with the past gender preference behavior without the need for the player to correct anything. Newly created Sims that are set to not be Exploring Romantically will behave exactly as configured in CAS. Basically, you have more control if you choose to, but otherwise things are staying the same.
- Made romance sex autonomy require at least 10% romance bar
- Fixed being able to romance Eternally Faithful Sims
- Fixed NPC Sims being unable to reach climax
- wait, where is g? i didn't like the letter lol
v174f (March 1st)
- Increased Watching Sex ideal distance
- Added ability to Enable/Disable Windows for Peeping
- Improved quality of animations Sex Progression
- Made sex animations stages progress correctly even when in-between animations are disabled
In a situation where you dislike some sex animations in a connected sequence, you can disable these animations and the whole sequence will still play as expected, but without the animations you dislike.
- Made next picked sex animation favor the currently used animation's author
To retain discoverability and variety, this is still mostly random, but the currently playing author will be used more often to help the consistency of playing animations.
- Added 'Sex Location Maximum Distance' sex autonomy setting
The distance at which Sims will travel to a sex location has now been limited to 100 units. This should help with cases where Sims run to some far away place to have public sex, but it will most likely decrease the amount of public sex you encounter.
- Made 'Make a Move' interaction try using potential nearby sex locations first
- Fixed the 'Fear of Being Cheated On' removing the Polyamorous Wicked Attribute (trait)
- Fixed being able to 'Become Casual Sex Partners' when sexual preference is incompatible
v174e (February 16th)
- Fixed Sims watching sex not attempting to begin masturbating
- Extended the number of available animations used for masturbating from watching sex
- Increased the probability of Sims watching sex after reacting to it
- Fixed the 'Climax Sex Animations' sex setting affecting all animations instead of just climax animations
- Fixed height sliders resetting when loading a save with Sims already having sex
- Fixed jealousy of Sims in sex not working when any participating Sim prevents jealousy
- Fixed vampire Sims without the 'Sun Resistance' perk picking sex locations outdoors during the day
- Fixed compatibility issues with Noir's pubic hair mods
- Fixed first time players messages not showing up
- Added support for Mercuryfoam dancing pole
v174d (January 26th)
- Reset and Reworked the 'Slow Down Time During Player Sex' setting
When using the Slow Down Time setting some players might have noticed that the responsiveness of Sims is... slow. That's because playable Sims having sex are slowing down time which slows down how fast actions happen, reducing expected responsiveness. This might look like the game is lagging, even though it's happening on purpose.
The new 'Slow Down Time During Active Player Sex' setting only slows down time when a player Sim in sex is currently selected, otherwise time is not slowed down and playable Sims outside of sex won't be affected by it.
- Fixed Attractiveness developing preferences for multiple Sims defaulting to Common Developing Method
- Fixed temporary outfits that include nudity permanently modifying regular outfits
- Small improvements to the pose player
v174c (January 19th)
- Added undressable support for CherryOrchard's (Harmonia Sims) CC clothing
Thank you to CherryOrchard (Harmonia Sims) for helping with the implementation of new undressable clothing. Consider checking out their content!
⭐ Download 10+ Undressable CC Clothing by CherryOrchard
⭐ And more coming soon on Harmonia Sims Patreon
- Added context sex tags to all MOTHERLODESIMS sex animations
- Made romance sex autonomy check cooldown between both Sims
- Fixed NPC Sims having lewd dreams at random times
- Fixed shuffled playlists causing an error
- Fixed Casual Sex Partner relationship icon only showing up on one side
- Fixed Sims having a negative reaction to nudity on lots with nudity lot traits
- Fixed Attractiveness preferences selector not letting you deselect options
- Added a warning when accessing settings files failed
v174b (January 3rd)
- Added undressable support for SStormyy's CC clothing
Although Sstormyy is not an active creator right now, thanks to Nevely42 you can use their clothing with undressable support. Thank you Nevely for handling the implementation, check out Nevely's content and animations!
▶ Download Undressable CC clothing by Sstormyy
- Fixed responsiveness issues when playing with Lumpinou's RPO mods
- Fixed Sex Stamina missing when loading into a save
- Fixed mermaids tail breaking for Sims with a penis
- Fixed Sims height sliders reverting when saving with running sex
- Added Auto Fix button for zeroed save warning notification
New Save System
- Completely reworked the save system
The save system is now completely integrated with the base game format, following standard conventions and solutions which assure stability and reliability. No more weird hidden households or do_not_remove Sims.
Due to a game bug, make sure to save when in gameplay, as saving at the Manage Worlds screen can cause small issues with loading custom mod save data.
❗ Majority of the save data is now handled by base game formats, but some complex data is saved externally in the 'complex_save_data' folder, make sure to never delete it. You're free to delete the 'save_data_backup' folder once you decide to stay with this release.
⚠️ Warning! Saving the game with this new save system will prevent that save from downgrading, so make sure to save on a new save slot before beginning to play.
Most of your existing save data should be automatically converted to the new save format. Notable exceptions are disabled sex locations and selected strapons on Sims. Sorry about the inconvenience, some data is now stored in a whole new way and I had no safe way to convert it.
New Settings System
- Introduced Settings Profiles
To keep settings reliable, they are no longer directly saved within the game save. Settings are now saved as independent external files called "profiles". Profiles can be used by any game save and altered at any time across all game saves that use the same profile.
A new profile is created for every new game and subsequent game save slots will continue to use the same profile.
You can now make a profile with your favorite settings and use it in every game save, altering any settings will apply to every other existing game save or new game saves that use this profile.
❕ Changes done in settings are now instantly saved and remain regardless if you saved the game.

- Added 'Sexual Stamina' motive during sex
- Added 'Sexual Stamina Motive Switch' Advanced Sex Interaction Setting
The ability to see how much has sex progressed or how close are Sims to finish was always missing. With the 'Sexual Stamina' motive, which is synchronized for all Sims in a sex interaction, you can tell when Sims are going to be done. This motive only appears during sex and replaces the 'Social' need.
Not all modded Occults/Transformations are supported to display this motive, but if there's a way to make it compatible, I will update it.

- Added 'Discreet Sex Mode' setting
Tired of seeing the 'Wicked' category on every object you click? Here's a solution that might work for you. By enabling the 'Discreet Sex Mode' you hide all of the 'Wicked' categories on all* objects unless the actively played Sim is talking to someone that is allowed to have sex with them. This way you only get to see the options to begin sex on objects if your Sim is talking to someone. Additionally, you can flag individual Sims to always have sex options available.
* - all objects except beds, so you still have an option available in case you need it.
- Added 'New' option when selecting sex animations
You will now see the new 'New' button when selecting sex animations which will perform the new functionality of showing you new sex animations that should be new to you... meaning that you haven't previously tried that sex animation. Hopefully this will help you find something new you like 😉

- [Get Famous] Sims now gain negative reputation when encountered during sex in a negative context
When an NPC Sim encounters a Playable Sim or when a Playable Sim encounters an NPC Sim during sex there's a possibility of that affecting their Public Image Reputation. This will usually happen when a Sim isn't happy with someone having sex at certain locations or with certain someone else.
- [Discover University] Sims can now have sex with their professor to improve their grades
If you can figure out who is your professor at your university, you can use a new persuasion tactic to improve your grades!
- [Get to Work] Added an ability to make Sims Promiscuous with the SimRay
Similar to vampire powers, you can now upgrade the SimRay to make Sims way more interested in having sex. Remember that this doesn't bypass Sims personality restrictions.
- [Seasons] Added 'Sexual Openness' tradition
During a holiday with the 'Sexual Openness' tradition, Sims are more likely to have sex out in the open and agree to have sex with others.
- [Realm of Magic] Added 'Promiscuoso' Untamed spell to make Sims crazy about sex
Yet another way to get Sims to have sex, but this time magical and with a dose of craziness. Sims charmed with the Promiscuoso spell will actively look for a partner to quench their lust.
To obtain this spell you need to visit the Magic Realm and purchase the Tome of Promiscuoso.
- Added support for 'Asking for Sex' when sitting down
How was that not already a thing? Sims will no longer stand up and look for a place to just ask, they can now do it when sitting down or sitting close together.
Added 'Always Accept Sex Watching' sex cheat
- Fixed managing playlists and disabling animations sometimes opening the incorrect window
- Fixed the 'WooHoo with ...' Want not completing with sex
- Fixed using lube decreasing quantity from all objects in the stack
- Fixed tongues sometimes missing from sex animations
- Fixed sex locations not being reserved during sex
- Reworked how interactions are blocked during sex
Sex/Nudity - Services Discounts
- Made some hireable services cheaper through nudity and sex
Repair, Gardener, Pizza Delivery, and Eco Inspector services are cheaper after greeting them while naked or after having sex with them. Some restrictions apply depending on what the service Sim likes.
Due to how the game handles service Sims, this can be a little tricky to pull off, so it's best to interact with the service worker after they are done with their job.
Sex Party Social Event
- Introduced Sex Party Social Event
- Added 5 Sex Party Behaviors (Regular, Swingers, Watchers, Impregnation, Masturbation)
- Added an ability to Allow/Disallow Joining to Sex
You can now organize a Sex Party social event and invite whoever you want to participate! Just open your Sim phone, select 'Plan a Social Event' and pick the 'Sex Party' event from the list. Participating Sims will autonomously begin to have sex and follow the rules you set for them.

No matter how you start the event, at any moment you can change its behavior by clicking on a Sex Party participant and navigating to the 'Change Sex Party Behavior to...' category.
The "Regular" Sex Party behavior makes Sims follow the usual standard rules of sex autonomy where they select a suitable partner and location to have sex at.
The "Swingers" Sex Party behavior requires Sims to pick a partner that is not their significant other or spouse and have sex with them. Sims that don't have a significant other/spouse can still participate like usual.
The "Watchers" Sex Party behavior prevents Sims from engaging in sex and will instead make them watch any currently ongoing sex. If nobody is having sex... well... that will be a bad sex party.
The "Impregnation" Sex Party behavior is a lot like the Regular one except Sims will avoid using any birth control methods and their chances to become pregnant are increased.
The "Masturbation" Sex Party behavior requires Sims to masturbate without the ability to join or invite other Sims.
Switching the "Allow/Disallow Joining to Sex" option lets you control if Sims are supposed to group up in one big sex instance or form individual sex instances. This setting is by default set to disallow joining so sex in a group won't occur unless allowed.
Thank you to Grim for providing the social event preview image!
Casual Sex Partners Relationship
- Added 'Casual Sex Partners' relationship type
- Added 'Become Casual Sex Partners' social interaction
At some point in a relationship, you can proposition to become Casual Sex Partners, which is like Friends with Benefits but better! Well, it's only better because it can be Enemies with Benefits too. Anything with Benefits really. You can confirm if the Casual Sex Partnership is in play by checking the Sim Profile.
No matter which way their relationships and life goes, your casual sex partners will be there to fulfill your sexual needs.
- Added booty calls with multiple unique phone messages
Or perhaps you can come to the rescue and fulfill their sexual needs! You will occasionally receive text messages from your casual sex partners asking if you could come over to their place.
Thank you to Husk for contributing writing!

Lewd Dreams
- Sims can now have lewd dreams involving other Sims they know
- Added 'Morning Wood / Morning Dew' moodlets
- Added 'Lewd Dreaming Switch' setting to Relationship Settings
All Sims in the world will now have lewd dreams about other Sims they know and find attractive. The Sims that are around and currently sleeping will display a thought balloon above their head with the Sim they are having a dream about.
Successful lewd dreams come with a temporary relationship boost towards the Sim they dreamed about that makes them more willing to agree to sex. This can be really useful if a Sim you find attractive just had a lewd dream involving you.
Thanks to Ella Noir for helping with writing!

Sex Autonomy
- Added 'Sex Autonomy Probability' interactions
- Removed 'Sex Animations Memory' and 'Sex Locations Memory' functionality
The Sex Animations and Locations Memory systems were meant to help balance the usage frequency of animations and locations by Sims, but it's hard to measure how impactful that implementation was.
Instead of leaving it to the machine, Sex Animations are used more frequently when they are marked as favorite, and Locations are used more frequently with the use of Sex Autonomy Probability interactions.
With Sex Autonomy Probability you can adjust all objects within a category or specific objects likeliness of sex autonomous usage. Or just disable an object from being used.
Simply click on an object and go to Wicked -> Sex Control.
- Added 'Display Sex Autonomy Room Info' debug interaction
- Improved sex autonomy environment detection
Normally I wouldn't mention debug functionalities, but this one is built for player usage. You can access 'Sex Autonomy Room Info' by Shift+Clicking on an object inside of an enclosed space and go to Wicked -> Sex -> Display Sex Autonomy Room Info.
What is Sex Autonomy Room information useful for? Maybe clearing up some confusion. Sims know where to have sex thanks to this information, but you might not understand why they pick that specific room for sex. Now you can check what Sims see and why would they choose a specific location. Additionally, if the information you're seeing doesn't make sense, that might help me further balance the environment detection code.
Sex Animations (for animators)
- Added 'object_material_state' and 'prop_material_state' variables
- Added 'GEOMETRY_STATE' and 'MATERIAL_STATE' event types
Continuing with expanding animating capabilities, I was asked for the ability to adjust objects material state. This lets animators change certain objects visuals, like making the treadmill actually turn on when used.
And to allow for timing it and changing as the animation progresses, new event types were added for it too.
- Made all events not end immediately by default
All events now end after 9999 seconds to avoid them instantly stopping when added without an end timecode. Not necessary, but it should save some animators time.
- Fixed Sims on period leaking even when pad/tampon is being used
- Fixed birth control compatibility with WooHoo/TFB interactions
- Updated male body bottom
Thank You to Noir for the continuous effort to improve the default body models and Thank You to Khlas for helping with the technical implementation.
- [Get to Work] Added an ability to undress Sims with the SimRay
With the Outfit Changing upgrade installed on your SimRay you can make Sims change into nothing.
- [Get Famous] Sims now gain negative reputation when seen naked/peeping/peeing in a negative context
Same kind of deal, when an NPC Sim encounters a Playable Sim or when a Playable Sim encounters an NPC Sim naked, window peeping, or peeing there's a possibility of that affecting their Public Image Reputation.
- [Seasons] Added 'Embrace Nudity' tradition
During a holiday with the 'Embrace Nudity' tradition, Sims have no shame and are easier to convince to become Nudity Enthusiasts or Exhibitionists.
- [Realm of Magic] Added 'Nudellio' Untamed spell to introduce Sims to Naturism and get naked
This isn't just a way to get Sims naked, as casting Nudellio on another Sim will turn them into a Nudity Enthusiast as well. And be careful when using this spell, failing to cast it properly will put a temporary curse on your Sim.
To obtain this spell you need to visit the Magic Realm and purchase the Tome of Nudellio.

- Added an ability to undress clothing with multiple undressing stages
- Added undressable support for Athena's, Blue Craving's, and Beto's CC clothing
Undress-a-what? Yeah, I don't know either, but anyway, Custom Content clothing that comes with multiple stages of undressing can now be comfortably used during gameplay or sex. At this moment, you will have the best experience when using the default female body. Once you dress up a Sim with "undressable" clothing, simply click on them and go to Wicked -> Naturism/Exhibitionism -> Undressable.
Right now you can download compatible undressable clothing from Athena, Blue Craving, and Beto to give it a try yourself.
❕ This feature is not available with the Censorship Mode enabled.
Thank you to Athena for early help and implementation of new clothing, I couldn't have finished this without your involvement!
Athena Patreon
Athena Website
⭐ Download 70+ Undressable CC Clothing by Athena
Thank you to Blue Craving for helping with the implementation of new clothing. Check out what they have to offer!
⭐ Download 20+ Undressable CC Clothing by Blue Craving
⭐ And more on
Blue Craving Patreon
Thank you to Beto for handling the implementation of new undressable clothing. Check out his content!
⭐ Download 25+ Undressable CC Clothing by Beto
⭐ And more on
Beto Patreon

Body Selector
- Expanded body choices for mixed genders
Sims that have an altered body frame can now access more options in the Body Selector to better fit the needs of the modified body shape. This should allow you to fix occasional visual glitches when an opposing gender model is being used by default.
- Added automatic body detail overlays for revealing clothing
One big issue with adding Undressable clothing was that it wouldn't properly display the nude body details... so I fixed it.
All Undressable clothing or supported clothing will automatically display the nude body model texture, if supported, so things like nipples texture isn't missing anymore.
Nude body models creators can add support for this by adding the "detail overlay" texture to the configuration. And clothing creators can add their clothing to be recognized as revealing to display these textures.
- Added texture-less variants of default female top and bottom nude model
If you use overlay texture details in CAS to set Sim breasts or genital details and want to keep the default WickedWhims nude models, you can now select the "Textureless" variant in the Body Selector.
- Reworked the underwear implementation
Reworking and limiting the underwear system was one of the sacrifices necessary for the new save system to work, but it's not all doom and gloom!
The new underwear system lets you create three sets of underwear that you can change into at any time. Instead of underwear being assigned to an outfit, these underwear sets are now independent and can be combined with any outfit. Sims will always undress to the last used underwear set unless you choose a different one.
You do have fewer underwear sets in total, but you do get more flexibility which underwear set is used when and with which outfit.
Window Peeping
- Added tapping on the window for attention
To expand on the fun of peeping and make things more dynamic, you can now tap on the window to get purposely caught. If you don't know, getting caught isn't always a bad thing, as some Sims will instead invite you inside 😋
Thanks to wild_guy for continuing to provide animations for the peeping feature.
- Made inviting and teasing grayed out with a reason when not available
To make it more clear when inviting a peeping Sim inside is possible, you will now see a message informing you about having to be in the room the peeping Sim is looking into.
- Window Peeping now increases the Mischief skill
- Fixed invited peeping Sims displaying a sex question
- Fixed invited peeping Sims displaying the goodbye message when leaving
Creep NPC
- Added Creep NPC Sims
- Added Creep NPC Settings
When you see a country peach laying out at the beach...
You of course... creep. Which is what will happen when naked Sims are present at some public venues. Random Sims from the world will sometimes show up and have a good look at the naked bodies present at the place. It's hard not to bring attention to yourself when you're constantly flashing everybody.
Creep NPC Sims will usually show up once a day at some public venues when a naked Sims is present and follow them. And if they get too annoying, you can ask them politely to leave or threaten them if being nice doesn't work. Or if you're happy to have their attention, you can give them a better angle too.
If you don't like Sims creeping around, disable them by going into Nudity Settings -> Occurrence & Autonomy Settings -> Creep NPC Settings.

- Added support for the Loyal trait
- Fixed 'Fear of Being Cheated On' appearing when jealousy is disabled
Eternally Faithful
- Added 'Eternally Faithful' Wicked Attribute (trait)
Something for married couples! The Eternally Faithful Wicked Attribute can only be applied to married Sims, which are then only capable of romancing with their True Love.
Additionally, Sims with this trait receive a moodlet when around their True Love that always makes them retain more Fun and Social.
Thanks to Jarl44 for providing the writing!

Socially Avoidant
- Added the 'Socially Avoidant' Wicked Attribute (trait)
Sims with the 'Socially Avoidant' trait will simply never want to talk to anybody and other Sims will never try to talk to them. This works great with the Loner trait if you want to create a Sim that doesn't seek conversations. Otherwise, you can use it for Sims that you don't want to see being social in public.
- Reworked, Rebalanced, and Simplified Attractiveness
It's faster, cleaner, prettier, more stable, easier to understand, and ready to make an impact. Many aspects have been altered, simplified, combined with other elements, or simply removed to declutter.
⚠️ Warning! Yes, this means that existing Sims Attractiveness preferences will be altered and their view of other Sims will change. There is no way to avoid it, progressing forward while sticking with the old system was simply not possible. If your Sim sees everybody as unattractive, you might need to develop their preferences manually.
Oh, and icons now fit the style 🎉
- Added Strong Attractiveness
Selecting or developing preferences can feel like it doesn't matter, making you think that the individual selected likes and dislikes just don't change much. That's where Strong Attractiveness can make your selections impactful.
With Strong Attractiveness you can select up to three likes and dislikes that are the most important and these will have the biggest influence on how others are perceived. If there's something specific you care about the most, make it a Strong Preference and it will have a strong impact.
- Added the ability to 'Split Preferences Per Male & Female'
Sims that are open to relationships with everybody can now split their preferences into Male Sims and Female Sims. You can still select Universal preferences that will apply to everybody but are adjusted with Male/Female specific preferences depending on the perceived Sim.
Splitting Sims preferences is a manual action and requires manually selecting preferences. Developing preferences will only be done to Universal preferences.
- Added 'Attractiveness Blacklisted' Wicked Attribute (trait)
Although Attractiveness Ambivalent Sims would ignore the looks of other Sims, that would not exclude them from the world of superficial refinement appraisal. Sims that are Attractiveness Blacklisted will not see or be seen by other Sims through the attractiveness feature.
- Fixed Unflirty and Sexually Abstinent Sims giving Suggestive Looks
Added 'Impressions Hints Switch' setting back
Added support for personality traits made by Chingyu, Kuttoe, and Kiara
- Fixed Impressions preventing social group context from displaying
Wicked Notebook
- Added the Wicked Notebook (Wicked Memories)
It can be a little difficult to remember everything about every Sim. Sometimes you just want to keep track of things you did with a Sim and sometimes you just want to refresh your memory with things you learned in the past. Future updates will introduce even more things you might want to know about Sims and having it all easily accessible to check is necessary.
The Wicked Notebook will currently keep track of basic sexual acts you've had with that Sim, your unique relationship status, their perceived attractiveness, and their personality archetypes. If you don't know something, check the notebook to learn.

Sims Protocols
- Added Sims Protocols for altering Sims sex, nudity, relationship, and other behavior
Sims Protocols is a feature that allows you to alter Sims behavior by defining their privileges and restrictions.
Select Sims to alter, set new rules for them to obey, and watch the game work the way you want it. This is a simple feature, yet very powerful. It might seem overwhelming, but you don't need to use it to enjoy playing with WickedWhims. If you're interested, here's how it works and what you can do.
1. First step is to create a Protocol and add Sims to it. You can either add Sims individually or add them in groups using categories. Simply select which Sims you want to alter or/and categories of Sims you want to alter.
2. Next step is to set the rules of the Protocol. Currently, they are focused on preventing things from happening, but more rules can be added that do the opposite or modify behavior rather than just banning it.
Tip: Rules that specify "Sims Inside Protocol" mean Sims that are added to the Protocol in the first step. The rule will only apply to the Sims you selected and this is the default state when the rule does not specify which Sims are affected. Rules that specify "Sims Outside Protocol" mean all of the Sims that were not added to the Protocol in the first step. The rule will only apply to the Sims that aren't selected.
3. Included in this step is setting restrictions of the Protocol, but that's optional. Does it only apply during the day? Does it only happen outdoors? Should it only matter at a specific venue? Or maybe even at a specific location in the game? You can adjust all of these things using restrictions.
4. Last step is to name it and give it a pretty icon. All of the Protocols you create are saved and ready to be modified or deleted. To remember which is which and what they do, giving them a good name or icon is essential. So consider doing that.
And you're done.
Here are two examples of Protocols you can create in your game to give an idea of what you could do:
- I have a household of two roommates. One of them is a big Nudity Enthusiast and the other isn't. They have big respect for each other so they shouldn't be naked in the same room, but being naked at public venues is fine. So I created a new Protocol, added the two Sims into it, set the "Disallow Nudity Around Sims Inside Protocol" rule, set the "Location: At Home" restriction, gave it a "No Nudity Household" name and the leaf icon, and done. These Sims will no longer be naked around each other when at home, respecting each other the way I intended.
- In my adventures of building Servos I created a lot of them, populating the world with robots. They would go around having sex with everybody, but I didn't like the idea of it. So I created a new Protocol, added a category of Servo Sims which always includes all existing Servos in the game, set the "Disallow Sex Autonomy" rule, gave it a "No Sex For Robots" name and the robot icon, and done. Servo Sims will no longer attempt to have sex with anybody unless asked to.
- Improved overall performance and loading times
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